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August's Molten Melts

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Good morning! I was melting Pumpkin Cappuccino from CFTKR but I didn't like it so I only have my YC Root Beer Float candle burning. This is actually DD's candle but she lets me use it.

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Last night's melts were yC lemon lavender and lavender sage. This morning it's YC juicy watermelon and cherry lemonade. I'm actually craving some watermelon to eat.... [smilie=th_smilies-1]

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Good morning everyone!


Got an email from Vista, they are replacing my combo melter. Very good customer service I must say! I did plug it in last night and use it, the light went out again and then went back on, but I really am not comfortable with it, especially since the one in my bedroom is from Carol, and it stays on overnight all the time and the light never goes out.


Anyway, last nights melt was Raspberry & Cream from Haley's, good scent from 2 feet away, unfortunately I'm not getting really good throw from her stuff, 1 or two of them were ok, but those didn't last long at all. I'm gonna try one in my tealight melter next, maybe the combo is just too hot for her product.


Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning-the sun is shining and beautiful here today. I think our summer has finally arrived. I'm doing some [smilie=th_316785e4] and [smilie=th_smilies-1] and cleaning the bathrooms [smilie=th_u53] . I am melting Candle Dippers- Fireside Dupe. This is a wonderful scent and puts me in the mood for fall. I hope everyone enjoys their Saturday.

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Good Morning! I got to come home from work this morning about 20 minutes after I got there! woo hoo! I love early days-except I know that tomorrow is going to be super busy-bummer for long days!


Threw on SSS-Lemony Fresh to start the morning. Will get more going as I move around cleaning.

Have a great day all!

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Good morning everyone!


Got an email from Vista, they are replacing my combo melter. Very good customer service I must say! I did plug it in last night and use it, the light went out again and then went back on, but I really am not comfortable with it, especially since the one in my bedroom is from Carol, and it stays on overnight all the time and the light never goes out.


Anyway, last nights melt was Raspberry & Cream from Haley's, good scent from 2 feet away, unfortunately I'm not getting really good throw from her stuff, 1 or two of them were ok, but those didn't last long at all. I'm gonna try one in my tealight melter next, maybe the combo is just too hot for her product.


Have a great day everyone!



That is nice to know about Vista's customer service. I don't blame you for being nervous about your melter. It may have a short in it. I'm not sure exactly what a short is, but it doesn't sound safe.


My first morning melt is C.F.T.K.R., Blackberry Jam BC Cream Brulee. It is fabulous [smilie=th_smilies-1]


Have a wonderful and safe weekend everyone.


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Linda, I have the very same one as you, from Carol and my light goes out sometimes on that one. Other times it flickers a bit. I really believe its the bulb getting ready to go in there, as any bulb will blow out. I've heard others talk about their bulbs dying in their warmers and they still work. Good that you got another warmer out of Vista though and you will feel better. It may happen again though and then you will know its just the bulb.


I don't leave mine on all night though, so I guess I can see your concern in doing that.

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Oh yea, I knew I forgot something.


Today I am melting SSS Whipped Honeydew and its yummy for sure. Also burning my CBV Coconut Praline candle.


Last night I melted the BellaSwan/Edward Cullen mix of scent shots and it was so good. Such a happy pretty scent. Glad I have a candle in that one coming soon.


Also, during the week I got my order in from SSS and all of it was delicious.

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We are heading out to the waterpark in a short while, but for now I have Sweet Berry Cake melting. It's from Grandma!


[smilie=th_smilies-1] Won't melt anything else until we get home later on! Have a great Saturday!

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Good Morning! I'm burning Cafe Brulot Cookies and Cup 'A Chai Tea from Can-Do-Candles and they're both delicious. They're on their third day and only just now starting to fade. I'll swap them out this afternoon!

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I am terrible at describing scent notes S & S, I can smell a spicy note, not overpowering, but subtle, and kinda also a flannel or cotton scents. This is a very relaxing scent and not hit you in the face, but it does throw and scent the room very well. I really love it when I'm trying to wind down. Anyone else have anything to offer that has tried Old Blue Jeans from Candledippers?


