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Posts posted by debra99

  1. Mpfand - I also had one I had to turn off the other day, it smelled like spoiled wax to me. I wonder if it smelled like that to everyone or if it is just my nose. [smilie=th_scratch]



    Maggie, I had to Google the deco mesh - I saw some really cute wreaths! I can see how it would be fun to decorate those. [smilie=th_23_32_7]



    Honeybear - brain short circuits here too. I was introducing a new staff member and forgot the name of one of our long time employees! The harder I tried, the worse it got. He called me out on it, and is still telling me his name when he comes into my office! [smilie=th_pardon]



    Tonight it is Peach Bergamot from Cheryl's.

  2. AmyJo, I wish we had pictures! I bet the unicorn is fabulous! [smilie=th_i-m_so_happy]



    Maggie, what are your wreaths made of? Sounds like you are pretty crafty - I mean that in the good way!


    Thank you for the kitty wishes - she ate today, played and did great...but then threw up tonight, so, I don't know! <_>



    Mpfand, with your 109 degrees, I feel silly complaining about our 90 degrees, but I sure have become a wimp. Too hot for me!


    Tonight My DH looked at my new box of wax sitting on the counter and asked "what do you do with all of that?" :unsure: I said I melt it! He then said "but it seems like you have more than you can melt! What do you do with the rest?" Um...



    Today I have had SGA - Hello Lover going, all day, in all melters.

  3. Maggie, how is it being a Lady of Leisure? Or, are you doing all the tasks you have put off?


    Honeybear - what a great sounding class! My pottery would be so bad I would need to be able to blame the wine! [smilie=th_laughing]


    Aria, that FP scents sounds right up my alley!


    So glad it is Friday! [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr


    More pet issues - I have a kitty that won't eat off and on - not sure if it is a tooth issue or fussy eater issue..so will spend $$ to figure it out! Salmon goes down just fine, but it is soft, so [smilie=th_confused3]


    Tonight it is going to be Lilac Sensations - Sweet Tea Zinger.

  4. Mpfand - that is HOT! I remember being there when it was 107- and with all the cement and asphalt I swear it made the temp 20 degrees higher. [smilie=th_cha60]


    Maggie, what did I get? :onitswaysmiley: Welp, in my quest to find grapefruit I learned that a candlebuddy had fixed us up with a special grapefruit blend! [smilie=th_ahaaha] So, that and a little more to round out the order! [smilie=th_aa17]


    The weather today? Holy smokes! Thunder storms like crazy and an unexpected downpour as people came to work - several were drenched and had to find temporary clothes to wear until they dried out. I got in just before and I am so glad I missed that part. [smilie=th_c61]


    Tonight - FP - Eucalyptus Chamomile

  5. I hope you all had a chance to see AmyJo's fun survey. Hard choices! :huh:

    Thanks for putting that up, AmyJo!


    And - What a fun game to go to - so many extras, it made quite the evening for you!



    Biolaeagles - you also had a super deal on your movie! My kids used to love things like that. Food was big. ;)


    Aria - I am sorry about you losing your post. I have learned the longer they are, the higher the chance it goes poof!


    It will cool off tomorrow - time for wax to arrive! [smilie=yes]


    Tonight it is Lilac Sensations - Forever Red.

  6. AmyJo, I like the idea of a webby Dobby, lurking around policing things! [smilie=th_i-m_so_happy]


    Ninety degrees again today, and the wax did not arrive yet, whew! If I can stall a couple more days the weather will cooperate! [smilie=th_stophierDancedancer04



    Anyone remember Candle Dippers? I have Beach Bum melting from several years ago. Super strong still - kind of a suntan lotion scent. Good one for the hot weather! [smilie=th_WE1summer013]

  7. AmyJo!! I am very glad I have to be at work bright and early in the morning!


    Maggie, it must be hard to watch the little ones head off each year. Do you ever have a reunion so you have a chance to see them again? [smilie=th_smilies-2]


    I have not heard of excessive emojis! [smilie=th_thanimeomega_emoticon


    We have 90 degree weather for the next few days - bad timing, I have an order coming this way in a couple of days. Hopefully I have a kind mailperson and they find some shade. I have often wondered - you know how packages get stolen off of porches? Wonder what some guy would do with a big box of wax? [smilie=th_funny_sign]



    Tonight it is Lemon Drop - TCC. I have a bunch of this vendor to work my way through - some of my oldies.

  8. Mpfand, I a tried Root Beer melt from a friend awhile back, (thank you!) I was not really sure what to expect - but it was a good one! :sHa_thumbgoodjob:


    Michele - I let my VCS sit for quite awhile...months! In fact, I am melting Romeo & Juliet tonight and it says it was poured in 2016!


