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Posts posted by debra99

  1. Tonight it is Afternoon Breeze by CBV, another favorite tart vendor that has been around for quite awhile! With all the newer vendors, I hope we remember some of our "tried and true"! [smilie=th_slider_flirt]



    I have a kitty that is boycotting kibble all of a sudden. No apparent toothie issue per the vet. Who knew their tastes would suddenly change like that? [smilie=th_scratch] Tuna seems to go down just fine...

  2. mpfand - that is so funny about the drool! It reminds me of my pup that drinks water and fills her jowls - then walks away from the water bowl, dripping everywhere. [smilie=th_gif]



    Honeybear - what a luxury, watching TV from the pool! Haha, can life get any better than just floating around with the Food Network going? Do you have the floaty chairs that have beverage holders? I have always wanted to try those! :sHa_woot:



    Michele - good for you, sitting out SGA - I didn't...but at least I went with clams instead of big bags! That, I believe, is progress! ;)


    Today it has been CFTKR - Flowerbomb, and SGA - Hello Lover

  3. AmyJo - The cherry limeade was a strong one. I sure miss Janet and her wax a lot. And - good to have one presentation under your belt. That darn anxiety before hand is the worst! :blush:



    It has cooled off here for a few minutes...back to 90+ in couple days. I wish it would stall out around 80 degrees. That is hot enough for me.



    Tonight it is VCS - Million Dollar Mermaid.

  4. Haha, about VCS curing, AmyJo! I have to admit that my VCS get a long cure - due to the fact that there is quite an inventory of tarts around here! [smilie=th_ahaaha]


    Maggie - I am glad your YC is a winner! I have a couple favs that are pretty strong. Did you see the new YC catalog? The new candles are sooo pretty!


    So...where is this mystery CFOW box you speak of? [smilie=th_confused3] Is it only available off and on?



    mpfand - you are so right! These temps are not usual for us til later in the summer and I am doing my share of whining about it. [smilie=th_pardon]



    Tonight it is a FP sample with no scent name, a mystery tart! I smell creamsickle in there.

  5. Happy weekend! I got a lot of cleaning done today so maybe tomorrow can be a play day! [smilie=th_rk01_lavatricefare]


    I think I will make a big ol' container of cold brew coffee tomorrow. [smilie=th_sign0162] The problem is then trying to get it to fit in the refrigerator. It is hard to make a small batch!


    Tonight it is Melted Confections, A Diamond Affair - some coconut and marshmallow , I believe.

  6. Yep, Honeybear...I am on pause for a little bit until this 90 degrees business is done. My last came in today - a very small order from Bubbles and Geek.



    AmyJo - good news about Clemmie! I can't relax when I can't tell what is going on with one of the furballs.



    I hope you enjoyed your beach day, Maggie! [smilie=th_WE1summer013]


    Tonight it is Rocket's - Blonde Pomegranate

  7. And let me add Rocket's restock, Thursday @ 5 pm ET.


    I am glad it will be 90 degrees for a bit - it keeps me from ordering wax I don't need. ;)



    I hope your kitty is OK, AmyJo. They seem to be pretty resilient but stoic -sometimes it is hard to know if I am reading things into their behavior!




    Tonight it is Little Olivetree - Donut Worry be Happy.

  8. Owie, Maggie. I remember the wisdom teeth removals for my kids. Sending them quick healing thoughts!


    Michele - glad DD is OK - all that rental car/repair stuff sure takes up a lot of time.



    Crazy night - took a kitty to the vet for routine check up so I got home sort of late. Lit tealights in a couple melters...and later realized that I had not added a tart. Sheesh. Well, it is bedtime - I will try again tomorrow!



  9. Maggie, my hat is off to you! My work out is a nice walk these days. ;)


    Honeybear, I also remember how the Sunday morning comics were a big deal! It took quite awhile to read them all. The paper was spread out all over the table, everyone fighting over the section they wanted.



    Well, I guess it is about time to order the fall scents! [smilie=th_aa17] Seems so early, but since some can take a few weeks to arrive, I better start thinking about it.


    Tonight it is Mimi's Sugared Apple.

  10. Honeybear - Holy Cow. That is too darn hot. But, you can melt wax in your car and make it smell pretty! ;)


    I agree, Michele, I don't think it matters how old our young-uns get- when they travel, it seems to be all you think about until they are home safe.



    I am liking my Golden Willow, too, AmyJo! I ordered a sampler, hoping my order will beat the 90+ weather we are getting next week.



    One more day and vacation is over. I could get used to this. :blush:


    Tonight - BH&G - Paradise Punch.

  11. Happy Day after the 4th! I hope you all got some sleep!



    Aria, have fun at Orientation. I am a weepy mom - I think I sniffled through most of ours. [smilie=th_cry2yw3]



    I am also having air current issues, and with no A/C on out here. I am perplexed. [smilie=th_pardon]

    There is no rhyme or reason to what I can smell and what I can't right now.


