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April's Shower of Scents

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Good Morning All!

Heres get well wishes to all who are still under the weather.

Today Im melting Dole Whip from LOL. Second melt and still going strong. Love this one, its a reorder for sure!



Debbie... Dole Whip is FANTASTIC isn't it???? It is one of my very favorites as well. I am melting LOL Pink Sugared Coconuts today, it is pretty good, but definitely more pink sugar than coconut. Did anyone else get the free shipping notice from Front Porch? I groaned when I saw it because I said I was going to wait for a sale to order from there, and I need to quit ordering so much! But free shipping, especially from there, is a pretty big deal! [smilie=th_smiley-crying]

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Melting Can Do Amish Spice (LOVE IT)

Still Burning my GC Apple Spice candle

Burning a few votives from Goose Creek Candle in Cinnamon (wonderful )

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darling....I also got the free shipping notice. I would love to order but I'm waiting on AMS to re-open.

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Hi everybody.


I hope you all had a nice holiday. We spent the weekend in the woods enjoying nature's bounty. The sun was hot and the creek water was cold.


Today I'm melting Blue Like Jazz from CYS.

Cool avatar Jules! Missed you here. Did you smell any unique nature scents?

Hope everybody who is feeling under the weather has a better week!

Melting CBV ~ Orange Vanilla Coffee

GW ~ Hazelnut Marshmallow

MD ~ Bayou Brew

LOL ~ Blueberry Vanilla Hazelnut

CCCC ~ Fresh Squeezed Oranges

The Orange Vanilla Coffee is taking over all the scents today!

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Guest Anonymous

I received the free shipping notice. I already placed my order. I am getting alot of samples of her new scents. Cannot wait!! [smilie=th_Drglar]

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Thanks Heart. I'm glad that Orange Vanilla Coffee from CBV is good. I got one to try with my last order but haven't melted it yet.


I did smell some natural scents :) The creek smelled dank and reminded me of GG -

420, and we had a campfire that smelled like CC - Fireside. Plus, I melted Hippity Hoppity Bunny Cake tarts too. :P




I switched out to Can-Do - Creme Brulee from a CF buddy. Thanks friend. [smilie=th_Drglar]

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Guest Anonymous

I am melting Front Porch, Homemade Strudel. In another room I am melting, Front Porch, Brown Sugar Nut Bread. Both scents are amazing! [smilie=th_Drglar]

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Guest Anonymous

I am melting Front Porch, Homemade Strudel. In another room I am melting, Front Porch, Brown Sugar Nut Bread. Both scents are amazing! [smilie=th_Drglar]

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I am melting Bella's Earthy Embrace. This is a nice scent and moderate scent throw, and I can't quite pick out the notes but it smells good. Kinda spa and fresh.

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Earlier I melted:


K - Citrus Cooler - Prairie Soy - A very nice strong citrus scent


LR - Still had the Victorian Rose from Aubrey's going strong from the night before


BR - Rose & Sweet Rose - CBV - Since the scent got diminished because of the ziplock bags she sent the heart tarts in I combined both scents to get a better throw - noramlly they are both very strong, great scents but they were MUCH weaker - I've definitely learned my lesson about the type of bag tarts should be stored in.


Bathroom - 2nd tealight for Nene's Pink Peony




Now I'm melting:


K - Brazilian Passionfruit - YC - This is a very nice scent but rather faint - maybe the tart is very old, considering that this is a retired scent.


LR - Lei Flowers - Cheryl's - Another nice moderately strong floral from Cheryl

The Victorian Rose from Aubrey's was STILL strong enough for me to faintly smell it when I walked into the LR after over 26 hours straight in the 24W melter! - the Colonial Candle Black Damask melter doesn't run as hot as the other 24W melters I own so that probably helped, but it's still super impressive as I never shut off my melters.


BR - Paris - Tyler - Awesome strong scent - Love it!


Bathroom - The remainder of CBV's Rose & Sweet Rose little heart tarts.. I think from now on I will order only the tart cups from Victoria - I like them much better.

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[smilie=th_326db8b3] Good Morning! Back to school for the kiddos today. We had a great Easter visiting family, but I am glad to be back home with my waxies...lol.


Just put Harvest Spice Cake by Blue Gecko in the melter....smells great! It's raining here and this scent is perfect....cozy and yummy smelling!


Hope everyone who was sick is on the mend!

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Cat, is that you and your little girl in your avatar?....precious! Overnight it was YC sun and sand...diodn't get a lot of throw from it, and it was in two melters [smilie=th_326db8b3]

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Good Morning all! Feeling MUCH better finally...feels like I'm back to my well self again! woohoo!



First melts of the day for me are:


K - Juicy Cherry - YC - This is one of YC's retired scents and I bought it way after the retirement. Right now it's only very faint, not much throw at all - perhaps it's just too old. Disappointing, but I didn't pay much for any of the retired scents I bought so...


LR - Bamboo Lily - CD - A nice moderately strong scent


BR - Lilac Blossoms - YC - A nice moderately strong floral


Bathroom - Beach Vacation - YC - One of YC's new summer scents and the worst one IMO - it barely scents the bathroom, never mind a bigger room.



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