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Everything posted by NMhoneybear

  1. Maggie ~ Ha! Had to chuckle at your comment. This is how I really feel. But seriously, yes, one day at a time. I'm being given the gift to truly learn the meaning of living in the present moment. ST Minerva FP Pink Birthday Cake & Buttercream Frosting CFTKR Italian Cookie Pie Homemade Blueberry Coffee and Moonspice Mallow Latte
  2. Biolaeagles ~ Yes, I did put on a yummy SGA something or other (can't remember already ) and did listen to an interesting talk on YouTube. Maggie ~ Mostly what I have to do now is go through and clean out what I don't want anymore. We are in nearly 4000 square feet and will be downsizing temporarily to maybe 1400 in an apartment and putting lots in storage. Intel will come in and pack the entire house, though, so no packing for me. And no, we have not found a place. We will not be able to afford to buy anything there. It is outrageously expensive in the Bay area and we don't want to put down any roots there since we don't like the area. It looks like what will happen late summer or early fall after his sabbatical (which is again looking like it will be pushed out two more months) is that they will buy our house and then we will rent there for a couple of years before moving someplace else. I know, my head is spinning, too. Remelting Daphne's Buttery Gingerbread Pumpkin Cheesecake TSW Indian Acorns ST Bellatrix
  3. On no, MaggieMae! Sorry to hear you were sick, but lucky for you it was short-lived. Glad to hear you had a good birthday, Mpfand! :) Sounds like a fun Easter for your family, Biolaeagles. Yesterday I spent the day cleaning out the cabinets and drawers in our master bathroom. It's the beginning of my getting ready for our imminent move. :( SGA Everything But Her Kitchen Sink FP Banana Berry Hotcakes TSW Velveteen Rabbit Daphne's Buttery Gingerbread Pumpkin Cheesecake Homemade Caramel Pumpkin Pecan Waffles
  4. , Mpfand! Hope you have the most amazing day!! TSW Sugarplum Fairies CFTKR Coffee Cubano ~ Thanks to a very sweet CF pal FP Banana Muffin Mallow Cinnamon Sugar Donut ~ This is such a yummy scoopable! CLK Children's Room ~ A dupe for Love's Baby Soft for all those old enough to remember ;) ST Finn & Jake ~ a Pink Sugar grapefruit scent
  5. Becky ~ Wishing your dad a quick recovery! I finally unpacked one of my new Candle Aire warmers today (got my shipment of 3 in the other day while my niece was still here), the Tuscan Cream, and set it up in my bedroom. It's beautiful and works great! Thing is, I have a sound machine in there and love my ocean sound, but the warmer fan seems to be competing with it a little bit. We'll see how it goes. :) I only ordered three of the tins. Planning to dump the wax out while it's still pretty hot if I can handle the tin. I think I'll put it on a cookie sheet or tray to transport it. Candle Aire Frosted Cake ST Big Bang Partylite Kiss Homemade Butterscotch Marshmallow This weekend DD #1 and I are missing both DH and DD #2. She went out to spend some quality time with daddy and flew for the first time alone. It's a good experience for her, especially since she wants to do a semester in France.
  6. Hello, friends. My niece has been in town for a visit since Wednesday, so we are showing her around town. , Biolaeagles! Hope you have a yummy cake! Debra ~ Lucky you to get in on VCS. I gave up a long time ago. And thanks for your post last week about the fan warmers. I placed an order. Can't wait to get them! Which one did you get, and how do you like it?? ST Bella's Blood and Mouse Ears Ava's Merlin's Forest TSW The King's Table ~ Guess I need to dump this. A little over a year old and no smell whatsoever.
  7. Debra ~ If you'd like to try any Partylite melts, let me know. I'd be happy to send you some.
  8. Hope your birthday was special, Michele! Debra ~ The Partylite melts do pretty well. They just don't have a lot of foodie scents like I prefer. Maggie ~ Sorry to hear you've got the crud. Feel better soon! ST The Force and C3PO TSW Dark Chocolate DH is already back in California. The one weekend a month when he is home flies by way too fast. We did have a good weekend overall, though, so grateful for that.
