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April's Shower of Scents

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Good Morning all!


Feel better DesertRose - sounds like you need some rest and some Sinus Relief tarts from LOL - they work!



I decided that today I would try to melt some stuff I am trying to get rid of, so:


K - Applewood Cabin - Brown Bag - A very nice scent but very weak


LR - Flower Shoppe - Brown Bag - A very nice scent but very weak


BR - Freesia Plumeria - Brown Bag - A very nice scent but very weak


Bathroom - Emerald Sea - Brown Bag - A very nice scent but very weak


It's such a shame because the quality of the Brown Bag scents are really very good and true, there is just no throw or strength - if the person who owns BB would just make the tarts a whole lot stronger they would have some great product on their hands. Too bad.


Also finishing up the two Illuminations votives from yesterday in the bathroom - Acacia and Lavender. They last longer than most votives.


Thanks Jason for the input about the YC Lemon Lavender - adding a jar of that to my list.



Have a good day all!

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Ana, you're a bad, bad girl. [smilie=th_th3de3a8c4] I'm innocent, I tell ya.


Denimsway, I've been very happy with the scents I've tried from GG so far. If you do order, I'd like to know what you think.

i ordered the 420, strawberry moonshine and lemon curd. I hope I like it because I love the prices.


The lemon curd is an awesome scent in her soap. I hope the melt is just as great!

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This morning for the last few minutes before I leave it's Mookie Doodle Bubble Butt.


DH got out of the shower and I said he smelled good, and then added, "Guess what else smells good? Bubble butt!" and he replied, "wait...are you calling me that??"



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This morning for the last few minutes before I leave it's Mookie Doodle Bubble Butt.


DH got out of the shower and I said he smelled good, and then added, "Guess what else smells good? Bubble butt!" and he replied, "wait...are you calling me that??"




[smilie=th_th3de3a8c4] [smilie=th_bb40]

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[smilie=th_th3de3a8c4] Cmarie.



My mood changed. I switched out scents already this morning.


HOP votive - Pink Coconut

Bizzy B - Cookie & Peach jar


some B-Day loot (thankies):

Can-do - Pink Sugar Cookies

KFTKR - Pink Sugared Milk

AMS - Sands of Morocco (BR)

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I'm moving slowly this morning...this darn coffee needs to kick in now! [smilie=th_th3de3a8c4] So, I only have one melter going at the moment - peach & sweet berries from yc in the kitchen. When I get some more caffeine in my system, I'll get the other ones going. Geesh, I'm tired this morning. I think it has to be all of the yard work we did yesterday afternoon. Oh well...at least my yard looks great now. LOL!


Have a great day, everyone!

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Heidi: yes, the fresh air and yard work will make you tired the next day, but it's a good tired. :oops: I just got back from walking and I am melting Bella's-Baton Rouge. This is a great scent from any vendor I have tried it from . It's is a rainy day, and maybe snow showers tomorrow. [smilie=th_bb40] I am SO ready for [smilie=th_th3de3a8c4] Everyone, have a great morning..

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Good morning.


Hey Heidi, want to come over here and help us pick some weeds? LOL...just kidding! Good for you for getting started on your spring yard work cleaning. This is one of the things that I hate about spring. I'm got a black thumb and have the biggest dislike of yard work.


This morning's melts are: Lime Cooler and Corucopia from CFTKR.

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Feel Better Desert Rose!


Relaxing with Can Do Cinnamon Bun from last night. This is a nice one.


Burning Goose Creek Maple Cream and Spice Cake. Also burning Crossroads Buttery Maple Syrup. Nice Combo.


Bit of a fright here last night. My youngest DD was involved in an accident driving back to school. A deer ran in front of a car a few cars in front of her on the PA Turnpike. All the cars stopped short and a car hit her from behind. Thank God she is fine. Some damage to the car but not too bad.



[smilie=th_th3de3a8c4] [

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Candlelove - Thank heavens your DD is ok. It sounds like a pretty scary accident. Hugs to her!

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Good morning smellie lovers! So glad your DD is okay candlelove. Hope her nerves aren't too shattered from a scare like that. Thank god she wasn't hurt!

Desertrose, feel better soon!

Melting Summer Lovin from BG (nice one, but I'll be escalating to some stronger ones as the day goes on).

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Michele, I'm glad your daughter's ok. I always worry about deer running out onto the highway when I'm driving or riding in a wooded/rural area. Those signs with the deer running don't help either, just makes me paranoid that any minute one is going to leap out into traffic. Anyway, glad she's ok.