Thanks for the description Katz. :lol: Sounds like one to try in my next order. [smilie=th_FULL_O17]

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Good Morning! I'm burning Cafe Brulot Cookies and Cup 'A Chai Tea from Can-Do-Candles and they're both delicious. They're on their third day and only just now starting to fade. I'll swap them out this afternoon!


:lol: Three days?!?! How great is that! Can I ask.....did you melt these only a few hours each day....or all day....or...?


Everyone in California ........hope you're all far away and safe from those fires.... [smilie=th_Drglar]


Melting CrossCreek's Cinnamon Bread Pudding. Oh my....oh my......love it! [smilie=th_FULL_O17] This was one that caught my attention from my latest order. Made my eyes cross while sniffing it's so good. Been saving it. Don't know what for......c'mon....don't U do that, too? :lol:

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Good Morning! I'm burning Cafe Brulot Cookies and Cup 'A Chai Tea from Can-Do-Candles and they're both delicious. They're on their third day and only just now starting to fade. I'll swap them out this afternoon!


[smilie=th_FULL_O17] Three days?!?! How great is that! Can I ask.....did you melt these only a few hours each day....or all day....or...?


I burned them for about 10 hours on Wednesday, skipped Thursday, about 6 hours yesterday, and they've been going for a few hours this morning. The scents aren't as true as they were the first day, but there is still a lovely spicy sweetness floating through my house. These are my first Can-Do tarts and so far I'm very impressed.


I also bought one of her car fresheners in Apple Cinnamon and it is wonderful. It scented my whole car- my boyfriend got something out of my trunk yesterday and asked why it smelled like red hots in there. He thinks everything sweet smells like vanilla cookies, and everything spicy smells like red hots.

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I'm melting again. The wick on the Root Beer Float candle is funky and I got tired of fussing with it (this is why I switched to votives and tarts in the first place but DD had to have the Root Beer Float jar) so I'm melting...


CFTKR - Green Apple and Vanilla Mint. Two oldies but very goodies!


It's a hot hot day here and I have no clue what to do with myself. I'm itching to go to YC just because but I really don't need to buy anything.

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What does Cinnamon Bread Pudding smell like? Is it strong and fragrant?


Morning melts:


Front: SSS ~ Lemonheads ~ yummy


Back: CFTKR ~ old sample of Wildberry Mousse ~ nice sweet berry smell. Might buy a bag to see if I REALLY like it with my next order.



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[smilie=th_FULL_O17] everybody!


Wow, you folks have some great sounding scents going this morning! [smilie=th_Drglar] I'm melting Busy Bee's Honey Ginger. You were so right, Sweet. Thanks for the recommendation. It's divine and "prit near perfect" as my grandmother used to say. :lol:


Have a wonderful Saturday, friends.


Gail (who was going to make deviled eggs but that's gonna have to wait because nothing's interfering with my Honey Ginger!)

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Gail, hysterical about waiting to make the deviled eggs...I do that alll the time. Sometimes I hate to even start dinner because I have an awesome scent going and don't want to spoil it!


Today I am burning 2 candles...in the Comp. rm. I am burning PI's Lemon Merengue


In the LR I ma burning a triple layered candle from LOL....on the Really Red Velvet Cake Layer.


Happy day all!

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What does Cinnamon Bread Pudding smell like? Is it strong and fragrant?



Cisley - I think it's pretty strong. I've got all the fans going today, so it's a little hard to tell. Not heavy on the cinnamon, but good and strong on the bread pudding. If you like to eat the real thing, I think it smells a lot like it. Yummers. BTW, Can-do makes a Pumpkin Bread Pudding that is [smilie=th_FULL_O17] , too.

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Thank you ~ I have made a note of both. I have never tried a bread pudding anything.


Afternoon melts:


Front: SSS ~ Pineapple Supreme ~ smells wonderful but I like CFTKR Pineapple more


Back: CFTKR ~ Vanilla Bean ~ sample melt and not doing a thing for me. I am going to pour in a few minutes. I like her Vanilla Bliss and Ultimate Vanilla. The Southern Style Vanilla was not strong ~ moderate to us ~ but sure smelled good.


I have yet to find a Vanilla Bean I liked since Pier One made some a LONG time ago and I am not going to waste my time looking.


Off to place an order with CBV. It's a "do stuff around the house day" for us.



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