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Hello from Tx & Vermont

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Good Morning all, I just found these forums, yesterday, while trying to "root-out"a less than "stellar or cooperative" company that I placed a tart order with .. a LONG time ago & cannot get to respond to any of my emails ... Anyhoo, in my "googlimng-around" I see references to these forums & have been reading CandleFind reviews for quite awhile now & never realized there were forums! Imagine that!! Groups of people as goofy as I am over candles & melts ... and I have recently gotten into diffusers!!!


I am currently at our home in Tx --usually spend half the year here & the other half in Vermont, but this May, when we(dogs, cats, and I) go to our place in Vt. I will stay there fulltime & hubby will follow in about a year(with the rest of our critters) when he retires.


Lately, my favorite candles are Archipelagos & Thyme, althouh I bought a Swan Creek one the other day --have not tried it yet, but smells wonderful ..cold. Decided to try tarts, bought 2 cool burners & then I "ran-into" this company & have been waiting ...and waiting ... scariest part is I cannot get any response from them --they took my $$ fast enough, tho....Wonder how my holiday scents will be in ........April ..or whenever they show-up.


So, Hi to all & I will check in & post as I can ... I am a bit "computer challenged" so let me know if I really mess-up!

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Msfoghorn! Sorry for the way you drifted in, but sure glad you found us here!


Did you end up finding that others had problems with the same vendor you mentioned? I hope your order shows up!!

This is a GREAT place to get the scoop on what works and what doesn't, who gives the best customer service, all the sales (ohhh the sales) and just meet up with a bunch of other waxheads who fully understand your addiction obsession hobby.


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[smilie=th_hello] Ms Foghorn! Great name!

Sorry for the way you found us, but you are now in good company! We all love smellies and the information on this board is amazing! I hope you found some info about the company you bought from on here, maybe someone may be able to help you out. I think most of us have been "burned" by a company at some point. yuck, yuck - but true. There's a private venting room down below...sometimes it helps! [smilie=th_Welcome_from_the_Whol

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Hey! Hi, Thanks for the welcomes!!

The company I am "rumbling" with at this moment is Cozy Cabin Scents .. I read a pretty good review on it -- I THINK on here(not sure) and placed an order on 12/5 --her site DOES say it CAN take up to 3 week to ship...but I have emailed numerous times(think it is up to 8 times, by now --the angrier I get, the "itchier"(?) my "send finger gets!) I see her on facebook --but I don't do FB -- bit of a dinosaur, here, I guess --and she posts frequently & is all nice-nice with posters on there --but I think I read somewhere (in my quest to find her) that she deletes negative posts? Also see that she is/was on ETSY(one of my favorite places) but only has one item & claims there have been 31 transactions with 100% positive ratings, but when you click to see them ...there is nothing. I am just looking for an answer of WHEN this order might go out .. paid thru Paypal --don't have an account, but was able to run my credit card thru that way.

I did see, while I was googling around looking for her, a negative comment from someone on here,

but when I clicked to open it & read the rest, I could not do that & ......THUS, I found this place ..and all of you! anyway ..it is Cozy Cabin Scents -- Lulu or Lulu & Pert? I have even signed up for their newsletter to see if I could get more info & "convo'd" her thru my Etsy acct.




Well, on to more pleasant things(most times ..no, really I love them) I currently have 3 dogs -- my big-old German Shepherd, Bruno, Lucas, a BorderCollie/ whippet(?)cross that found us about 7 years ago & Rosie, a cattle dog/rat terrier (??) cross that found us about 2 years ago.

We, alo, have 7 cats right now --youngest about 7 oldest, probably around 14 ... all rescued.

AND .......Pugsly, the pig ...he was a foster that we took in about 6 years ago, because we already had a pot-belly that we found abandon prior & a friend with a rescue needed a

"temporary" place for him ----so, 6 years later ..he is still here --Snorty, our other pig passed-on a few years ago due to cancer. There are assorted fish in our front yard pond & we feed the local deer that wander thru, nightly.

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Since you paid through Paypal you could try opening a dispute that usually motivates her to ship. I just checked my Paypal and the email i have for her is

tartpayments@gmail.com you might try that. good luck she is famous for being slow but i believe everyone does receive them

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Thank you for the information ..... I think I will wait until Mon. 12/26 or 27th ..that will be the 3 weeks, then I will put on a "press". All I ask for is communication. Hope these tarts/ melts are good once I get them ..willn have to do some serious paying attention, here when I get around to ordering more.

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..it is Cozy Cabin Scents -- Lulu or Lulu & Pert? .


There is a Cozy Cabin AND a Cozy Cottage (which is Pert & Lulu) - which one are you talking about?

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MsFoghorn - I've recently gone thru a similar situation with a new-to-me vendor - absolutely NO communication, so can empathize. Very frustrating! [smilie=th_ANGRY_10] You mention Pert & Lulu, so I'm thinking you mean Cozy Cottage Scents - ? I've heard it does sometimes take a while for them to ship, so you might want to give it a little more time, but, since you paid thru Paypal, you do have the option of filing a dispute within 45 days (I think) of your order. Don't let this be a bad introduction to indy vendors 4 U - most have excellent communcation/scents/info/products, so don't give up.