Not melting anything today, I have to go to work. Just wanted to say hi and also complain that today marks 3 weeks since I placed my LOL order. It still hasn't shipped, and I'm starting to become annoyed. It didn't take this long the last time I ordered! Ok, I'm done. [smilie=th_december2201661-1]

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Feel Better Desert Rose!


Relaxing with Can Do Cinnamon Bun from last night. This is a nice one.


Burning Goose Creek Maple Cream and Spice Cake. Also burning Crossroads Buttery Maple Syrup. Nice Combo.


Bit of a fright here last night. My youngest DD was involved in an accident driving back to school. A deer ran in front of a car a few cars in front of her on the PA Turnpike. All the cars stopped short and a car hit her from behind. Thank God she is fine. Some damage to the car but not too bad.



[smilie=th_december2201661-1] [


Thank Goodness she is ok!!

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DesertRose, hope you feel better! It is no fun to be sick.


Michele, so glad your daughter's OK! I have been in a couple very minor car accidents and it is always a terrible thing to go through. There are lots of deer in my area too and I always expect one to jump out in front of me.


In case anyone is wondering, I would rate the strength of Bubble Butt as medium. Also, it is supposed to be a blend of bubble gum and fruit (as in Bubblegum + Butt Naked, I would assume), but all my nose can detect is bubble gum. But it smells good anyway.

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Good morning everyone!


Jason, Green Bamboo is one of those YC scents I can't live without. Do you have the candle? How is the throw on it? I wish they still carried the tarts. I'm probably just going to have to break down and buy a couple of jars.


Cynthia, how is the throw on your CHC Sea Breeze? I think it's a fabulous scent but when I melted it, it had zero throw.


DesertRose, feel better soon!


Candlelove, so glad your DD is okay! I swear those darn deer wait until a car comes by to race out into the road.


This morning I'm melting CFTKR Pink Sugared Raspberries and a small sample of Calming Waters from CD. This one smells like very strong cologne. I'm glad the tart was small! Anything more and we probably would have had to vacate the premises.

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Michele glad your DD is ok.



I got tired of melting tarts I can barely smell so I changed scents to:


K - Bird of Paradise - Can-Do - A nice scent but not very strong which is unusual for Can-Do. A blend of tropical flowers and pomegranate is the scent description.


LR - Cantaloupe Lily - CD - This is an awesome strong scent - I can smell it all the way in the BR - the breeze coming in the LR windows is carrying it down the hall to the BR - this version is a little different than the other great one I've tried from CBV - this one is more fruit than floral where CBV's is just the opposite. They're both great scents though.


BR - Crypt Moss - Dark Candles - A very nice scent but it could be stronger - the Cantaloupe Lily is totally overwhelming it right now. It's a good earthy scent though.


Still melting Emerald Sea from BB in the bathroom - this one is actually strong enough to scent my bathroom [smilie=th_december2201661-1] , and it's a very nice scent.

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Michele, I'm glad your DD is ok. How scary!


DesertRose, feel better soon!


I have to leave for work soon, but I put on Cool Citrus Basil from Blue Gecko. This one is so strong I know I'll still be able to smell it when I get home. [smilie=th_december2201661-1]

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Good Morning Everyone,


Today I am melting Carribbean Pear from Crosscreek. This smells to me just like YC Spice Pear from a long time ago and one of my favorites from YC (that was discontinued) I will be ordering more of this one for sure!


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Ok. I know we have had plenty of jokes along these lines, but in case you hadn't noticed, it is 420 today! So my kids have been snickering around all day, and now we just got put on lockdown so the drug dogs can come through! HA!!! So, now the kids are really wound up, wanting to know why the cops picked 420 to do a search. I had to break the news that even old people (you know us 30-40 somethings) have heard of that little term.... and cops are not as stupid as they might believe! Oh, the education going on here today! [smilie=th_december2201661-1]

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Candle, so glad your daughter is ok.


Good afternoon everyone!


Last nights melt was Forever Alice from Blue Gecko, great scent and throw, the usual for BG, I personally would have like a little less in the Peppermint notes.


Have a great day all!

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Candlelove, I'm so glad your DD is unhurt. That is so scary.


That is an interesting choice of dates for a drug sweep, DarlingJ. Congratulations on your CF win too, by the way. [smilie=th_december2201661-1]



Added Cake Batter from Nene's to my mix today.

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