    I win the VCS melt off! [smilie=th_yay] I am melting Romeo and Juliet - which smells like YC Midsummer's Night to me. Just like with YC, it is a strong one.

  12. Happy Fourth!


    I went to our local parade - it is a small town type, lots of high school bands and decorated flatbed trucks!


    AmyJo, I think that is the attitude you have to have when you are in as deep as we are - wax just peeks out of drawers and yes, even the guest bathroom! [smilie=th_shewiggle]


    It has been a noisy 4th, firecrackers started about 5 o'clock this afternoon and have not stopped. It isn't even time yet for the big ones! Poor kitties, I didn't even have time to "put them away" for the night. [smilie=grrr]


    Tonight it is an old OOB - LOL - the scent is Americana.

  13. Ugh... it is hard work getting work done so I can take time off! [smilie=th_thanimeomega_emoticon I am pooped. I was tired enough tonight that I came home and forgot to fire up the melters. It is sorta late to get them going but melt.I.must.



    Michele - I get the anxiety thing! I look at the boxes and wonder how I am going to get it all melted/stored. :huh:


    I hope you have a fun fourth! Any plans? [smilie=th_76d65c2f]



    Tonight it is PNW Waffles from Golden Willow.

  14. Not to worry, Michele - I bet I can match you tart bag for tart bag! I also thought about taking a few bags to the beach this weekend... [smilie=th_slider_hi5]



    I am taking a few vacation days - I have not been good about taking time away and if I don't use it, I will lose it. So...we will see how it goes, I am clearly a worker bee. [smilie=th_paper-bag]


    I love CFTKR - and they do last a long time! I think the next opening will be a Saturday am in August. She gives samples of some of her new oils and is very generous! I end up getting some of them in my next order - if I can manage to find the date. Remember the old days when you would get sales emails? [smilie=th_confused3]


    It is still cool here with an occasional drizzle. I hope your heat lets up! We tend to get hotter in Aug/Sept.


    CYS is having a 4th of July sale, 20% off...


    Tonight it is TCC = Cherry Fizz.

  15. You all have the best info on citronella candles! Who knew there was shampoo!

    I seem to have lost my last post again, but I was chatting about a deck I have off the kitchen that we have never used and now I am spiffing it up - but the first thing I noticed was the mosquitos! <_>


    Great title Michele! [smilie=th_i-m_so_happy]


    I have been thinking about what you said about the big chunks and loaves Maggie - I seem to have ordered a lot of the bigger chunks lately - and they seem to reproduce in the cupboard. The bags never seem to get emptied. :D


    Tonight = SGA Pomegranate Crunch Berries

  16. Michele - I would love to see the Jersey Shore someday! Have a great time!


    Honeybear, it sounds like you have some yummy scents from Dessa's. Been a bit since I ordered, I need to go window shop. Of course you know what that means! :sSig_heeheehee:


    Do your pets tell time? Everynight at 8:00 it is time for kitty treats and I have one patting my arm right now. I know what that means! One is reminding me it is time! [smilie=th_pardon]


    So, off I go - Kushner Kreations - Morning Wake Up Call (coffee) is in the melter.

  17. [smilie=th_coffeespew] AmjJo - you got me on the hotel mix up! I have done that with vets - 2 close by, have gone to both...



    BYW - I would be asking for a commission with all of your enabling! [smilie=th_235F35F32]


    Honeybear, I'm glad she is home and all is well. Thank heavens for cell phones and internet. Wonder how our parents did it?


    I am so ready for Friday! Enchanted Forest by CBV in the melter (and patchouli blend) and off I go: [smilie=th_blij80]

  18. Maggie, what great wreaths! I bet Halloween will be fun to make.


    AmyJo, I also think the Bathing Garden has really pretty melts. It is hard to stop shopping once I get on the website! :wub:


    Mpfand - interesting that firefly would be listed in a scent! :huh:



    It is getting cold here - rain and 60 degrees for a couple days. At least I don't have to water the flowers.


    Tonight it is a mystery melt from Pink Mermaid. It is blue and I am guessing a type of blueberry scent.

  19. AmyJo, you had me digging through my stash - I have a little Scented Squirrel tucked away and had to go find it. TaDA! One of my favs is a whip cream, strawberry, patchouli blend - called Nymph. Time to melt some more!


    Maggie, I am very anxious to take a peek at your wreaths. Congrats on figuring out your Etsy site! [smilie=th_i-m_so_happy] Things like that always seem to take more time than I expect.


    Susan, I used to make votives with my left over wax. I kinda fizzled out on it though.


    I have a kitty cat licking my arm as I type, so I better go get serious about kitty cuddling. [smilie=th_huganimal]


    Tonight TCC - Mountain Waters. I love looking at her scent list with all the customer blends!

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