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Posts posted by AmyJo

  1. Hello dear everybody!


    I hope everyone is well and Happy Tuesday to you. I am beyond tired but it has been a good work week so far. Planes and automobiles, no trains this time. [smilie=th_thanimeomega_emoticon


    Maggie, I love dragonflies too, although I don't collect them. They can be friendly little fellows. [smilie=th_smilies-2]


    Honeybear, I had to laugh along with Debra when you said that someone else decided you should collect flamingoes. [smilie=th_laughing] And you're right - I always feel bad choosing which scents will come with me on a trip, like I'm hurting the other ones' feelings. [smilie=th_cry2yw3]


    Debra, well done on your ban!! I salute you!


    Aria! Good to see you. Yes...when the kids go off to school...this is tough but hopefully he will love this experience. I'm sending you a hug. And how exciting for Ozzy to come home again!!


    Michele, I hope you enjoyed the movie! Sounds like you've had some beautiful scents going.


    Mpfand, I'm right there with you - I want to melt those fall scents!!!


    Susan and Maggie, apple and pear together are way up on my list, too.


    Well of course I left the new tea light melter at home - although I brought the tea lights and matches! - so tonight I stopped at Walmart and bought a replacement. I have three melters going, two in the hotel bedroom and one in the bath. This is too much - my eyes are watering so I have to turn them off. However, they smell incredible:


    Scented Squirrel Lovespell and Lemon - lemon, citrus zest, clementine, and Lovespell. Ohhhhhh lovely.


    Scented Squirrel Lovespell and Tropical Something (I'm sorry but that one is in the bath and I'm too tired to get up) - also divine.


    Sleep well everybody!

  2. Good morning all,


    It's good to "see" everybody and I hope all of you are enjoying your weekends.


    Getting ready to head to the airport after lunch and in my usual pre-trip mixture of sadness and anticipation. Thanks everybody for the safe travel wishes!


    Honeybear, I'm so glad your DH is back to good health. That sounded a bit scary.


    Maggie, that Southbound Pure Bliss is one of my faves and now that you mention it, I may have to take a cube of that along on the trip. That's a gorgeous, strong scent and it may be too much for a hotel room. Maybe I will have an openable window. Also, I nearly ordered that WoofWicks Candied Cherry scent, and I hope that curing will perk it up for you -- that description is amazing.


    Debra, isn't it funny how temperatures are all about our reference point - I can imagine that yes, you are freezing at 70 after weeks of the 90s. At 70, I'm starting to complain about how hot it is. [smilie=th_laughing]


    Also Debra, thankfully I have no other collections. One (large) rabbit hole is enough. [smilie=th_thanimeomega_emoticon Over the years, there have been others...Beanie Babies...chickens, when we had a farm...motorcycles...


    Mpfand, I agree, a little bit tired of the summer scents and trying to remember that I love them!


    Michele...I hope all of your VCS orders are glorious...I remember back in March when I had three Zeep orders all coming within days of one another...and now I have numerous Bathing Garden orders stacked up. I keep reminding myself, as addictions go, we have chosen one that creates beauty and really doesn't hurt anybody.


    Also, Michele - this morning I tried again with the VCS Root Beer Float, that we both had trouble with - and it has come to life! It still won't knock anybody down -- I used an entire Blossom Bar over three melters - but it smells beautiful and has filled the house. Finally! I guess it's about 3 months from pour date and for VCS, VRC and Zeep, that seems to be a magic number. I hope yours will finally give you some throw!


    Well it's a giftie morning from sweet CF pals - thank you!!:


    CFTKR Birthday Cake Zucchini - ohhhhh are there enough good words to praise Carol's wax?? This was a small adorable cupcake - I put it in the bedroom - and I can smell it through the rest of the house. Gorgeous.


    Homemade Blackberry Sage - this is so beautiful! Perfect blending! Sometimes the vendors overdo the sage (which I love the scent but it can wipe out the blackberry) and this is divine!


    CFTKR Graham Crackers - on the enclosed porch - sooooo comforting.


    Thanks friends!

    Have a fine Sunday all.

