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Thanks & Merry Christmas!

Candlefind Placeholder

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Posts posted by Candlefind Placeholder

  1. Sweet--the tulips are not up yet but I have three daffodils in bloom--yeah! It was 80 here yesterday but that is not usual. Should be about 60 but we are going to have a wet and cool pattern this coming week. Still--those daffodils give me hope.



    Just started a three wick Mainstays Lime Cilantro candle. It is sure a pretty color of green--guess it can be in honor of St Patrick's Day tomorrow.

  2. Still have my Lavender Tea and PS Celtic Moonspice from FP going today. Love them so much. Order due in this week and just placed one the other day. I ordered a new burgundy hot plate warmer as I love my yellow one but not sure how long its going to last and must have a backup plan and I wanted a darker color too. So of course I had to throw in a few tarts from Angie to go along with the new warmer. I'm pretty set for wax at the moment.


    Thanks for the words of kindness in regards to my emotional time right now. Its getting easier, but problem is Mau doesn't do change well. Ugh.....I wish I could work on this little problem of mine.

  3. Ending this evening with Front Porch's Pink Celtic Moonspice and something Lavender upstairs from FP as well. Oh Lavender Tea is what I have going upstairs. Front Porch has become one of my favorite vendors again. CFTKF and FP for my tarts, are my top 2!!!


    Miss you guys lately, but its been a tough time here. My son and his GF of almost 4 years broke up and its been an emotional roller coaster for all of us. We had become close with the family, spending just this past Christmas with them and it was just so sudden (on my son's part). I didn't understand at first and was very confused. After talking with him, I get it now. They had been dating since senior year of HS and are now 22 and well I guess he just wasn't "sure" anymore. We are all sad but starting to come to terms with "change". Her mom texted me and is at a loss for words and feels awful and doesn't want to lose my friendship. Not sure how we do that.......ugh! I do love these people and they are a fantastic family. Sorry to ramble but it helps letting it out. :)

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