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Thanks & Merry Christmas!

Candlefind Placeholder

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Posts posted by Candlefind Placeholder

  1. Michele--I was in a different town today and saw those Paula Deen melts. I resisted but please report on how you like them. I like her candles but have not tried the melts.



    This evening it is Paula Deen Pumpkin Pie, BH&G Warm Vanilla Cream and Ice Raspberry Sangria candles and Scentsationals Care Package melt.



    Can you believe we will soon be needing a name for September's thread--where has the year gone???

  2. Maggie--around here it is the same--just mention snow and people stock up like they are going to be marooned for months!



    For this evening I have blown out the Pumpkin Pie candles and the Vanilla Cookie and am still getting lots of scent from the Warm Vanilla Cream tart and the Iced Raspberry Sangria candle. Decided to add Yankee Raspberry Cream and Paula Deen Raspberry bars (candles) to the mix, also. Enjoy your evening, everyone.

  3. Aria--welcome back and good wishes for your son's test today. He must be really good!



    For this afternoon I have on Vanilla Bean and Warm Vanilla Cream tarts and two Pumpkin Pie candles (one Yankee and one Paula Deen) and a Yankee Vanilla Cookie candle. The two Yankee candles are really throwing the scent today. I finally stopped using the illuma lids on them and just let them do what they want to and I can really smell them now. I have been trying to clear my candle closet and I keep finding ones I need to start using so that is what I am doing. Have a great afternoon, everyone.



    I decided to add another candle to the mix--BH&G Iced Raspberry Sangria.

  4. The Vanilla Pumpkin Cream had to go--it was giving me a major headache and making the other scents smell weird. I replaced it with Old Fashioned Vanilla--much better. Have a great night!




    I decided to blow out the Pumpkin Pie and light a BH&G Blueberry Crisp candle and start a BH&G Blueberry Muffin melt. I love blueberry scents.

  5. I have the house to myself until tomorrow afternoon so am melting and burning up a storm--melting Vanilla Pumpkin Cream from Scentsationals, and burning YC Vanilla Cookie, Paula Deen Pumpkin Pie and Village Mulled Cider.



    So glad our NYC friends are OK. If someone isn't burning the country down someone else is trying to gun it down. Sheesh!!!!

  6. Found out that the smoke we are smelling is a 300 acre wildfire east of the highway we live on. The thing that is saving us is a river between us and it. It is really smelling strong and the wind is blowing hard. Not a good day for firefighters and property owners around here. I guess there is another fire southwest of town that is endangering barns and hay. This first one has houses at risk. Awful...

  7. This afternoon it is Scentsationals My Mom is My Best Friend (Vanilla Cupcake) and my BH&G Warm Vanilla Cream pillar.



    I am slightly uneasy as we are still bone dry and hot and a strong wind is blowing and as I just now came home from town I could see smoke in the distance--not good.



    While digging in a closet I found a brand new Paula Deen Pumpkin Pie candle from last year ( I think I used it for a Thanksgiving decoration) so I lit it and added it to the mix.

  8. Christy--hope your move goes smoothly and that you will be happy in your new location.



    Starting the day with Scentsationals Comforts of Home--I have only done this one one other time and I loved it--smelled like apple pie but it is just beginning to melt and I seem to be getting whiffs of pine. My nose must be off this morning , <_<

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