  3. Good morning ladies,


    I hope everyone is well. It seems to be steaming up again. It is still August, after all!


    Getting ready for a road trip for work this week, leaving tomorrow and home by Thursday night. I have the all-important traveling wax already picked out. This time it's scent cups. They should travel better and not cause smearing - I am always sad beautiful waxies look messy inside their bags.


    Susan, that sounds like a great evening and I'm glad your and your BF had fun at the football game.


    Mpfand, welcome home from OR!


    Debra and Michele - I agree, I always look at samplers and love to buy them! - but then they sit there and stare at me and make me anxious. Still they are beautiful and always call my name.


    Well this morning it seems like we all got hit by the same CFOW desire!

    It's CFOW Pinata - a big favorite - Marshmallow, Vanilla, Cotton Candy - just as sweet as can be.


    Enjoy your weekend, everyone.

  4. Hello all!


    It's been a busy work day but I want to check in and say [smilie=th_Hello_] !


    Debra, I'm glad you finally got some rain, and actually recognized it. [smilie=th_laughing]


    Maggie, thanks for the info on Pure Integrity! *another vendor I shouldn't look at yet* I'm glad you got to have a friends brunch - life is so much richer with our friends.


    Aw gee Michele and Maggie...I didn't want to cause anxiety over that sampler, I'm sorry...I was getting anxious just looking at it. That was a big sampler and it kept staring at me. Weren't there 15 or 20 of those moon cakes in there? It was a lot of gorgeous wax. Finally I just put it on a schedule and worked through it. This is what happens to me when I have ordered too much. It isn't as enjoyable or relaxed as I would like it to be. *will I ever learn....*


    Speaking of schedule, my current effort is to get through the numerous VCS Blossom Bars I ordered in May. The good news is, they have cured beautifully and are just stunning! Last evening I started a Rose Bar in Mayfair (strawberry, orange, and cream) - and they outdid themselves with that one. So beautiful. [smilie=th_LOVE]


    I'm working at the away office today but this morning I had started another VCS:

    Queen Mary - driftwood, ozone, sea air, water lily - same as a couple of days ago - I love this one and as mentioned these Blossom Bars are on a schedule... [smilie=th_ee29]


    Have a great day all -

  5. Hi Michele! Oh how lovely to be headed to the beach again!


    I'm glad you found some beautiful fall scents from VCS. It is difficult to resist the fall offerings, isn't it? Everything sounds wonderful...I love the Autumn so much.


    I agree with you... I'm committed to knocking out the rest of my summer stash before I start melting more than tidbits of Fall scents to try them out. Even this is tough but I keep reminding myself that we are still very much in the summer, and we should enjoy the moment!


    Take care, enjoy the beach once you arrive! ????

  6. Good morning dear ladies!


    I hope everyone is well. It is 54 F this morning in SW Ohio and ahhhhhh this is so lovely. It's all I can do to keep melting summer scents. Apparently next week is high 80's again so I will have incentive.


    Maggie and Debra, thank you for making me feel better about breaking my ban. It's nice to know I'm not alone in my errant ways. [smilie=th_ahaaha]


    Tomorrow WoofWicks is releasing their Fall Sampler - ten pawprints of delicious scents - and it's safe to say that my ban is again in danger. Perhaps I should just say, I'm on a ban unless something wonderful comes up. [smilie=th_aa17]


    Susan, I love Strawberry Rhubarb so much - that sounds delicious. Who is PI?


    Honeybear - how is DH doing with his recovery from the wisdom teeth / reaction to the antibiotic? I hope he is feeling better.


    Debra - is Miss Kit doing well now?


    Yesterday I received a fabulous goodie box from a dear CF friend [smilie=thank_you] - and my sniffer has put in overtime going through it again and again:


    Last night it was:

    Spotted Hog Perfect Pumpkin Pie - I just cut a little piece to try - and ohhhh my goodness! [smilie=th_LOVE] - No wonder this vendor is known for her Fall scents!! My DH said, you need to order more of that! [smilie=th_laughing] This is good because as you may recall I made a big order on Tuesday... [smilie=th_biggestgrin]


    And this morning it's:

    Golden Willow Pink Sugar Beach Hair - [smilie=th_slider_flirt] - soooo wonderful - the pink sugar with the driftwood - ozone - water lily - sea air, just divine. I'm glad I saved half for another session.