  9. Taking a breather from the birthday celebrations. DD #2's day went well yesterday and DD #1 is looking forward to hers tomorrow. Thanks for all of the good wishes for my DDs! We're so happy DH is here with us! :wub: Biolaeagles ~ to your DH! I'm going to check out that warmer, Debra. I've never heard of such a thing. ST Graham Mallows SGA Caramel Latte Preztel FP Caramel Cinnamon Cookies CFTKR Mandarin Peel Partylite Tamboti Safari Homemade Clean Green Hope you all are having a good weekend! :)
  10. Hi there Michele ~ Glad you're enjoying SGA. All this talk about Haley's Americana is putting a bug in my ear. CFTKR Strawberry Cheesecake Partylite Blush Scentsy Linger ~ Thanks to a CF pal DH will be home tomorrow for the girls' birthdays this weekend.
  11. Hiya! Maggie and Debra ~ I love that Americana Scent and I'll bet it is awesome with Blue Sugar. I thought for a little bit last week about doing a Haley's order, but I ended up letting logic take over. Momentarily, anyway. Shortly thereafter, I place another order with SGA. Michele ~ Sounds like a wonderful evening! ST Data and Yoda UTC Burnt Sugared Zucchini Bread ~ disappointed on the throw, maybe too old? CFTKR Caramel Latte and Brown Sugar Sunshine Cake Partylite Mahogany Apple and Blush Have a great night!
  12. Hello, friends. I'm back home again. So hard to still be doing this, but if we can make it four more months until his sabbatical, we'll know which way this whole thing is going to go. Susan ~ Congrats on the cute thread title. I'm marching through my stash on a daily basis, but it doesn't help to keep ordering at the same time. Mpfand ~ When is your birthday this month? Biolaeagles ~ Bless your little heart. You're really getting a challenge this time around, aren't you? Sweet ~ Scary about the tree! You had an angel watching out for you for sure! Maggie and Michele ~ to all three of your daughters! My baby girls will be 19 and 21 next week. Did I just say that?! Haven't got all of my warmers changed out yet, but in honor of getting an SGA order in on Saturday, I am melting SGA Caramel Latte Glazed Baklava.
  13. Popping in with a from California. I'm with DH again. :wub: Hope you're all doing well. :) Rosegirl's Monster Cookie Cereal Killer Marshmallow Smoothie Homemade Cranberry Ginger Spice Tea
  14. Hi girls RG Cereal Killer Ice Cream Scoop Bread SGA Pink Pomegranate Frosting Cake CLK Johnny Apple Peels ST Ron Homemade Patchouli Lavender
  15. , CF friends I always enjoy getting caught up on all that's going on around here. DH is back in California and though I'm feeling much better, he told me last night that he was coughing and that his legs really ached. This morning he said he was fine, but not sure he's totally out of the woods yet. Keeping my fingers crossed! Sweet ~ Yay, that you finally got some snow! Maggie ~ I laughed out loud at what your DH said about "you needing to stop". I've been saying that to myself lately! Michele ~ I'll bet you're planning your first ever SGA order, aren't ya?! ;) ST Harry CLK Blueberry Cheese Danish and Lemon Squares
  16. So nice to be able to come here and live vicariously through you all! :wub: The cold I thought I had was really the flu. After spending the first couple of days confined to the couch, I was unable to even get out of bed for the past three. Today is the first day I'm feeling somewhat like I might be coming back from the abyss.
