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Fall Scented Candles – Colonial Candle Review

by Julia Wooten

Brand: Colonial CandleColonial Candle Fall Fragrances 2012

Type: 8 Ounce Oval Jars

Autumn Spice Tea
Pumpkin Coconut Torte
Mandarin Nutmeg
Savannah Moss
Maple Butterscotch

Cost: $15.00

Scent Strength: Medium


Introduction to my Colonial Candle review:

Have you visited Colonial Candle’s website lately? If you haven’t, now is a good time to check it out. They’ve got six brand new fragrances for autumn this year. Scents range from outdoorsy spices and woods to scrumptious sounding pumpkins, coconuts, and butterscotch. There’s something for everyone this season and for scent junkies like us, it’s harder than ever to choose just one or two.

I have to say…even if you’re only window shopping, Colonial Candle’s website is a fun shop to browse in. The photos are vibrant and the scent descriptions are intriguing. The website is well organized and each click of the mouse offers a new wax temptation. Whether it’s new arrivals, accessories, or sales you’re looking for, Colonial Candle puts everything at your fingertips.



Colonial Candle Fall Fragrances 2012What do my candles look like?

Whenever I see an oval shaped jar candle, I automatically think Colonial Candle. Even though they offer other jar candle styles, the thick glassed oval jar is classically Colonial Candle. Each 8 ounce jar that I reviewed was double wicked with a tight sealing glass lid. Each candle had a pretty label showing the Colonial Candle name, the scent name, and a corresponding photo. Also, the labels are super easy to peel off if that’s your preference.

The new candle collection for autumn comes in an array of fall colors. Autumn Spice Tea had a deep maroon colored wax. Pumpkin Coconut Torte was burnt orange. Mandarin Nutmeg was dark yellow. Savannah Moss was pale pea green, and Maple Butterscotch was gold.



How did my Colonial candles smell? 

Autumn Spice Tea

I was seriously ready for cooler weather and even if the temperature outside wasn’t cooperating, I was determined to create an autumn atmosphere inside my home. After reading this description, I had to try Colonial Candle Autumn Spice TeaAutumn Spice Tea first.

“A heartwarming, Fall-inspired medley of spicy saffron, sweet orange, and coriander.”

I didn’t separately smell each individual spice listed, but I didn’t expect nor want to. What this scent gave me was a blend of warm kitchen spices that smelled like a spiced pomander, but way more edible than those dried fruit ornaments. My nose didn’t pick up any tea in this scent, whatsoever. The spice blend was the star of this show. It smelled crisp and dry, spicy and sweet. Even without the hint of tea, I absolutely loved this scent. This candle was a perfect way to welcome fall, and Autumn Spice Tea did it in a brand new way. It managed to walk the fence between an unexpectedly foody type fragrance and a crisp autumn afternoon.



Pumpkin Coconut Torte

This scent name completely drew me in. I think it was the word “torte” that put me over the edge, and I had to try it. The description sounded foody yet totally unique:

“An enticing twist on the traditional pumpkin with a hint of Colonial Candle Pumpkin Coconut Tortecreamy coconut and grated nutmeg.”

I looked forward to trying this scent the most, but unfortunately, it ended up being my least favorite. The nutmeg seemed out of place with coconut and the fragrance had a tart, almost sour smelling edge to it. What I had hoped would be an interesting transition scent from a summery coconut to an autumn pumpkin just didn’t work for my nose. There was no impression of a delectable foody scent that I had been craving. This was one of those instances when the idea of a scent blend sounded better than the actual sniff.



Mandarin Nutmeg

Let’s go in a completely different direction with Mandarin Nutmeg. Here is the description from Colonial Candle: Colonial Candle Mandarin Nutmet

“Captivate your senses with an alluring combination of Satsuma mandarin, peach nectar, and nutmeg flower.”

In this case, the nutmeg flower works beautifully. This fruit juicy fragrance was luscious and strong. Here’s the blow by blow…The peach went “Bam!” and the mandarin was all “Pow!” and then the whole scent was like “In your face!”. This was a bold, peachy indulgence that smelled almost drinkable. The touch of nutmeg gave the fragrance just the right amount of spice to make it ideal for autumn. This will be a reorder, for sure.



Savannah Moss

This candle was my favorite upon cold sniff. Something about it instantly appealed to me and when I read the description from Colonial Candle, I knew why.

“Surround yourself in the beauty of Savannah moss with hints of warm amber, fresh balsam, and jasmine.”

Colonial Candle Savannah MossAmber! That’s the fragrance note that made me cozy up to this scent. I adore the smell of amber, and Savannah Moss had loads of it. This amber fragrance is all wrapped up in a fresh smelling airy package… not too heavy… not too light. Like Baby Bear’s bed in the Goldilocks story, this scent was just right. It didn’t hurt that I also liked the smell of balsam and jasmine. One might argue that the amber would give this scent a perfume edge, but to my nose it simply smelled soft and comforting. I enjoyed this candle from the very first cold sniff when I lifted the lid to the last flicker of the wick’s flame. The warm sniff, although stronger, was the same as the cold sniff… absolutely dreamy!



Maple Butterscotch

One can only go so long without a mouth-watering bakery scent, so I had to try Maple Butterscotch. Here is Colonial Candle’s description:

“A delightfully scrumptious blend of soft maple, caramelized brandy, and smooth English toffee.” Colonial Candles Maple Butterscotch

Maple Butterscotch was another fantastic scent. The fragrance was exactly as described. It was a creamy toffee scent with a warm double shot of brandy, and just a hint of maple. Can we ever get enough sweet toffee scents? This scent may not be the first maple and butterscotch scent I’ve ever smelled, but it was certainly one of the best versions. The maple smelled true and not synthetic. This is a foody’s dream and it’s a great addition to Colonial Candle’s fall line-up.

This candle had a good strong throw that filled a medium sized room.



Candle flameHow did my candles burn?

My candles burned the way Colonial Candles have always burned for me… beautifully. The wicks had good, strong flames and the melt pool reached edge to edge with a depth of about ¾”. I was prepared to trim wicks regularly, but found that it wasn’t always necessary. The jars were clean with no wax residue.

Scent strength is very subjective, but I found these candles to have a medium fragrance throw in various rooms of my home, with Maple Butterscotch and Mandarin Nutmeg being the strongest.



Closing to my review…

It’s true that I am a fan of Colonial Candle, but with good reason. They remain consistent with great quality candles andClosing to my Colonial Candle review professional service. I’ve had many more hits than misses scent wise so I always feel confident when choosing a fragrance scent unsniffed. That is important to us internet shoppers. If you’re looking for some new scents to carry you throughout the fall season and beyond, I highly recommend Colonial Candle’s Autumn collection.

Happpy candle burning!

~ Julia

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About the Author


Hi, I’m Cynthia, the current owner & Candle Lover in Chief here at Candlefind. I have a sincere passion for candles, being mesmerized from the moment I saw my first flickering flame. I love luxury candles (who wouldn’t?) and unique scent combinations. When I’m not scenting, I love reading and playing with my wild & crazy pup, Holly Berry.

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