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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


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Everything posted by skylar

  1. Morning! Melting CFTKR Honeydew Melon and Butt Naked LOL Candied Raspberries Have a great day all!
  2. :P Melting Plumeria,Garden Sweet Pea and Blue Hydrangea all from YC
  3. Hi everyone! Melts for this afternoon are CYS Americana Nene's Pink Sugared Strawberries...really yummy! Puppylove...If you like Slatkin's Strawberry Patch there are some on sale on the BB&W website! Just letting you know!
  4. Hi! Melting Kim's Pink sugar Pure Scents Watermelon Kick CFTKR Honeydew Pear Candle in Cool Tropical Breeze from Slatkin....this is very good! Have a great day everyone!
  5. Today I'm melting Can-do Coconut lime and YC Plumeria....both are so good!
  6. Melting CFTKR Fresh Floral Honeydew Melon Have a great day everyone!
  7. Good Morning! Melting CFTKR Fresh Strawberries amd Cocomilk....very yummy And Passion Melon
  8. HI! Starting out the day with Almost country Champagne and Strawberries
  9. ;) Today I've been melting Can-do Banana CFTKR Mac Apple and Sour Watermelon Candy Everything smells great! Siilysmom.... :) on your weight loss,I think I may have to join WW as I'm trying to lose a few.Great job!
  10. Hi everyone! Thanks for asking Sweet! We had some bad storms last night with several tornado warnings,but the worse of it went south of my area and the news just showed very severe damage from the storms.I'm not sure were Aria is located in MI,I know she is pretty close to me,hope they are safe! Anyways for tonight I'm melting CFTKR Demin...love this scent from Carol,it's so fresh and clean smelling Candles Gold Canyon Cotton splash and Tranquil Mist. Have a great evening everyone!
  11. For this evening I;m melting Almost Country Botanical Orchard Nectar...it's lovely
  12. Melting Can-Do Lemon Magnolia and Farmhouse Spearmint Both smell fantastic! Have a great day everyone!
  13. Melting Can=Do Rose and Violet this morning....smells great! Sharona....I've tried CFTKR's Cocomilk and it's very pretty and a great mixer with some of Carol's fruit scents! Enjoy the day everyone!
  14. Lime Frosted Watermelon Cake or Blue Raspberry Cotton Candy?
  15. Mimosa Punch Fresh Island Gain or Peach and Coconut Milk?
  16. Good morning! Starting out with Crosscreek's Limey Good Cupcakes....yummy!
  17. Today I'm melting CFTKR Pink Watermelon and Pink Sugared OJ Gold Canyon candle in Juicy Watermelon and Goose Creek in Summer slices Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone!
  18. Tonight I'm burning Slatkin's Strawberry Patch and Pomegranate Lemonade
  19. Happy Mothers Day! Tonight I'm melting CCCC Pink sugared Cotton Candy CFTKR Strawberries and Cream Kim's Mulled Cider...this is really strong ! Enjoy the rest of the day everyone
  20. Hi everyone! Today I'm melting CFTKR Lemon Noel and Lemon Snap Cake Candle is a goose creek in Lemon Pie Aria and Jules...thanks for the heads up on the BBW sale what a great deal! I'm off to order!
  21. Today I'm melting CFTKR Peach White Cake Can-do Perfect Pineapple Kim's Hot Apple Pie Have a great day everyone!
  22. Good Morning! Melting CCCC Strawberry Patch.....wonderful!
  23. Today I'm melting CFTKR Dewberry and Apple Grove CCCC Orange Pineapple Granita....this is Denny.....Kim's Mac Apple was very good and lasted along time! It's a definite re-order for me! Enjoy the rest of the day everyone
  24. Hi Everyone! Starting out the day with Kim's Mac Apple GHBT's Pink sugar Busy Bee Honeydew Melon Gold Canyon Candle in Watergarden...this is very pretty!
  25. Hi everyone! I'm starting out the day with CFTKR Black cherry...this is really good and sweet! CFTKR's Mango Papaya...yummy! Can-do watermelon Almost country Citrus splash
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