Sounds like you love animals, too! :wub: There's some good info in the "Doggie Discussion' thread in the 'Off Topic Rooms' (near bottom of main page).

Lots of great info on waxies/scents/sales on here - have fun! [smilie=snoopy]

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Sorry about that ... Yes, I DO mean Cozy Cottage ... having one of "those" moments there, I guess ...or maybe a defective keyboard!??!!


I am a bit new to tarts ... have always loved my candles & gotten into diffusers, but I just love to be wrapped-up in scents ..good ones, that is ..remember I live with 7 kitties!

As soon as I get everyone settled in, here, this a.m. I plan to light a new candle I got the other day ..It is Archipelagos, Limited Edition "Black Forest"(blend of Douglad Fir and Ebony Wood with subtle hint of Black Current) the cold sent is amazing ..hope it comes thru when I burn it.


I have been known to put one of my jar candles on one of those melt/ plates & use it that way so I guess I am ready for tarts & melts.

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Seems you're not alone having problems with them (I'm with ya). Here's a link to a thread about it:



I eventually did get my stuff (not sure about anyone else or what happened with those filing PP disputes).


I hope it does show up!


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I ordered on black friday stuff she said was ready to ship she said they would go right out. Not so it took over 2 weeks for her to ship and she sent me a tracking number that was false finally i got a new tracking number and got my package.

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Thank you for all of the info ....... wish I had "known" you guys before I ordered from this person!

I paid with my cc thru PP not having a PP account -- read on their site that to file a dispute I need to open an account -- well, actually we have had an account .. but over the years it has gotten "muddled" and not used much --hubby opened it when we did craft shows(long ago) then he bought & sold some on ebay (quite a while ago) and I had used it, occasionally ..changing passwords & such --so now, PP says we have an account but it is my info, his info, and our info -- I just have to get on the phone with PP when he is around & we need to get it all straightened out & set-up, actual His & Her accounts ..silly thing to let it get all messed up --just very rarely ever use PP ...usually use my cc ..or don't bother ..oh well, guess I have to get into this century.

Am going to wait until Tues., 12/27 to get going on this --- that gives her the "up to 3 weeks" she stated that it might take to ship.


Once I get this settled .. and my $$ back ..or tarts ... I will be pouring over your reccomendations when I place another order with someone. Funny, as I read thru these forums I find myself taking notes of companies & scents you talk about& then checking out those websites & making additional notes for future purchases.


Thank you, really ..and Happy Holidays to you & yours

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Hope everyone had a great holiday! I called PayPal, yesterday to see about starting action against Cozy Cottage & got thru to a helpful(I hope) live person .. she started the "process" for me, even skipping the initial dispute part .. she said I am to wait 12 days & if I have not received my order,or my money ... to contact them, again. We'll see ....... I see that CC still posts on her facebook - this a.m. talking about a great sale!! Just don't understand how she can be so brazen & totally ignore me ...who has already paid!As I said, we will see what comes of this PP action.

Hubby & I REALLY have our accounts "muddled" still working on straightening them out; this action against CC is being handled as I paid as a guest ...I think .. not, totally sure.


Yes, Vermont is a really pretty place, our place, there, is far north -- about 15 miles from the Canadian border & anxious to get there fulltime

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Hi, all .. just wanted to check in & update on my lack of success with this "shady"(at best) company Paypal told me to get back to them on the 7th to continue with "further action" against Cozy Cottage ..don't exact;y know what that means ....... talked to my credit card company & they told me to wait to see what Paypal comes up with. I just do not understand how this person will not even acknowledge my emails --- I am not on facebook .. but I cam see where she post, quite regularly about sales & new products! I send email, after email .. and NOTHING! At this point, I really just want my $$ credited back & to be done with this wretched person. I just get more & more angry!


Thanks for listening

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Hi, all .. just wanted to check in & update on my lack of success with this "shady"(at best) company Paypal told me to get back to them on the 7th to continue with "further action" against Cozy Cottage ..don't exact;y know what that means ....... talked to my credit card company & they told me to wait to see what Paypal comes up with. I just do not understand how this person will not even acknowledge my emails --- I am not on facebook .. but I cam see where she post, quite regularly about sales & new products! I send email, after email .. and NOTHING! At this point, I really just want my $$ credited back & to be done with this wretched person. I just get more & more angry!


Thanks for listening

I am sorry for all your troubles, MsFoghorn! :( I am pretty sure you will get your money back when time runs out. I have almost always been happy with how paypal ends the problem. In the one instance they couldn't help, my credit card got me a refund. Does your 45 days run out on the 7th?

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THE PACKAGE came last evening! Prioroty mail, none-the-less!

I do want to Thank all of you for your help in this situation, and I will let you know how they smell after melting ...they sure smell great, cold.


I have a few other questions about melts & cups & tart burners and I will be back, a bit later today & find the appropriate "forum" to ask my questions. Candles & oils are what I have always used & am fairly new to these melts ...

Thanks So much!

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