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Thanks & Merry Christmas!

Candlefind Placeholder

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Posts posted by Candlefind Placeholder

  1. The Scentsy warmer I got was the white Core one. It is the one with tiny holes all over it that you put a metal sleeve over and the light shines through. You can buy several designs of sleeves to match your decor and or/holidays. She got me the Lilli sleeve. However, I am just using it without the sleeve for now as it gives kind of a snow effect for this time of year. I got the Christmas Cottage and Apple Peel scents. I agree that Christmas Cottage is the smell of the season--I really like it. I am remelting it this morning along with BH&G Vanilla Sugar Cookie and they are blending really well in here.

  2. Mpfand--$900 car repair bills sure mess up the budget--sorry it happened to you.


    Becky--how nice to have a good long vacation at this time of the year.



    This afternoon it is Lemon Apricot Cake and Warm Hugs from Scentsationals., plus Christmas Cottage from Scentsy. My sister sent me a Scentsy warmer and some scents for my birthday so I am having fun with that.

  3. Aren't we supposed to be melting more and enjoying more scents right now. Gosh its so busy......there isn't enough time.


    Melting CFTKR Peppermint Cake. Like it but it got fizzled into a very generic sweet cake scent. Thats all I have going right now. So tired. Headed to bed soon. Pajama day at the elementary school tomorrow. Oh the joy of Mrs. A wearing PJ's to school......ugh!

  4. As you all know my dad passed away on October 13th and today my father in law suddenly died. My husband and I had just spoken with him and he was fine and four hours later he was gone. I know others on here have been having similar things happening so I guess we are all having a rough year.


    For this evening it is Harmony Home Madagascar Vanilla, Iced Carrot Cake and Sugar Cookie.

  5. Maggie--hope you are feeling better today.


    Christy--so glad you are happy with your new home. Now you can enjoy the holidays and really settle in.



    Starting the day with my new Beanpod Cranberry Clove candle I got for my birthday--my friends took me out Friday night to celebrate a few days early and this was one of their gifts. Also am melting BH&G Wild Berry Cheesecake. Have a great day everyone!

  6. Hi girls (or guys). See I am still here......LOL.


    Today I have melted CFTKR's Peppermint Marshmallow and CFTKR's Tinsel. They were both amazing.


    Also melted CBV's Country Coffee Cake which is a pretty routine cinnamon bakery scent, but I like it. Will mix well with alot of other different scents around the house.


    Hope you are all well and having a wonderful holiday season.


    God Bless anyone affected by the tragic event yesterday in Connecticut.

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