    It was hot today, and we had a wind storm this afternoon. I felt so bad for the Blue Jays, they have nests in the tall evergreens that were being whipped around. The birds were flying around, squawking - it hurt my heart to see them so frantic. [smilie=th_sad2hz1] I looked for little birds or eggs on the ground and did not see anything worrisome, so fingers crossed!

  9. I just lost my long chatty post. [smilie=th_thanimeomega_emoticon Blah.


    So, this one will be shorter. [smilie=th_fear8]


    AmyJo - thanks for letting us know about the Maggie Blends area on the website. Still looking for grapefruit, I will need to visit.


    Also - I ended up with a Galaxy S9 phone. Lots of learning to do.



    Honeybear - glad to hear there are back up toilets! That could have been a serious problem. (And that coffee sampler is calling my name...)


    Maggie, I missed the LSC sales, also. I wish there was a fool-proof way to know when she will be open! Lots of going to the website and clicking around right now.


    I had an odd one - I pulled out a sampler that I bought last year - and every label had faded and was pretty much blank. That is the 2nd time that has happened...with different vendors. It must be a label/printer ink combo that does not hold up. I am not a really big fan of "mystery scents", I like to know what flavors I have going. :huh:



    So far I have been strong, no orders (except a little B&BW soap order, that doesn't count, I am pretty sure.) [smilie=th_c032]


    Maggie - what did you think about the Lavender Shaving Cream? I :skywriter: both of those!


    Well, this is not so short, after all!


    Tonight - Northern Lite Candle Company - an oldie. Wild Elderberry and it is still pretty strong.


    Hope you are having a fun Saturday night! [smilie=th_december2201661-1]

  10. I am seeing several bubblegum scents! I have always avoided those, maybe I need to rethink it if they are so popular! ;)



    Thank you for the "day-off" wishes! I spent a good portion of the day getting a new smart phone. That is good for taking up several hours! But, at least I finally had time to do it.



    There are way too many restocks and sales right now. :wub: I still have a couple boxes I have not opened, I really need to focus on what I have! Looking for the secret... :blush:



    I tend to melt one clamshell through out the house. It also clears the stash faster!


    Tonight it is Sweet Snow - LSC. I think there could be another opening down the line!

  11. Speaking of enabling - it is hard to resist when a vendor sends a "thank you for your order, here is a discount for your next"...sheesh, do they have MY number.


    I have a day off tomorrow [smilie=th_stophierDancedancer04 It has been awhile since I took at day off with no plans. Lots of time to play with the furballs!



    Biolaeagles, I am a big library fan! I drive by one on my way home from work, I make a quick stop a couple times a week! (DVDs, too!)


    Off to bed with TCC - Key Lime Pie in the melter. [smilie=th_slider_bigsleep]

  12. Hi! Nice to "see" you! Christina said she had some website work done yesterday and needed to tweak it a bit, glad the tweak worked and we are all here again! [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr


    Honeybear - why is that? I had a brand new Ipod touch and the first night I dropped it. [smilie=th_sad2hz1] I don't think I had ever dropped the smaller, cheaper one!


    I have an oldie going that I wish I could find again. I have a feeling the oil must not be available now - Blue Moon, Cheryl's. [smilie=cloud_9]

  13. AmyJo, [smilie=th_sSig_what] I don't see that. No, no I don't. I had to buy another storage container last weekend!



    Mpfand, I hope your scents did the job covering dinner. I have to find something that gets rid of broccoli. The best I have found is Clover & Aloe, but that broccoli still peeks through.


    Tonight it is Cheryl's - Lime/Coconut Vanilla.

  14. Michele, I hope the shots end up being successful. Were these the type you watch as they inject? My MIL had those, and I went with her. Interesting to see.


    I have been watching what my Ds calls our "English Mysteries". Some are PBS, some are Australian though! Right now it is Doc Martin, in between Midsomer Murders. Sherlock was one of the best, the one with Benedict Cumberbatch. It sure helps when it rains, keeps me inside sorting wax and watching TV. [smilie=th_slider_flirt]


    I am not doing so good at staying away from restocks and sales. I went to lunch with a friend at a nice place. The bill was pretty high and I thought, "WOW! That is a lot of CFTKR". Then I realized that at least when I buy wax I have something to show for it! (Was that good rationalizing??) [smilie=th_thlaughter]


    Tonight it is Candy Panda - Pure Morning.

  15. Michele - how are your knees now after the injections?


    I have trouble going through my stash because I melt til the last bit of scent eeks out. I can have one going quite awhile, so that doesn't help me get very far. [smilie=th_pardon]



    We are having a rainy weekend. Guess it will be time to binge watch TV series I have missed.


