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March Melting Madness...

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Guest Anonymous

Dreary, damp day today so needed some warm comfort. Melting Aroma Soy Iced Buttery Gingerbread something or other. It is ok. Also melting Can-Do Honey Gingerbread. It is fabulous. I have had mixed results with Can-Do but the ones that have worked have worked in a big way.

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Okay, I have had the same tart on all day... Bella's Beginet... it is a record... but then again it is one of my favorites. I actually took a nap this afternoon as I had some free time... I am still a little sleepy [smilie=th_e3301ae2]

I have the melters cooling now so I can change them for the evening... :lol:

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Guest Anonymous

Tuscadero's Indian Paintbrush upstairs, CHC's Fresh (or Spring?) Rain downstairs.

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karla - just got the email that says 15% off scentchips for SPD! Hmmm...is that going to be enough to give her a try..... [smilie=th_a194]



My vote: yes! :lol:

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karla - just got the email that says 15% off scentchips for SPD! Hmmm...is that going to be enough to give her a try..... [smilie=th_a194]



My vote: yes! :P


I knew I could count on you! :lol:

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Guest Anonymous

So far from my Aroma Soy order, I have tried the Cran-Apple Banana Rama and the Grape Jamboree. I really like them both, but after they burn for a while I detect a floral type scent. I am not a huge floral fan at all. Does anyone know if this is normal for her melts? Just curious, as I have others to melt. Happy Friday!

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Just put in Beautiful Dreamer from CYS. Not so sure about this one, but it just started melting.

Ginger Plum from Cottage Hill, just started.

Finishing up the last of Magarita-ville from McCarley's...I love this one!

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fleur - what do you think about the sister?


Tonight is pay the piper night... shoot. I have many melters that are sitting full of hardened tarts that had not completely pooped out and I did not want to toss them yet. So, now most are unavailable to melt my new ones.


I have to go melt out each one - if the fragrance is still there at the end of the evening, that's just the way it goes. The clean out will commence tomorrow morning.



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Guest Anonymous

Hi all!


Melting Island Mango in Master Bath and Sun Dried Linens in Spare Bath.


Living room is a hodge podge night. Sea Air tarts, honeydew melon tealights and blueberry cobbler votives.


I hope everyone has a great evening and weekend!

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Guest Anonymous

Cynthia - I'm curious about ginger plum from CHC....I almost ordered that when she first introduced it and I don't know why I didn't...Totally sounds like my kind of scent!

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Since I received my Candledipper order today, I am now officially out of room in my usual tart storage areas and need to more "editing", so I'm burning a very old Patti's Candles Fireside, Ambergris (House of Soy), Blissful Fusion from Cheryl's and an unmarked tart that smells like it's some sort of apple blend. I'll be up for a while, so I'm calling this "Round 1" of the night!

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I am on my third tealight of Gramma Fran's Cinnabun and it's still kicking. Not as strong as the first two tealights, but hey, that's pretty good. I like this one alot. Just put on Winter Garden Aromatics' Strawberry Shortcake. Didn't have much of a cold scent at all, so we'll see if it surprises me. I'm optimistic because I've had tarts that barely had a scent cold and then really surprised me when they melted. Good night, ladies!

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Cynthia - I'm curious about ginger plum from CHC....I almost ordered that when she first introduced it and I don't know why I didn't...Totally sounds like my kind of scent!


It turned out to be a very pretty scent, Mom. The plum gives it a soft, fruity scent and there is a hint of spice. I don't think it would be a huge scent thrower - I had it in the guest bedroom with the door closed, and it did fine in there.

Ending the evening with Bella's Coconut Spumoni.

Good evening (morning) all!

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fleur - what do you think about the sister?


Tonight is pay the piper night... shoot. I have many melters that are sitting full of hardened tarts that had not completely pooped out and I did not want to toss them yet. So, now most are unavailable to melt my new ones.


I have to go melt out each one - if the fragrance is still there at the end of the evening, that's just the way it goes. The clean out will commence tomorrow morning.



Debra, My husband did not like "the evil step sister" tart... I won't relay his comments... but he comes up with some interesting phrases for the scents... and most of them are linked to bodily functions...

I can't even describe this one. I think it has every type of fragrance mixed in... part food/fruity/floral. It is interesting, but probably not a reorder due to the fact that others in the house were not crazy about it... :lol:

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