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Thanks & Merry Christmas!

Candlefind Placeholder

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Posts posted by Candlefind Placeholder

  1. Good Morning, everyone. Starting mine by trying out BH&G Creamy Spiced Eggnog--it is just starting but I am detecting a caramel note--something I don't usually like but up close it is smells just like eggnog so I will let it fully melt and see what I think.


    Should be another lovely fall day here--I am loving this weather. Enjoy the day, everybody!

  2. Cat--so glad you survived the accident and will pray for your complete recovery. I had wondered where you were but with all that was going on in my own life it kind of just slipped by me.



    Am typing this on my brand new computer--it is so fast--my old one was 8 yrs old so you can imagine how slow it had gotten.


    For this afternoon it is Orange Cream Cupcake from Scentsationals.

  3. Hi everyone--just stopping in to say I am finally back home after 9 heart wrenching weeks. We got Dad's house and car sold and now just have to finish up the legal stuff. Happily I can do that from here. It is wonderful to be back in my own place.


    This evening I have on Scentsy Sugar Cookie and Scentsationals Care Package. I am getting a new computer as this one is about shot so will have to spend some time reading the past weeks of posts and see what is going on with all of you dear candle friends. Nancy

  4. Thank you all so very very much for your kind words and prayers. Dad's service was beautiful and I am treasuring these weeks I was able to see him every day. I was with him when he passed which was a blessing to me. I am very sad but also glad that no more bad things can happen to him. He had said for a long time that he was ready to go so now he is with Mom and has his wish. Again, thank you all and I will try to find time to be on here some as we get his estate settled. Nancy

  5. Today has been a busy day. My sister is here and we took Dad out to eat. I had to get some things at the local Wal Mart and they had the Halloween Scentsationals scents to I picked up Boo Berry and Vanilla I-Scream. I have been melting Scenttsationals Oatmeal Cookie today. I also got my hair cut and she did a great job so that was a relief. I have had the same hairdresser for 17 yrs so I think you all know how tense it can be finding someone new.

  6. HI everyone--we had a great day yesterday. My sister and her husband came to see Dad along with their oldest daughter and her two small children. These are Dad's only great grandchildren and he adores them. Ella is four and Tyler is 22 months. They took Dad out to eat and then brought him over to his house and we had a grand time. I think having his two great grandchildren sitting in his lap was the best medicine he could have. So, all in all, it was a lovely day.



    This morning at the house I have on Harmony Home Carmelized Pears. I had just started it as I left so we will see how the house smells when I go back after lunch.

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