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Everything posted by darlingj1

  1. I have Candledippers Strawberry Rhubarb Pie it is wondeful, I just wish it was a tad bit stronger. Also my last layer in my LOL jar, Sugar Filled Fantasy... which may be a little iffy... I can't tell. Watching Survivor on DVR.... oh I could just kick that Coach guy in the head!
  2. I am so proud of all of you for staying so strong! I SUCK! I caved when I won the forum contest and ordered a bunch from Candledippers, but I am soooo happy with their stuff, then I did another small order from Can-do since I haven't tried them before. I am kind of kicking myself over the Nene's order, 12% off was nothing special and honestly, I haven't sound that many tarts that I think are that special either. So now I must stay strong until my bonus check.... when I will decide between one more big LOL or Candledippers order. Hope the time flies by!
  3. Good morning! I am running Saturday School yet again... trying to earn xtra money for summer fun. Less than half the kids showed up, so it has been quiet... almost creepily so. I have AMS Fresh Baked Bread on, it's ok, I am just not really sure if I am huge fan of bread scents at all. I have some good fruity ones lined up for when I get home,
  4. Denim, that is awesome! Enjoy!!! to your DS Aria! I am loving this day, I am just happy this morning! Fruit Loop Cupcakes :-)is helping with this mood... people keep stopping in to ask where the cake is!
  5. Bermuda Triangle Johnathan Apple or Apple Pie?
  6. Good Morning!Aria... I am glad your son is feeling better. I can't stop reading about the swine flu, it is scaring the crap out of me! I am having visions of us all holed up in our houses talking about what we are melting to ward off the evil ju-ju of infection!! Jason, I hope you love your new place!! I have Nene's Jonathan Apple going right now, it is a bright and shiny apple scent on this wet and rainy day!
  7. Geez Denim! Everytime I think I have enough from GHBT you come up with another one I want to try! Cherry and Pineapple sounds yummy to me! I switched again, to AMS Kiss Me All Over... I like it, and I love the name!!
  8. Hello! I have CandleDippers Red Velvet Cake going. This is not the same scent I am usually so fond of. It isn't bad, it just seems.....different. Maybe a touch of cinnamon that is throwing me off? The kids like it anyway. Have a great day all!
  9. I have been getting alot of small bumps on my arms especially, she said that is dead skin build-up, blocked in by the mineral oil. All my Candledippers stuff came in today,and it is FANTASTIC! I love the spray and the body mousse, the kids thought the Tub Treats were amazing, and I am loving the first two melts I have tried. I will try the scrub and shower gel out in the morning, I can't wait!
  10. Geez Aria, I am sorry about that! Being without power for that long would be awful! I bet your family was glad you love candles though!!
  11. Yep, Its Spring and they are all so TIRED of School! Can't say I blame them! We have been CRCT testing last week and this week. :( That is EXACTLY it Denim! We are MAP testing, very close to the same thing! But, I am in heaven with my new box from Candledippers! I am having an where has this company been my whole life moment! I have Sweet Tooth going in the living room and I keep breathing in deeper and deeper, and I have Rhubarb Plum in the bedroom, which is terrific too! Plus I am slathered up in lotion and dumped the kids in the tub... they were fascinated with the Tub Treats, which smell wonderful too! I am drunk on scent, and I LOVE IT!!
  12. HoT-State Fair Twinkies. Haven't had much time to appreciate it since my kids have been so naughty today! I have been to the principal's office twice!
  13. Good evening everyone! My kids and I are back from our mini-vacation at our friends house, and we are burning everything since DH is not home to complain! I have my LOL jar candle in Really Red Velvet Cake in the kitchen, votive in the bathroom in AMS Red Velvet Cake, melting Really Red Velvet Cake in the bedroom, and GHBT Strawberry Rhubarb in the Living Room. Yummy, yummy, yummy
  14. You are now my hero bigred! Who didn't love Madonna in the early 90s!!
  15. Mpfand, I have never been to a concert before either! I hope you have fun Puppylove! I am getting ready to drive over the mountain to visit some friends for the weekend, so of course, it is SNOWING again! In APRIL!! I am OVER winter. It isn't too bad though, so I hope the roads will be clear. Leaving during my planning period next hour. We put on some GHBT Bahama Coconut to try and combat these winter blahs!
  16. Congratulations on your move Jason! That sounds awesome! I gave up on the Booper's Cupcakes, and just put in Green Apple Caramel Crunch. OMG THIS IS GOOD!! Another one I could just roll around in, it makes me so happy! Why did I wait so long to try this???????
  17. Katz, I am sorry about your car! That is crappy! I put in LOL's Booper's Cupcakes this morning, and I am not getting much throw. I hope it revvs up here in awhile.
  18. Ok, against my better judgement, my greedy inner voice took over and my order got bigger than it probably should have. Layered Sheafoliate Scrub in Sweet Tooth and Plum Luscious Body Mousse in Sweet Tooth and Plum Luscious Tub Treats in Sweet Tooth Shower Gel in Sweet Tooth Perfume Spray in Sweet Tooth Melts in Sweet Tooth Plum Luscious Rhubarb Plum Leather Sweet Fried Bananas Peach Zinfandel Vanilla Crazee Watermelon Slices Red Velvet Cake and Bit o' Honey To compensate, I put the order on DH's Cabela's card so he will get the points! Ha! That should make it worth it, right?
  19. YAY! I am excited! I think these online places are better for moisturizers because they don't use mineral oil, which is what the lady at the spa who gave me my last facial told me to stay away from. That means I should stop using my B&BW body cream *gasp* so I am trying to wean myself off of it by getting all this other yummy stuff. My $10.00 gift certificate is disappearing quite quickly, so far I am at a $60 order!
  20. Thanks! I think I will try melts and a sheafoliate scrub and a mousse! I am excited. I think I may try the Sweet Tooth and Plum Luscious.
  21. Sorry Jules! Red tape and school districts go hand in hand, and it is SOOOO frustrating! Feel free to :P I give you permission!
  22. [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurra_fruehling3] What a beautiful spring day here! And, as someone pointed out a few days ago, yes it was snowing a week ago, and it is supposed to snow again this weekend! So I must soak up the sun while I can! We will go for another walk this afternoon. I tried GHBT's Rhubarb Apple this morning, and it was super strong, but not agreeing with my nose, so I switched it out for Nene's Johnathan Apple, which is ok, but not drool worthy. I also want to get my freebies from Spotted Hog ordered today, any suggestions for good fruity flavors from there? :P
  23. Yay LLVV! That is good news! I am heading downstairs to wade through a giant mountain of laundry, and burn my last AMS Red Velvet Cake votive. :)
  24. LLVV, I wish I would have paid better attention, I am curious to see what your doctor has to say. I got a huge, very hard lump in my earlobe a few years ago, they tried treating it with antibiotics, and it didn't go away. They ended up sending me to an Ear, nose and throat doctor, who told me I had a keliod tumor, which is basically super scar tissue from a trauma, which they told me could have been from my earrings. I had to go to a plastic surgeon..... it was an ordeal. I hope that is not the case with your daughter, but it does support my current notion that I will not let my daughter get her ears pierced... they say the tendency to get keliods is genetic. Anyway, let us know how it turns out!
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