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April's Shower of Scents

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Several nice ones to end the day with:


Raspberry - Shortie's Candles. I haven't been excited by many, but I like this one.

Cherries & Chestnuts - Dew Drop. More cherries than chestnuts, but still nice.

Happy Holidays - Things That Make Scents. I don't usually get scent from these, but this is nice.

Gingerbread Kids - CHC. An old favorite.

Tangy Mulberry - Jaycee Daniels. Old melt, smells good.

Kapula Bay - Tin Barn. Lighter scent but very relaxing, spa like.

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I tossed in Metro Man Latte from Grumpy Girl this morning.


The air outside is cooler today - probably for the last time until October. :shock:


Good morning, everybody.

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debra, I've tried B&BW Fresh Linen and Dancing Waters in a tart. Both were strong and long lasting. I only use a 1/4 of a disk in my plug-in melter in the powder room. Small room, but I'm sure a whole disk would more than fill a larger room. I like Fresh Linen best, but I know others here (bigred, for one) really like Dancing Waters.


Tonight I'm melting Coconut Cake from LOL.


Here is a vote for Dancing Waters. Beautiful. :shock:

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Hi all. I just switched out from Busy Bee's Buttery Gingerbread to CYS Butterscotch Sugar Custard. I notice you are melting Butter Gingerbread too, Heart. Are you getting a good throw with it? Mine was going at least 1 hour and I wasn't getting much throw.


Hope everyone has a good night!

I had to finally dump the Buttery Gingerbread Lisa. It had a very weak throw, but smelled so good cold. The Butterscotch Brulee was going earlier in the exact same place in two melters and the throw was great!

This morning I put on CYS Lemon and CCCC Paradise. Too soon to tell about the throw of the CYS lemon. My sniffer isnt awake yet.


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Good Morning Everyone!


Busy day around here. I'll be :shock: and packing for vacation tomorrow. I am burning Goose Creek Maple Cream and Spice Cake. When I change out the melters in a bit I will add some melts to the mix,


I hope everyone has a nice day.

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Candlelove: Have a wonderful, safe trip. This morning I am continuing with TD-Bergamont Spice. This scent smells great and is very clean smelling. I have to clean out my melters., so more scents later. I hope everyone has a nice day. It was in the 20's last night, and I'm afraid to look at my flowers and weeping cherry tree. :shock:

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Cold spring break morning here in SC...melting warm vanilla sugar from Rosa's...really good and white tea and ginger from Haley's...this is also really good! :shock:

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Kim....it was in the 20's here too last night but everything still looks pretty and green so maybe your flowers and cherry tree are ok!


I've been melting Gain by Rosa's candles and I have to say this is the strongest tart I've ever melted! I had to turn it off after about an hour. Something I never do! :shock:

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I've been melting Gain by Rosa's candles and I have to say this is the strongest tart I've ever melted! I had to turn it off after about an hour. Something I never do! :shock:

Oh no! I have to place another order? This group is killing me! :lol:

Candlelove..forgot to wish you a fun and safe trip! Have a wonderfful vacation!

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Good morning everyone!


Morning Melts are


LOL...Amish Quilt

YC Cider Web

I will add some candles later today.


Candlelove....have a fun and safe trip! [smilie=th_smilies-1]

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Good morning!


I decided to melt Carol's Baked Apples this morning. This is an all time favorite scent of mine.


Kim, hope your flowers survived the cold. It's been cold here too along with the snow. I am afraid to look at my emerging tulips and hyacinths.

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Thanks everybody!


Kim-I hope your flowers survive the cold. Let's have spring already before it goes straight to summer!


Just started melting-


CFTKR Butterscotch Brulee

CFTKR Caramel Nut Clusters

CFTKR Buttercream


It smells really good in here!

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Hi all! Cold and windy here today! Weird April weather.


First melts of the day are:


K - Hawaiian Breeze - SH - Awesome scent and one of my favs from SH


LR - Cherry - Aubrey's - This one is decent - we'll see how long it lasts


BR - Cranberry Peach Cider - SH - Another awesome scent and one of my favs from SH - this one is quite strong too



2nd tealight for YC's Sun & Sand in the bathroom.


Also burning my Illuminations Bora Bora candle in the bathroom.



Have a good day all!

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Melting Scentsy Black Raspberry Vanilla in FR and

Jams and Scones from CFTKR in the Kitchen. Both are great and they compliment each other beautifully!! My entire downstairs smells wonderful.


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Just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone! I have been hit hard with a cold with lots of congestion and sinus pain...and I STILL can't smell a thing! I can't wait till I can smell again and start melting!

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Hope everyone who is feekling ill gets better soon! [smilie=th_smilies-1] I am now melting YC lavender vanilla...I've started using my tealight melters and I am getting much better throw from my tarts!

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Good Afternoon all.

I am melting-

LOL-Pumpkin Zucchini Bread

CFTKR-Tropical White Musk

Candledippers-White Ginger and Amber

Haley's-Blueberry Cobbler

Rosa's-Hansel and Gretal


Also burning an assortment of candles. Hope everyone has a good evening!

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