    Have a lovely day!

  7. Good afternoon ladies,


    A hectic work day but I wanted to say [smilie=th_hello]


    Honeybear - yikes, I hope your DH is feeling better! On the happier side, enjoy reorganizing your stash. You found five drawers of your homemade waxies! Your wax is so beautiful - that's like hidden treasure. [smilie=yes]


    Ladies, I admire your strength. I'm back on my ban, but it was a blowout - not only did I order from TBG, but I *may* have picked up a few gorgeous Fall items from Spotted Hog (what an amazing assortment of waxies!!!) and Southbound. So I have crawled, with difficulty, back on the wagon. "Hi, I'm Amy...it's been one day since I've ordered any wax..." [smilie=bagover]


    So this morning it's the last of the SGA Beach Night Sampler:

    SGA Blackberry Beach Nights - just scrumptious. That was a fine sampler. I must admit to being relieved to see it end, however! [smilie=th_cha40]


    Have a great day everyone.

  8. Hello ladies and good morning,


    Hope everyone is well and perhaps getting some cooler weather this week?


    Maggie, your big Italian dinner sounds so lovely and I know the girls will miss being home, and that you will miss them. [smilie=_smileyfacehugging_] I hope all the last-minute preparations went well.


    Also Maggie - I looked at Spotted Hog and they have some of the scents you mentioned - they have lots of adorable little goblins and bats and skulls and...I had to hightail it out of there. Next year....


    Debra, you are wise - best not to look at TBG. [smilie=th_yeahthat]


    I forgot to mention that we did bathe the beagles on Sunday. They are soft and lovely. It is raining and muddy outside so we shall see how long this lasts. For the moment, they are sweet-smelling.


    Well this morning I've been enjoying Super Tart gifties from a sweet CF pal: [smilie=th_teks0311]


    ST Immortal Child - Pink Sugar, Sweet Lavender Cream, Buttercream, Strawberry, White Birthday Cake - absolutely lovely, comforting, dreamy.


    ST Beauty and the Beast - Blackberry, Lucky Charms - delicious!


    Have a good Tuesday all!

  9. Greetings ladies and Happy Monday!


    Beautiful sunrise this morning. Perhaps we will have a few dry days. Everything is very lush from all of the recent rain. [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr


    Maggie, thank you for all of the SH autumn scents! I do love all of the Fall choices. And your coffee scents all sound tempting - I loooooooove coffee scents so much.


    Susan, also thank you for the SH info and I will be sure to avoid the lickey lime one.


    Debra, I'm glad you had such a great time at the reunion - AND found a new wax buddy!


    Mpfand - your homemade blueberry pie has me [smilie=th_drool33456183iw4] !!


    The baby shower yesterday was beautiful. It was for a family friend, probably the most beautiful young lady I've ever known, both in appearance and in her gentle, sweet spirit. Everyone who attended received a teddy bear as a gift - it's so soft and I feel like I'm five years old again, to be so tickled with it. She looked impossibly lovely and radiant, and there was so much happiness in that room.


    Well, as of 06:59 this morning, I broke my wax ban. It was for a worthy cause. Out of nowhere, The Bathing Garden released The Apple Collection. I am only human. Had I known this was coming, I would have already planned to break the ban - so I should amend my ban rules to say: for ANY new activity from TBG or CFTKR, all bets are off. I ordered one of just about everything in this collection. Exquisite new scents...a lattice pie with apple and cardamom....little dipped apples....


    I now see that there is a discount code...more about that in a moment.


    Back on the wagon!

    Have a fine day -

  10. I haven't... When I was young, I was very skinny and it would have looked like a napkin ring... Now I am older and heavier and it would look more like a rubber band on an egg.


    The person below me never finds old glitter, or dog/cat hairs, or other stray items in her melters.

