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Rain Luxury Candle – Bluewick


Rain Bluewick Candle ReviewRain

By Christina Rylan

Brand: Bluewick – OOB

Type: 17oz Apricot Candle

Fragrance: Rain

Scent Strength: Medium



First impression of Rain from Bluewick: 

I absolutely love Bluewick candles. It’s a luxury brand but reasonably priced when you catch a sale and boy do they have some amazing sales. I purchased this candle for 60% off just to give you an idea of how great they are. I also love the size of their vessels. 17 ounces is almost unheard of for a luxury brand so I always feel like I get my money’s worth.

Okay, onto the scent. Here is the scent description for Rain:

Fresh Rain, Cedar with Spruce & Soft Woods.

RainSmelling the wax, I didn’t really pick up on cedar, spruce or soft woods which I would all consider masculine. To me, this candle smelled like a soft and kind of soapy perfume. So I guess out of everything in the description, it smelled like fresh rain the most, whatever that may be. All the other elements in the description? I honestly couldn’t pinpoint anything else. Maybe more of those notes will come to life once the candle is burning…let’s find out!

I lit this candle in my master bedroom and would say it took a good two hours to reach a full melt pool. From then on out… my bedroom and open bathroom was filled with a fragrance I’m not sure I can accurately describe but here goes… to me, this candle smelled like a soothing sort of floral scent. I burned this candle for a week straight and I would hover over the candle trying to figure out what the aroma reminded me of. Final verdict… a sweet and fresh soap with hints of floral notes. The overall aroma smelled really soothing and clean.

Strength – on a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate this candle a 7 in a large room. 10 in a medium to small rooms. This candle held its own in a large room so I was pretty impressed overall.



How did my candle burn?

This candle didn’t burn as well as I hoped it would, or most importantly, as it should have. It struggled with each lighting to reach a full melt pool leaving quite a bit of wax along the glass wall. I did use my wick dipper to push leftover wax into the melt pool so no wax was wasted (which is no big deal for me) but for some of you it might be.



Closing to my review: 

Rain was a nice fresh and clean fragrance and in my opinion, a perfect scent for spring and summer. I just wish I could have described the aroma a little better for you. I think this is a candle you’ll just have to experience yourself to fully appreciate the aroma. I will say if you’re searching for a subtle floral scent that isn’t heavy or too sweet, this candle would be a perfect choice. I’m not a floral fan at all but I still really enjoyed this one.Loved!

Bluewick offers some amazing sales each year so watch for one if you’re on a budget – and if you’re not on one… go for it! These candles are gorgeous.

Happy candle hunting!

~ Christina

Bluewick has closed their doors and are out of business. We will keep the reviews we have done of this brand up for reference only.

Presentation: 5/5
Authenticity: 3/5
Burn Performance: 3/5
Strength: 4/5

Overall Rating: 3.5/5

The rating is unusually low for this candle due to two things. The burn performance could have been better and even though I liked the aroma, it did not really match the scent description.

Read more Bluewick candle reviews.

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About the Author


Hi, I’m Cynthia, the current owner & Candle Lover in Chief here at Candlefind. I have a sincere passion for candles, being mesmerized from the moment I saw my first flickering flame. I love luxury candles (who wouldn’t?) and unique scent combinations. When I’m not scenting, I love reading and playing with my wild & crazy pup, Holly Berry.

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