    Tonight - Me Time Melts - Lemonberry Sangria

  16. I had the opportunity to meet up with friends tonight for nachos...no calories there! They are so good at the time, however! [smilie=th_shewiggle]


    Mpfand - congrats on getting a/c fixed quickly! We only have a couple days a year over 100 - but 108 is mind boggling!


    Tonight my reach and grab did not work so well - I ended up with YC Red Berries and Cedar which is a lovely scent - but not my favorite for hot weather!

  17. AmyJo, you are a naughty one! [smilie=th_slider_hi5]


    Mpfand - Holy cow! what an ordeal! I hope you can find a way to stay cool til this is taken care of.


    I planned to post last night - but instead I ended up cleaning up one of my biggest waxidents…


    TCC - Apple Peepers - a lovely scent and a lovely bright red, I knocked it over all over the fireplace hearth, It takes some work to get red wax out of grout lines. [smilie=th_ANGRY_10]


    Tonight - HHS - Afternoon Delight.

  18. AmyJo, I can't tell you how sad I feel about Montgomery. I feel like we go to know him through your posts. I am glad you were able to give extra attention the past couple of nights.


    Honeybear, wishing you lots of "mom strength" as you watch DD head out!



    Aria, I am on a sorta-kinda wax ban but could not avoid Carol's! ;) It did a teeny order, one of my smallest - but one of the really good things is that her melts hold their scent for a really long time.



    Today has been another day where I had trouble smelling stuff. <_ i think went through almost a dozen various melters around the house. winner ended up being barret perfectly peach.>

  19. Susan, it must be so hard to lose a client, you develop such wonderful relationships with them. It hurts your heart when that happens, I am sure.


    Gosh, AmyJo - I feel so bad for Montgomery. His poor little nervous system must be so stressed out!


    Michele - :sSig_agreed: I really just need to stay away from restocks. If I look, I usually order! There are so many interesting blends that I can't live without!



    Tonight it is Rocket's Blackberry BD Cake Coconut Cotton Candy Frosting.

  20. Great title, AmyJo! Three boxes! [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurr Where do you start?


    Cookie, I am sorry to hear that - I am sorry if you have mentioned it before -what type of work do you do?


    We have poison oak here. It sure makes you pay attention when you are out hiking!


    CFTKR restock in the morning...must be strong...


    Getting in the mood - just in case - CFTKR, Campfire S'mores. :blush:

  21. Michele, I bet you have made some great friends with your years of bowling! I am also wondering where to stash the box I have coming - I have hit overload! [smilie=th_thanimeomega_emoticon I keep moving wax around hoping I will discover space.


    AmyJo, I hope you get to relax on your days off. Do you have special trails you ride your bike on?


    Tonight it is Basil Nectarine - Cheryl's. Very old, but the tea light is making it steeee-rong!

  22. [smilie=th_justcuz_goodpost] AmyJo - I love your enthusiasm! Keep those descriptions coming! You are convincing me to pull out things I have not melted for awhile.


    Susan - what a week! I sure hope it is done and now you have smooth sailing!


    Michele - congrats on bowling winnings - are you on a league?



    Curious - I have bunch of pies and the bigger chunks. They seem to slow down progress - I push them aside and melt the smaller ones that don't need chopping. Do you guys have a system for these bigger ones? [smilie=th_cha40]


    Tonight is a sample that I did not think I would like, but it is pretty good! Rockets - Cherry Pipe Tobacco.

  23. AmyJo, a kitty sounds like a very good idea! [smilie=th_huganimal] (I am not really sure what animal this is supposed to be. I am going with cat!)



    I am a little sad that I didn't hit the sales! [smilie=th_sad2hz1] I don't have a clue where I would put things, but I sure love opening those boxes!



    Aha, Maggie! I finally found your blends...I was looking on the wrong website! [smilie=th_pardon] Very tempted...


    Tonight is CYS - Cherry Pie Noel.

  24. This truly is a day of remembrance. There are just no words to thank you and your families for your service.




    I looked at the CFOW site - is the blend you made available Maggie, or do you have to recreated it from you scents? I keep looking for the scents you all are mentioning but can't locate them! [smilie=th_confused3]


    That is an interesting type of power outage, AmyJo - I hope it did not last long. Good thing you had a "few" votives to help out!


    I have been having so much trouble with my scent heading down the hall with my plate warmers recently. I have found that using tea light melters help - but I am not sure why it makes a difference! [smilie=th_scratch]


    Home now - had an opportunity to meet a friend and view a 9 acre Rhododendron garden. Beautiful - and lots of ducklings in the pond!



    Today was VCS - Annette's Beach Party Punch. It is listed as a "secret scent". [smilie=th_pardon]

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