  11. Suspicious News from the Enabling Department: [smilie=th_butbutbut]


    Southbound Restock - something going on at 4 PM CT - maybe those of you on FB know more, because on Instagram it doesn't use the word "restock" - but she does show a picture of a beautiful loaf to be "available at 4 pm CT today" and on the website, lots of lovely Fall scents and loaves say "Coming Soon." [smilie=th_thsecret]




  12. Good morning ladies,


    Happy Sunday to everyone!


    Debra - thanks for the update on Miss Kit, that's good news! Let's hope she continues to gain her normal appetite. [smilie=th_catkiss] I'm glad you're enjoying your reunion, so good to be with friends.


    All this talk of beautiful chests of drawers for wax storage has me thinking. That does sound like a lovely, easy way to store and access the waxies. Plus, it gives me another opportunity to play with and rearrange everything, which I dearly love to do. For the moment, though, the Sterilite boxes fit perfectly on the back bedroom shelf and they are all labeled and easy to reach, so I will stick with that until I get the total reduced during this wax ban. Then we will revisit this topic. There is a mid-century chest of drawers in the garage which I could refinish...hmmmmm. [smilie=th_aa17]


    Michele, I hope you will enjoy the Zeep Cupcake Sampler. I've melted about three of the halves and they have all been luscious. DH says they are making him hungry for cake. :tongue: Good luck with rearranging your wax and I think your beautiful cabinet sounds like just the ticket.


    Maggie, when you say that there are several Spotted Hog scents that you can't live without - which ones are those? Not that I can order anything right now, mind you...just filing this information away for future reference! :flirtysmile4:


    Susan, it sounds as though you like Spotted Hog as well. Which are your favorite scents?


    When I get home from the baby shower today, I really need to give both beagles a bath. [smilie=th_sign0135] There is a small dog-wash up in town, pretty revolutionary for our little rural area, and I've used that before. It's basically a tub with a car-wash coin operated thing where you can choose soap, rinse, etc. It makes the whole thing pretty easy. *not my favorite job but they need it*


    So last night and today it's been L3, and may I say that this is another vendor I would follow anywhere. Such interesting blends, and great throw. When I toddled into their last restock, things were pretty picked over, so I just grabbed some odds and ends - and they are gorgeous!


    Last night it was:

    L3 Spearmint, Sugar Cookie, and Vanilla Buttercream - Oh! This is something else! I love spearmint but had no clue how it would do with the cookies - and it's just delicious.


    Today we started out with:

    L3 Grapefruit, Vanilla Lace, and Coral - this is one of those "I'm not leaving the room until this is done" scents. So exotic, even sexy - a whole new take on grapefruit! Who would have thought to blend it that way?? :toppoints:


    There is a restock today which I will have to force myself away from, but more about that in a moment.


    Have a fine Sunday, everyone.

  13. Good morning everybody! It's nice and cool here and lots of interesting clouds and actually BLUE SKY peeking through. [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr


    Ladies, I borrowed from all of your strength last night [smilie=group_hug] and avoided going over to CFOW or VCS. Between the discounts, the fall scents, and the beautiful shapes, I was sorely tempted. But so far the ban is intact. I did put more money in my PayPal toward my two big "allowed" events over the next few months, so I'll be ready.


    I did buy a new melter (kind of like you, Honeybear - if no wax is allowed, at least we can hit the accessories) - the long-admired one that looks like a giant pineapple, from Wally World. It is actually very beautiful in the little office so I am tickled.


    Michele, that Zeep giant bundt that was so strong had arrived on June 22, so nearly two months of cure - but I'm thinking that it may have been poured well before that. Ashley was building up her summer stuff at the time in anticipation of a restock so maybe it's closer to 3 months old. It didn't smell strong upon arrival and I set it up to cure. But it really took my breath away last night! It was strong for several hours and then faded - compared to some Zeep melts, which are moderate strength but last for 12 hours or more. I guess there are many variables at work [smilie=th_pardon] but in any case that one smelled beautiful and really spoke up. It was pretty, too - Ashley always uses such bright, beautiful colors.


