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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


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Everything posted by Aria

  1. Good Afternoon everyone.... This bronchitis is still kicking my butt, but I did manage to open 5, yes 5, packages that arrived within the last several days....EW, Can-Do, Nene's, waxntracks and CP.......WOWEEEE on all of them! I got some really great scents!!!! Donna really spoiled me with some nice freebies....lots of tarts in a cute drawstring bag and a freebie package of incense in Spiced Patchouli. I had also ordered incense in Spell Weaver and Black Vanilla.....they all smell great. Now I need to find my incense burner thingy....... Love putting incense in the powder room. Right now I am melting Nene's Peppermint Bark and also Can-Do Happy Holidays......
  2. Thank you all for the well wishes! This really is a great group we have here.... Maggie, forgot to wish you well wishes....hope we both feel better soon! I am feeling quite a bit better this evening.....2 days of doing NOTHING sure does help the body recover. Rest is worth it's weight in gold. I plan to rest lots more this weekend...want to be in good health for the Holidays! Enjoying Coffee with Santa from EW this evening.....WOW, cannot believe how strong this tart is!! Have a great evening everyone!
  3. Thanks Kim, Jason and Heart..... you are all so sweet.
  4. Just have my YC Christmas Wish candle lit right now. Not feeling well; came down with bronchitis also ~ coughing and coughing....blech. Hope everyone stays healthy. I have three packages that were delivered (two yesterday, and one today) and I don't even feel like opening them. I think they are Nene's, EW and CocoaPink....haven't even looked at the boxes closely.....that's how yucky I feel. Off to make a cup of hot tea
  5. A little while ago, I started melting Carol's Fir & Balsam.....first time trying it tonight and I am glad I took a chance and ordered a bag of this one on a hunch. Yes, it's that good!
  6. deb, ITA ! I think I may email Carol and ask her for the description. I have a Christmas Village tart from GHBT, but I'm not sure if it's the same scent or just has the same name but it's really a different scent. I've started my oil warmer with some B&BW Evergreen oil....love this scent! After awhile, it mellows into a nice smokey cedarwood fragrance.
  7. This morning, I've been melting Carol's Christmas Village. I really wasn't sure about the cold smell, but once melted, It is fabulous! I tried to look up the scent description on her ebay site, but she must be out because it's no longer listed. I am pretty sure I got this in a sampler. I would order it again.....
  8. Good Morning! For a quick burst of scent this morning, I am warming some Christmas Wish oil from Cozy Moments.....smells so wonderful.....sugar cookies and Christmas tree together! This is a wonderful strong oil.....wonder if CM is going to carry the home fragrance oils year round. I would order more for sure. Love CM!!!!!
  9. LLVV, okay girl, spill it! How do you make an EGG NOG LATTE??? That sounds delish! It is just egg nog and coffee or what??? I gotta know! hehehe.....I am drooling here. Today I only have my Warm Glow Snickerdoodle candle lit and it smells heavenly! It is not a super strong scent, but it is very pleasant and I get whiffs of it every now and then. Really enjoying it a lot. The candle is so pretty and it's burning very nicely too. It's not sooty at all and the edges are folding in nicely by themselves. I am going to order another one of these for sure. I still have the Evening Mocha and the Nutmeg & Cream one to burn yet.....yum.
  10. Good Sunday Morning! It's cold here and snowed all day yesterday, so everything is white, white, white! I think we got about 4 inches of fresh snow. Kids are lovin' it! fleur, your weekend sounds so wonderful.....enjoy! We are going to put up our tree today too. No cookies baking yet though..... Jules, your scents sound just loverly! LLVV, your post has inspired me to go and dig out Cranberry Woodspice from Carol...I have almost a whole bag of it and forgot about it until you mentioned it! It is a wonderful scent....it's very cozy smelling. Well, off to find Cranberry Woodspice tarts......
  11. Boy, my house smells good right now... I've got a YC Christmas Wish jar going, Warm Glow Snickerdoodle hearth candle, and just started a tart from Carol....Evergreen Pine. Oh yeah and also Carol's Cranberry Orange Muffins too!
