by | December 30, 2024

Candles That Smell Like Bacon

Do bacon-scented candles really smell like bacon? We try to find out!

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The beauty of candles is that you can make them smell like just about anything. A rose garden, freshly mowed grass, or even like freshly baked chocolate chip cookies! But candles that smell like bacon? As we pondered this very question, we found out that it is not such a crazy thought afterall. We found several companies that made bacon scented candles, and so we decided it was our duty to put them to the test. What does a bacon candle smell like anyway? Would it be any good? Were some better than others? Time to find out, the Candlefind way!




Oversoyed Candle Company Bacon Candle
Photo credit: Oversoyed
The company Oversoyed has not one…not two…not three…but a grand total of four different bacon scented candles! The Bacon scented candle is more just a bacon candle – it’s mixed with the scent of barbeque. So smoky and so good!



Peppered Bacon

Oversoyed Candle Company Peppered Bacon Candle
Photo credit: Oversoyed
The Peppered Bacon candle from Oversoyed is a nice twist on the original. The smoky scent of bacon is literally peppered with the zing of freshly cracked pepper notes. It’s really mouthwatering!



Maple Bacon Bars

Oversoyed Maple Bacon Bar Candle
Photo credit: Oversoyed
Ok, so technically not a bacon scented candle, but a dessert candle that has some bacon in it. We’re game! Maple Bacon Bars from Oversoyed gives the salty bacon a thick, sweet competing scent that blends well together.



Vanilla Bacon Milkshake

Oversoyed Candle Company Vanilla Bacon Milkshake Candle
Photo credit: Oversoyed
Vanilla Bacon Milkshake is creamy and smooth, with a crispy, salty goodness to give it that special ooomph. This is probably our favorite bacon scented candle by far!


Stinky Candle Co


Photo credit: Stinky Candle Co
We can always count on Stinky’s to carry some of the more unusual candle scents. And yes, they do carry their very own version of a bacon scented candle. How does it smell? Just like fresh bacon fryin’ up in a pan. This was probably the most authentic, pure bacon candle that we sniffed. Just be aware that the Stinky candles are on the smaller side, so if you’re wanting to scent larger spaces, you’ll need more than one.

There you have it! A round up of a variety of bacon-scented candles for you to sit back and enjoy. Try one or try them all, then tell us what you think. If you’d rather have more “normal” scented candles, check out our picks for the best ice cream scented candles or the best marshmallow scented candles. Or just stick around as we are always searching for the best scented candles!

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Cynthia & Holly Candlefind Bio Pic

About the Author


Hi, I’m Cynthia, the current owner & Candle Lover in Chief here at Candlefind. I have a sincere passion for candles, being mesmerized from the moment I saw my first flickering flame. I love luxury candles (who wouldn’t?) and unique scent combinations. When I’m not scenting, I love reading and playing with my wild & crazy pup, Holly Berry.

About the Author


Cynthia & Holly Candlefind Bio Pic

Hi, I’m Cynthia, the current owner & Candle Lover in Chief here at Candlefind. I have a sincere passion for candles, being mesmerized from the moment I saw my first flickering flame. I love luxury candles (who wouldn’t?) and unique scent combinations. When I’m not scenting, I love reading and playing with my wild & crazy pup, Holly Berry.

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Owner & Chief Candle Enthusiast

I have a genuine love for candles, captivated since the first time I witnessed a flickering flame.

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