  17. Maggie ~ Hope they get your DH set up with what he needs soon. Michele ~ I'll keep my fingers crossed that you can get some sleep tonight. Not being able to sleep is the worst! Been having trouble the past couple of nights myself since somehow having caught a nasty cold. The headache with this is awful! I haven't had a cold in a long time, but don't ever remember having a headache like this before. I'm melting eucalyptus tarts from my Super Tarts Snot Sampler over the past couple of days... Mr. Freeze ~ eucalyptus and peppermint The Nose Knows ~ eucalyptus and white tes Just Breathe ~ eucalyptus and Vicks Achoo ~ eucalyptus and honey (had to turn this off in the middle of the night) Winter Soldier ~ eucalyptus and mac apple (not sure I like this one) and TCC Pumpkin Crunch Cake/Cake Batter Ice Cream Burning a Gold Canyon Lilac candle.
  18. Sweet ~ I hope Mookie stops harassing your kitties soon. Maggie ~ Glad you DD is enjoying Dubai. From the pictures I have seen, that place is fancy! Debra ~ Some kitties are just instigators, I think. My little Kitten picks on her big sister (much bigger, as Zoe is 27 pounds!). She's definitely a brave soul! TCC Caramel Apples Zucchini Bread ST Gollum ~ Ocean Breeze, Vanilla Bean Noel, Red Delicious Apple, and Sweet Blackberries
  19. Sweet ~ I was in California with DH heading back to New Mexico yesterday. The reason I said I wished I could be in two places at one time is because yes, Maggie, you hit the nail on the head. It's so hard to leave DH there, but I do miss the girls and fur babies so much when I'm gone. Just want us all to be in the same place again. DH will be home for an extended Valentine's weekend next week. In the meantime, since he is only a few short blocks from Levi Stadium, things are getting pretty interesting with all of the preparations for the Super Bowl. TSC Hoodie & Sweat Pants ~ Yummy spicy apples, candied yams, butter & brown sugar CLK Apple Corn Muffins and Grandma's Lemon Cake ~ Got these as freebies with my first order today. She gives a lot, just like the other Carol. And awesome customer service to boot! But the lemon one is very light. Not sure it's throwing at all with the SGA Skittles one in the background from the bathroom. Homemade White Linen
  20. Good morning, friends. ST Once Upon a Time Homemade Cactus & Sea Salt Getting ready to head on off to the airport. Sure wish there was a way to be in two places at one time.
  21. You had me fooled there for a second, Sweet. I thought you were starting a new thread for a sale by this company. (I thought there was a vendor by this name.) Good thing I was wrong. My spending binge ended last night. Perfect title, Maggie! Mpfand ~ Yay for the new car. I love how they smell. SGA Jelly Donut and Vanilla Bean Noel ST King Crow Still here in California with DH for a couple more days. Hope it goes by slowly, but at the same time I really miss the girls and all the fur babies.
  22. DH has had a nightmare of a week. So happy he'll have a couple of days to relax! SGS Jelly Bean ISCB CFTKR Vanilla Latte
  23. Hello, friends. :) Reading all of your posts, I'm feeling the urge to check out Swanky and CLKS while I'm here in California with so much time on my hands. Also, heard about Wilma's $2.50 shipping special. Just may have to finally break down and do a first-time order there... Guess this is my response to having gone out yesterday with a real estate agent to see what we'll get out here for our money. Let's just say there's no way this is going to work. We have a close to 4000 sq ft home in New Mexico and all we'll be able to get in California for the same money is a less than 1000 sq ft condo. Thanks, but no thanks. SGA Cotton Amber ST Joker
  24. Popping in with update on the CAT scan: Radiologist's words, "No explanation for patient's symptoms." Kind of what I was expecting. This Mindbody Syndrome stuff comes in many a form. Still having pain, but hopefully it will begin to subside now that I know there is no physical cause for it. Thanks for all of the well wishes and prayers. You all are so kind. SGA Skittles Cotton Candy Off to pack to see DH.
  25. Wow! That's a lot of snow!! Sweet and Maggie ~ Not feeling any better, and haven't gotten my results yet (and I was told they should be posted on my online "My Chart" with my insurance probably later in the day yesterday or today, but haven't been), which now has me worried the news isn't good , so I'm not sure I'm going anywhere tomorrow. ST Butterbrickle Panetone Bread Homemade Cotton Tree
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