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August's Amazing Aromas

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Melting CFTKR Apple Spice Cake....super delish!!

Also melting Heartland Herb Pumpkin Vanilla Creme....wonderful!!


I am getting into the fall scents since it's been rather cool here lately.

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Back in my classroom where I am burning my Blue Moon pillar. It is awesome! I haven't been in here in two days, and i could smell the scent from the last burn! [smilie=th_confused3] :shock:

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Thank you for your kind words about the fish! It means a lot to us.


My Cinnamon Apple Spice tart smelled great but went caput after a couple of hours so I now have Frosted Sugar Cookie melting. This is one of my favorite cookie scents.

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Guest Anonymous

Currently melting: Cactus & Sea Salt (Front Porch), and Raspberry Guava (Pure Scents)

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LLVV, hugs to you and your daughter. I'm sure she'll be missing her little pet, but she's lucky to have such a caring mom to gently explain such things.


Fleur, sorry about your new melter. :lol: My 24 watt melter had a weird smell to it the first time I used it, too, but the bowl didn't stick to the hot plate part. I still have it, but I don't use it very often.


This morning I am melting Crow in da Cornbread from Gramma Fran's.

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LLVV, I think some times it's harder on the parent when a child's pet dies. I will never forget this-when I was a little boy, I had a pet bunny that died. I handled it rather well. When I took my afternoon nap, I looked out my bedroom window into the backyard and my mom was burying the bunny, sobbing as she dug the hole. I felt so bad for her. I know she felt worse about the bunny than I did.


Anyway, sad story aside, today I have on Banana Nut Breat from Gramma Fran's. I love bakery scents, but I find that you never know if they will smell authentic or not. Well, this one does! Smells like a big slice of warm banana nut bread slathered with butter! Mmmmmmm.

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LLVV - I'm so sorry to hear about your little girl's fish. We've had many fish die over the years, and finally gave up on our acquarium. I hated every time one of them died.


Fleur - Sorry to hear about your melter.


The boys and I made a trip to Walmart this morning for a few things (dd stayed home with a friend), so I thought I'd pick up a few more of the mainstays tarts to try them out. So, in the kitchen it's warm apple pie, in my bedroom it's vanilla, and in the computer room it's black cherry. The black cherry one is already strong, and I just started melting it 5 minutes ago. I have definitely been impressed with these tarts.


I hope you all are having a great day!

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LLVV--so sorry about the fish but I think you handled it beautifully. The bad part about being parents is that we suffer right along with our children when life hurts them.



Changed out to a new Huckleberry Layne scent--Cucumber Melon--love this one--wish I'd got more than one.

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This morning it was Pink Lemonade from Crosscreek. I'm trying to use up the last of my summer scents...


Yesterday I melted Warm Sugared Peaches (a sample from CFTKR) and my last Orange Buttermilk Parfait from Crosscreek but ended up dumping them both. The Peaches scent had too many floral notes to it for my taste, and I just wasn't in the mood for the Orange Buttermilk...so I replaced them with Coconut Cream Cake from CFTKR and Pink Sugar Cake from Crosscreek. Yum! Both are strong and long-lasting.

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Just put Clean Cotton from Mainstays in the MB. Crow in da Cornbread from Gramma Fran's is going strong downstairs, although the kids' Bagel Bites they just made for lunch are kind of putting a damper on it. This is a very good fall scent that I need to go add to my re-order list!

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Fleur - II think you were wise to toss out that burner.


LLVV: - sorry about the loss of your daughter's fish. I have 5 children (now adults) and have had similar experiences as what you described. Your emphasis on the fish going to Heaven is comforting for your daughter to think about and children are marvelously able to bounce right back from sad happenings.


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Today I had Whipped Cream & Honeydew for the morning, but the scent drifted away. (It was a nice scent for morning though...)

So now for the afternoon, I have Angie's Country Bazaar. Definately a spicey one...I think more for the fall...feels weird to have it going when it's super HOT out...LOL


I also have fresh Green Grass by Dew Drop. MMM

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Put Busy Bee's Birthday Cake in my electric melter, then I went to take the kids to do something and to YC and got the autumn tealight burner I wanted. I came home and the house smelled soooo good!!

I stopped at Walmart this morning, and there were no tarts there yet. But they did have the shelves cleared for them and they had the tags for them, so it won't be long :lol:



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Okay guys-you got me-I caved and picked up some tarts at Wal Mart today while shopping. Just one of each fragrance to compare! I put the black cherry one on in the DR-not bad.


I am also melting Country Cottage-Illuminescents in the laundry. This is a great fall scent!


LL-sorry for your DD this morning. I remember the first time my DD lost her favorite fish-she caught me flushing it-Not a pretty scene! Good thinking on waiting for her to be out of the house when you locate it.


Fleur- sorry you had such a bad new burner-don't ya hate it when that happens?


I hope everyone is having a good afternoon!

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