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Everything posted by Aria

  1. Just started Pumpkin Pie and Cranberry Orange Spice, both from Lakeside Luminaries.
  2. Well, this has got to be the dreariest Saturday I've seen in a long time......pretty soon I am going to grow webbed feet!!! So far, just one melter going...Crosscreek Celtic Moonspice. I am in the process of cleaning out the other melters so I can start some more yummy scents. Jason, prayers for your brother and his health.
  3. Heart, I love having lots of new scents to try out!!! Just lit YC Autumn Leaves for the evening.
  4. Just started another melter with Apple Clove Butter from Dew Drop Scents.........oh my, this one is downright awesome! The clove note is very mellow, not too overpowering. I need a truckload of these tarts!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Melting Autumn Spice from The Tart Shoppe and Spiced Clove from Can-Do......both are remarkable scents!
  6. Jason, just wondering.....is the maple note really strong in this scent? I've never tried it, but the maple in the description turns me off as I am not a big fan of maple scents. Thanks!
  7. Fallish scents melting here today...... Autumn Magic ~ CFTKR Cinnamon Buns ~ CFTKR Cinnamon Apple ~ Candle Haven Apple Spice Cake ~ CFTKR These have been going since this morning and now I am trying to decide what to melt/burn for the evening. It's nice and cool here....Fall is in the Air!!!! I may fire up my oil warmer with Leaves.....I am addicted to this scent!
  8. I like Haunted House a lot too. It is a super strong scent and packs quite a punch. I usually cut a tart in half and use it in a low wattage melter. I smell patchouli too and I normally don't care for scents with a lot of patchouli. This one is just right. Decided to warm some oil this afternoon....Slatkins Leaves from B&BW.....amazing scent!!
  9. I've been melting Carol's Celtic Moonspice this morning and also Dew Drop Cinnamon Donuts. This evening I think I will light my YC Autumn Leaves candle I got during the sale last January. This has to be my favorite scent for fall, although Autumn Gold is really wonderful too!!!!! Jason, I still want a jar of that one!!!!
  10. slpit...good to "see" ya!!!! mom, I tried YC Autumn Gold in tart form and am convinced I need a jar of it...it's THAT GOOD!!!! Love the cranberry note in it. Just put Jenny's Song from Crosscreek in two tealight melters (cut the tart in half).......this is one of my faves from Deana.....wonderful orange and clove scent...perfect for the rainy afternoon we are having.
  11. I have a whole bunch of different scents going on here..... Autumn Lodge ~ Almost Country, etc. This scent is growing on me. Cornstalks ~ Bella's (this is a scent I had before and reordered it, but this batch doesn't smell the same to me...waaaah!) Sweet Harvest Pumpkin ~ CFTKR...just started it, but I can tell it's gonna be a winner. Bay Leaf & Pepper ~ Busy Bee....love, love, love this scent. Autumn Gold ~ YC.....2nd tealight for this one.....I see a jar candle in this scent in my future!!! Have a nice day!
  12. Good Sunday morning! So far, all I have melting this morning is Bella's Grandma's Zucchini Bread.....I just love ZB scents! I think my fave is Crosscreeks version. Last night I melted Angie's Autumn Leaves and it was OUTSTANDING!! Wonderful scent and strong to boot! Sort of different from YC version which I love, but it is a great, very authentic scent....definite reorder for me.
  13. LLVV, good one!!! Hey, can I come over for dinner? That Greek cheese pie thingy sounds delish!!!!
  14. I've started a couple more melters since this morning. CH Fall Harvest is in the kitchen......very enjoyable, reminds me of Celtic Moonspice. I also re-lit YC Pumpkin Pie from last night. I am loving the Farmers Market from Busy Bee that I started this morning.....great fall scent.
  15. Good Morning everyone! Beautiful morning here......hope Hanna is kind to those in her path. Starting off the day with Busy Bee Farmers Market. Just put it in the melter a second ago. I am trying to figure out what else to melt today.......think I need another cuppa joe to get me going. mj, hope DH and DS have a nice time with the Boy Scouts. My oldest is in the Cub Scouts.... Oh yeah, I am expecting an order from Crosscreek today....YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!! I ordered several of Deana's new fall scents and more Celtic Moonspice. Deana is such a sweetie and her TAT amazes me!!!! I just placed my order on Tuesday!! :?
  16. Stay safe from Hanna LLVV and fleur. Love the ice cream story. littlegoblin, can you return those Yankees? Maybe you can get some nice fall scents to replace them.... mp, you sure raised your daughter right!!! mj and Jules, most DH's just don't appreciate a good thing!!! lol For tonight, I am finishing up CH Haunted House in the MB upstairs and downstairs it's YC Pumpkin Pie and CH Warm & Cozy....
  17. Starting out with 2 Front Porch melts....Homemade Strudel and Autumn Spice.....they're both strong and blending very well......I am loving the cooler weather we are getting to go along with the fall scents! Heart & Heidi, prayers for your loved ones..... Loving all of the zucchini ideas !!!! I am contemplating a trip to the Yankee store today. I am dying to try some of their fall scents.....Autumn Gold sounds very tempting !!!!!
  18. We had some rain here tonight too. It's a good thing since our grass is turning into straw!! Anyhow, melting CH Haunted House tonight.....Love this scent...it is perfect for a rainy evening!
  19. That's one of my favorite scents, but I won't be ordering from there anymore, either. mpfand, I think we'll survive....there are so many other wonderful vendors out there! I will let you know if I ever run across that scent again from another vendor. Finished off the day with Crosscreek Celtic Moonspice.....heavenly!!!!!!!
  20. Good afternoon! Heart, great news about your DH coming home this week.....that is so great. Melting Primitive Cupboards from Bella's ..... I really like this scent a lot....too bad I won't be ordering any more from there.
  21. Happy September everyone! First melt of the month is Angie's Harvest Thyme....loving it alot....a nice spicy mixture....Fall scents are my favorite so I am thrilled that September is here. Love, love, love this time of year!!!!!!!
  22. Jules, thanks for the laughs girl...you are a HOOT!!! Cheryl, that BBW oil sounds wonderful....I love that potpourri from Aromatique....I don't burn oils often, but when I do, I really enjoy them!!! Getting ready to leave for a BBQ, so I will just leave the Autumn Magic melt on from earlier.......trying to decide what to put on for this evening after we get back home......hmmmmm.......????
  23. Jules, never too much info when it concerns wax girl!! I am going to check out those surprise candles at CBV....haven't ordered from there in ages. Sounds like a fun candle to have around! I will let ya know if I run across any good huckleberry scents.....
  24. Just started up another melter with Snickerdoodle from Hodge Podge....I really like this scent, just wish it was a little stronger. Jules, you always have the most interesting candle scents....I've never tried Voluspa candles before..... That Suprise candle sounds interesting too!
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