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Candle NewsBurn or Bust? Our Take On Candle Busts

Burn or Bust? Our Take On Candle Busts

These candles are a work of art. Are all candles meant to burn?

Candlefind Burn or Bust Our Take on Candle Busts

Let’s talk about busts. Candle busts, that is. In our eyes, candles are an art form…an opportunity for a chandler to express their creativity with different types of wax, scent blends, scent names, and containers. Candle busts are sculptures, most often of a person or historical figure, created out of wax. They are usually unscented, as fragrance is not the draw for these candles. These are true works of art, often eerily realistic. Adding one of these to your collection can instantly elevate your home decor. But should you burn them?

This Napoleon candle bust is part of Cire Trudon’s collection and will set you back $130. Photo Credit: Cire Trudon

Perhaps the first ones that come to mind are the candle busts of renowned candle maker Cire Trudon. They have some beautiful, highly detailed busts, including Marie-Antoinette, Napoleon, and Benjamin Franklin. We have to mention the somewhat controversial bust from this chandler, Pourquoi naître esclave (Why born a slave), fashioned from sculpture Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux. It was created as a symbol of freedom and rebellion but was pulled from some markets as it was found offensive to some. If you are still hankering for this bust, it can be found on Cire Trudon’s website and in physical stores.

These particular beauties do not come cheap – Marie is the least expensive at $130 for a bust that’s a little over 8 1/2 inches tall. At least you’re able to chose from a few different colors to match your decor. The rebellious slave bust currently sells for $250.

If spending that much for a mass of sculpted wax is not in the budget, there are a number of alternatives to be found. Etsy is a fantastic place to find some gorgeous candle busts, such as this Felix Mendelssohn bust from Darkness Void. While the detail on this beeswax bust is not as detailed as the ones found on Cire Trudon, it’s still pretty remarkable and only 13 bucks!

This bust from Darkness Void on Etsy can be had for $13. Photo Credit: Darkness Void.

Not all candle busts are actually of people. The artistic candles from Janie Korn span the spectrum and they are fun, quirky, and expensive. Our favorite, the Two Headed Dog, is only 6″ tall and comes in at $150. Could you burn this little fellow? I mean, fellows?

Photo Credit: Janie Korn

Now we’ll admit, even the $13 candles are more decorative than something to actually burn. They make great additions to your home decor and certainly are conversation pieces. If keeping a candle bust for show, it’s important to care for it properly to ensure a long shelf life. Keep them in away from direct light so that the coloring doesn’t fade. Consider changing the position of the candle so that one side doesn’t fade faster than another. Dust clings to these beauties like a magnet, so we recommend wiping them down gently with a lint-free cloth at least once a week. Better yet, display your bust under a cloche, where it can easily be seen and yet protected from the elements. Here’s an affordable cloche that we recommend:

Photo Credit: Amazon

But…candles are meant to burn, right? Some of the busts have a beautiful glow when burning. If deciding to burn your candle bust, be sure to place it on a candle tray or plate so that the dripping wax does not spill over onto your counter. If burning these candles, we recommend doing so during a special occasion or maybe ‘just because’ when it’s time to replace your beauty with something else.

As always, happy candle burning! (Or not…)

What are your thoughts on candle busts? Would you burn them?

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About the Author


Hi, I’m Cynthia, the current owner & Candle Lover in Chief here at Candlefind. I have a sincere passion for candles, being mesmerized from the moment I saw my first flickering flame. I love luxury candles (who wouldn’t?) and unique scent combinations. When I’m not scenting, I love reading and playing with my wild & crazy pup, Holly Berry.

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Owner & Candle Lover in Chief

I have a sincere passion for candles, being mesmerized from the moment I saw my first flickering flame.

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