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After all the big raves of Candle Haven, I am trying them for the 1st time today!

I'm melting Sun & Sand, and Coco mint Frost. Started them up this morning before VBS, and came home now in the afternoon to a wonderfully smelling home!

You guys are right, these tarts are AWESOME! Coco mint Frost is going to be a fave of mine!



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Guest Anonymous
After all the big raves of Candle Haven, I am trying them for the 1st time today!

I'm melting Sun & Sand, and Coco mint Frost. Started them up this morning before VBS, and came home now in the afternoon to a wonderfully smelling home!

You guys are right, these tarts are AWESOME! Coco mint Frost is going to be a fave of mine!




Ugh - every time I order from there I forget to add Coco Mint Frost! I have another order shipping Monday and once again I forgot :shock:

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Jason - I just went to Candle Haven and don't see a Dickens Christmas. Maybe this is something new?


Hmm, I don't know. Maybe it is a new scent that is not available yet. It was a freebie, not any thing I ordered. Hopefully it will be available soon.

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Guest Anonymous

Debra - hope your MIL is on the road to a complete recovery!

Heidi - hope you're feeling better and that bug is gone from your house...pronto!

Jason - I got a sample of the Dickens Christmas in my first Candle Haven order last month, too. I couldn't wait - melted it right away! :lol: It's a good one!


I'm melting Candle Haven's birthday cake, too, Fleur. Y*U*M*M*Y!!!

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We had a terrible afternoon over here. Right before I went to pick up DD a nasty storm swept through the area with lots of hail, thunder, and a nasty downpour. The thunder was so strong that it felt like the house was going to lift up and into the air. I decided to leave to pick up DD early and the rain started to let up a little bit we lost electricty so I got soaked running from the front door to the driveway. An electrical line went down outside of our development and started a fire. Fortunately the fire department is next door to our development so nothing horrible happened. Now that the electricity is up and running again (second time this week) I'm melting Banana Wafer Pudding. Yummy! I went to Carol's site and it's no longer there :lol:

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Tonight, it's yc's tangerine in the living room, and a nice clean, great smelling 3 year old boy in the bathtub. LOL! He came in from outside covered in dirt, so in the tub he went. Ahhh, if only he could always smell that nice (baby magic apple blossom scent - yum!). I think I may just sniff Seth the rest of the night. HeHe! :lol:


And, yikes LLVV! What an afternoon you had. I'm glad to hear everything is ok.

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I am glad everyone is rested and through the storms. How weird-Nancy-we haven't even gotten a raindrop here.


I put on Lavendar Cream-Nene's in the Master bedroom,bathroom and laundry room

Melting GF-Pumpkin Apple Butter in the DR

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Came home from work to find a box from Front Porch sitting on the counter. My 13 year old had strict instructions to watch for the mailman and retrieve my package from the heat as quickly as possible. :lol: He did, and although they are soft, they are not ruined. Wasn't sure if I should let these cure or not, but my impatience got the best of me and I'm melting Vanilla Butter-Toffey right now.

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I also got that scent mpfand. Did you like it? I thought all her melts were really good. Mine were soft too.

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I also got that scent mpfand. Did you like it? I thought all her melts were really good. Mine were soft too.

I do like it, but to be honest, I like Buttercream Crunch from Candle Haven better.

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Me too. I love Candle Haven, I'm about to make another order now! Her Cinnamon Rolls amaze me. I smell them all over my house.

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Me too. I love Candle Haven, I'm about to make another order now! Her Cinnamon Rolls amaze me. I smell them all over my house.

Ohh, another one to add to my list! I'm planning a huge order for when she has her sale in August! :lol:

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MIL is staying with us for the next 3 weeks and then will be reevaluated. I hope she likes the smell of tarts, LOL!


So, I am starting easy. Only one: Tuscadero's High Voltage



Send - I think I am interested in hearing more about the tart pans...is there a manufacturer, or is it an antique store unique item?

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Deb-I am glad your MIL gets to come "home" so soon! I am sure she will be very comfortable with all of your scents-it will make things much more cozy than anywhere else she could be right now! And you can get another sniffer around to tell you how wonderful your smellies are!


Added Chocolate Amber from Busy Bee to my DD's room for the evening-that little thing is smelling awesome!

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Sounds like a scary storm you had, LLVV. Glad everyone's ok!


Tonight I picked them very well! I have YC Orchard Pear in the BR. What a wonderful scent. I don't even eat pears but this makes me want to start. And in the LR, it's Country Bazaar from Angie's. Wow! This is one of the best new tarts I've burned lately. Spicy, cozy, fruity, just perfect!

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MIL is staying with us for the next 3 weeks and then will be reevaluated. I hope she likes the smell of tarts, LOL!


So, I am starting easy. Only one: Tuscadero's High Voltage



Send - I think I am interested in hearing more about the tart pans...is there a manufacturer, or is it an antique store unique item?


Hi, Debra! It's just something I found at the antique store, but I think they may be fairly common. The one on the bottom left of this picture is the perfect fit with no "wiggle":




Or on the top right:



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Patsy, thanks for your kind words.


LLVV--so glad you are OK--it sounds like that could have been a tragic situation if fires had started.


Cat--I know what you mean--we got 3.5" of rain yesterday morning and just 23 miles away got 3/10"!! You never know with this weather.


This hot and sticky morning it is Yankee Sweet Pea (from Kohl's)--this is a good sweet pea and very strong. Have a great day everyone.

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Good morning everyone! This morning I'm melting Pumpkin Roll. It's a really nice pumpkin spice kind of scent. It's perfect for today's rainy weather. I'm going to look through my tarts in a little bit to get my holiday scents for tomorrow out.

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