    Maggie, I also had trouble with one of the VCS Blossom Bars - the Root Beer, just nothing, [smilie=th_smiley-crying] and I had such high hopes for it! - but then the Royal Wedding Blossom Bars have been glorious, also Grandma's Pearls, beautiful. I guess there were a few weak batches.


    And I have to wonder, between the air currents in the house and the high humidity here in Ohio this summer, how much that affects throw. But just when I've decided it's environmental conditions and not the wax, I get a huge thrower that knocks that theory down. [smilie=th_idontknow]


    I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow for a family friend and I guess it's been awhile since I've shopped for an occasion like a wedding or a shower where they're registered. It was all online and the whole thing was actually pretty easy to negotiate. Happily I found a gift I really like, can go pick it up at Target, and I seem to have followed the rules. The whole thing was stressing me a bit and now I really want to go and be happy for her.


    So this morning I stuck with Zeep and it's from the delicious Coffee Sampler. I am absolutely thrilled with both the Coffee Sampler and the Cupcake Sampler - gorgeous wax, strongly scented, and lots of variety. :toppoints: It seems like I bought these things so long ago and was waiting for them to cure - it was worth the wait.


    Zeep Coffee & Coffee Cake - lovely combination of the coffee and bakery scents - scrumptious. [smilie=th_biggestgrin]


    I hope everyone enjoys their Saturday!


  14. Good evening ladies!


    Happy Friday to everyone, so glad it's the weekend!


    Maggie! [smilie=th_thlaughter] I'm sorry, is something bothering your ears? [smilie=th_jaja]


    Susan - I love OPT scents and am glad she will continue to make some limited amount of shapes. That lemon curd sounds [smilie=th_drool33456183iw4]


    Michele - I'm so glad you enjoyed Pretty Woman! I'd love to see the play.


    Debra - how is Miss Kit doing? I think about you both every day. [smilie=_smileyfacehugging_]


    Cat, we haven't met, but [smilie=th_Hello_]


    Honeybear, I hope your DH is recovering nicely from his tooth ordeal!


    Well tonight is a Zeep night and I can say this is by far the STRONGEST Zeep melt I have ever had:

    Zeep Mango Berry Go Go - mango, peach, blackberry, pie crust - and wow, honestly my eyes are watering. I distributed a 3-oz bundt between all of the warmers and it started throwing instantly. Beautiful scent and [smilie=th_1_bigone110] !!


    Have a great night everybody!

  15. Good morning all!


    It continues to rain here in SW Ohio, which is lovely and making for cool mornings. The grass is noticeably higher every day, but more importantly, the 10 little red twig dogwood bushes that we planted last year are growing by leaps and bounds. [smilie=th_LOVE]


    Maggie, I can hardly restrain myself from also ordering more from Woofwicks. Still can't believe that her little pawprints are actually small chunkies. And her colors!....best I stay away, for the moment.


    Debra, you are so right about reading about sales when trying to stay on a ban! - but it's still fun to see what's new...to a point. [smilie=th_th1ptgno] I'm sorry about the smoky air in your part of the country. "Don't vacuum" wouldn't upset me too much, though, either. [smilie=yes]


    Susan - I see lots of scents with that "at Tiffany's" or "by Tiffany's" - what does it mean, do you know? It sounds elegant, in any case!


    Mpfand - I hope you have a wonderful trip to OR!


    Michele - how was Pretty Woman? Details please!


    Well last night and today, it's The Bathing Garden: [smilie=th_smilies-2]


    TBG Cola Cake - chocolate cake with cola - normally I'm not a big chocolate scent fan, but with the cola it was fabulous. I left it on in the bedroom all night. Luscious.


    TBG Watermelon Strawberry Cake - in all the melters this morning - has to be an all-time favorite. Making me hungry. I love watermelon scent and this pairing with the strawberry and cake is just perfect. [smilie=th_drool33456183iw4] Beautiful throw.


    Have a fine day, all. [smilie=th_ef3416a0]

  16. BREAKING NEWS from the Enabling Department: [smilie=th_200912104451]


    CFOW - Wacky Wednesday Sale TODAY, Aug 15, until midnight PST, 25% off the entire order, code WACKY.