  12. Good Morning! Wanted some quick scenting this morning, so I am warming B&BW Evergreen oil.....ahhhh, such wonderful scent! Later on, I am going to melt EW Apple Butter.....put it in the melter last night, but I fell asleep and totally forgot to turn the melter on!
  13. oh my deb! I can just imagine the mess! What about the doggy's tail? Does he smell all pretty and minty now? First melt of the day is Carol's Apple Cinnamon Strudel...wonderful....still taking a little break from the balsam, minty holiday scents.....think I'll also light up my Warm Glow Snickerdoodle candle since it's supposed to be cloudy here today. Have a great smelling Friday everyone! :P
  14. In the mood for a bakery scent tonight....think I'll put on Carol's Cranberry Zucchini Bread....YUMMERS!!!
  15. Just started a blue for Boogie....Carol's Glistening Snow.....
  16. Melting Holiiday Wreath by GHBT and Dashing Through the Snow by Can-Do...... twinsmom, very happy for ya girl! I hope to find something with similiar hours when I start looking for a job next fall.....I want to be able to see the boys off on the bus in the morning and be home when they get off the bus in the afternoon. For some reason, I am very sleepy this afternoon....need a little nap I think....hope it will give me a lift.
  17. Christy, congrats on the new melter!!!!! You're on your way now!
  18. Thanks Nancy for the update on momuvtwo. I hope she makes it back here eventually. Enjoy the Rockettes! DH and I went and saw the Rockettes several years ago.....it was wonderful and very magical. Just got back from a little Christmas shopping and haven't started any melters yet. I think I am going to go into my EW stash and pull something out to melt. I'll probably light some candles too.
  19. LLVV, I know how you are feeling. I have trouble dealing with meltdowns too. We don't want to see our kids in such pain with the crying and wailing and all. Parenting is one of the hardest things I've ever been faced with....sometimes the decisions we have to make are not easy.
  20. This morning I've got Warm & Cozy (a nice, spicy scent...lots of clove) from Candle Haven going and also Homemade Strudel by Front Porch.
  21. Jules, glad you got your Warm Glow! I would order again from waxntracks...very quick TAT, the candles were packed very well and Barb is very nice and friendly too. Let us know how you like the Buttered Rum, okay?
  22. Good afternoon everyone! twinsmom, I hope you get the job! I will also be going back to work (at least part time) next year when my youngest starts 1st grade. Like you, I have not worked outside the home for almost 10 years and am a little nervous about getting back out there again. I've enjoyed each and every moment of being a stay at home mom for the last 10 years. Hey, maybe I can get a job at a Yankee Candle store....Now, wouldn't that be fun?!!! Started GHBT Bayberry a little while ago and my oh my is this one strong scent! I also still have my WG Snickerdoodle hearth candle going on my dining room table. The scent is so nice. It is subtle and not overwhelming at all. Smells very authentic and not waxy either. Love the warm glow from the candle too! No wonder they are called Warm Glow! It fits perfectly in one of my tall glass hurricanes. Jules, did your WG delivery arrive yet? ETA: Anyone know what happened to momuvtwo? Haven't seen her post in a long time it seems........
  23. G'morning everyone! I've got lots of scents going today.... WG Snickerdoodle hearth candle YC Balsam & Cedar - the last little bit of wax left from last year - got it on a warmer Almost Country - O Christmas Tree in living room tealight melter GHBT - Candy Cane - oh my, I reeeeeaaaally like this one, very yummy and good. Not overly minty. Loving everyone's avatars!!!! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas ......:?
  24. Hello there! I've got a nice mix going this afternoon....Carol's Christmas Cookie in two melters, warming some Christmas Time oil from Cozy Moments and also have a YC Christmas Wish jar lit on the dining room table. I have an OV S'topper on the jar with snowmen on it....it really looks adorable with the white wax glowing! Yankee candles sure do give off a nice glow. We are expecting a snowstorm late this afternoon and tonight!!!! Wheeeee! I love SNOW!!!
  25. I was also horrified at the stampede story. How awful. I simply don't get it???? I did NOT go out shopping yesterday. I hate crowds. I enjoy more of a peaceful shopping experience....online shopping works just fine for me. I'm having one of those mornings where I cannot decide what to melt or if I should just light up a candle......I'll update later on hopefully......
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