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Everything posted by shortygal201

  1. Good morning :) I'm melting Nilla Wafers from Can Do
  2. Yes, citrus! The person below me has locked their keys in the car before.
  3. L - Let my cat decide what my daily melts will be.
  4. Coffee Cake & Spice Frosted Sugar Cookie or Peach Cobbler?
  5. Hi all! :) I am melting Da Lime In Da Coconut from HHS DH isn't really into a lot of the scents I choose to melt. He either says he can't smell them or they smell bad . He is really enjoying this one though and said it is making him want a drink He just commented again as I am writing this ..."That smells too good." I love when he actually likes something!
  6. I am melting Sweet Cream Cupcake from Nene's. Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday!
  7. Starting off with Peach Vanilla Cupcake from LSC
  8. It seems a lot of vendors never get around to adding all their new scent descriptions....bums me out! With that said, I am liking this scent! I can definitely smell the apple in it. So far, it isn't smelling like a spicy apple but more like a sweet juicy apple to my nose
  9. Hi all! I just started melting Apple Orchard Zucchini from HHS We had to have someone out to look at our oil furnace. Since they had to do work on it, the house stinks like oil now I am hoping the stench clears out soon.
  10. Nice title, Maggie! :) I am starting off with Pumpkin Crunch Cake from Aunt Nena's. So glad it is the weekend and so glad the temps have gone down!
  11. I am melting Vanilla Pear Sorbetto from Nene's :)
  12. Hello and happy almost Friday ;) I am starting off with Cotton Candy Frosting from HHS Stella - Glad you were spared from the storms! trep - I *love* that scent! One of the best blueberry scents for me ever. Aria - Congrats on your new buddy! Looking forward to seeing a pic :)
  13. V - Vote for one of my tarts to be president.
  14. Key Lime Pie Fresh Cut Grass or Downy Fresh?
  15. Nope, I have never watched a whole episode! The person below me has a strong fear of something....heights, spiders etc.
  16. Hello all! I am melting a mix of Scentsationals Cupcake & BH&G Gingerbread Laurie - I would totally be too! My older DS is in junior high right now. I am that mom that cries at the concerts, plays, awards....you name it! I try to not make it obvious, but I am sure sometimes people can tell lol.
  17. I know this is just for fun, but sometimes I have to LOL when I picture some of the things we write
  18. R - Run after the mail truck demanding all the packages in it.
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