    Vintage Chic - Restock TOMORROW, Aug 16, 10 AM CST. "Inspirations from the Past."


    Zeep - Fall Collection comes out Aug 19, 12 pm CST. New scents and gorgeous new waxies with beautiful leaves and pumpkins, utter temptation.


    Vintage Road - Fall Collection comes out Aug 24, time TBD


    Scented Squirrel - Restock Sept 2, 8 PM EST, new fall blends and singles from the State Samplers.


    The Bathing Garden - Winter Collection to be released mid-September.


    CFTKR - Next restock is Nov 3.


    Front Porch - ongoing new scents added every day. Adorable leaves, pumpkins, owls, new diffuser oils.


    SEMO - new autumn scents added nearly every day, adorable pumpkins.


    Woofwicks (Etsy) - new fall scents are on the site and continue to be added, cute pawprint shapes.


    If you know of other restocks please add!

    Dangerous for me to look at these for too long so [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_fluc




  17. Good morning ladies!


    Thank you for all the encouragement regarding the wax ban!! It really helps. [smilie=th_teks0311]


    I'm so glad to be home, I'm practically in tears, and that was even a really good work trip. Turning into such a homebody. [smilie=th_cc1]


    Debra - that's hilarious with the strong odor-remover scent [smilie=th_laughing] . Gain and lemongrass actually sounds pretty good, since I like both of those, but extra-strong, hmmmm. Is Miss Kit eating anything beyond her treats?


    This morning I've gone back to my beach scents. I've been all wrapped up in thinking about Halloween and Winter collections and it occurred to me that I am not "in the moment." This is August and I think that means "summer!" So this morning it's:


    Southbound Beach Bum (Melon, Citrus, Jasmine, Driftwood) - soooo gorgeous and really does smell like the breeze at Cape Hatteras. Extremely strong, should have used half the number of cubes. Excellent vendor, wonderful scents and consistently strong throws. [smilie=th_LOVE]


    Have a lovely day everyone!

  18. Hello dear ladies,


    I hope everybody is well!


    Biolaeagles! [smilie=th_OMG] That is just too much hitting your family in such a short time. All you need is a plague of locusts! I hope everybody is feeling better, and yikes -- your five-year-old will have a good story to tell all his life about the quarters!! I remember when our son went to pre-school for three half-days a week and how much I worried. I hope your little boy will enjoy it! - my heart goes out to you, that's tough even though it's good. [smilie=_smileyfacehugging_]


    Michele, I have a pretzel scent coming sometime soon (long TAT - I didn't order anything new, honest!!) and I can't wait with your lovely descriptions of the pretzel scents!


    Debra, I continue to send you and Miss Kit good wishes, and that her appetite will pick up again.


    Maggie and Debra, I've never tried a melter timer but it sounds like a great idea!


    Well I finished off the last of the Scented Squirrel older samples this morning and it was a lovely one:

    ScSq Polynesia - Lovespell and Bahama Fizz - I can't find the complete scent description but it was beautiful - fruity overall but the pineapple was subtle, unlike some of the tropical scents.


    The ban is going much better than expected (Day 4, LOL [smilie=th_thank_you] ). I feel so much calmer without looking at all the websites. Instead, I took pictures of all my stash, by vendor, and look at it instead. I'm plotting for the TBG and CFTKR big events and planning my budget.


    I hope you all have a fine Tuesday!


  19. Good evening all,


    A fine work day and winding down now. Heading home after work tomorrow.


    Maggie - I'm so glad your warmer on the timer is working out. Also I love the name Napoleon Dynamite. [smilie=th_laughing]


    Debra - how is Miss Kit?


    Continuing to melt my Scented Squirrel traveling buddies (they were so excited, it was really difficult containing them in the car [smilie=th_thanimeomega_emoticon) and tonight it's:


    ScSq Dusk - Baby Powder, Twilight Type (lavender, ylang-ylang, Tonka) and I didn't expect to totally love this one. It's really beautiful. [smilie=th_LOVE]


    Have a lovely night all,


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