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Posts posted by mpfand

  1. Maggie, their new Disney line is so cute! Of course I smelled all the new scents. Most of the Disney scents were clean or floral. My DD got The Hundred Acre Wood scent; smells kind of like baby powder with lavender. The scents I ended up with are: Cranberry Garland, Vanilla Mint, Cozy Cardigan, Homstead Holiday, Sea Salt Avocado and Aloe Water and Cucumber. You have a shot at getting discontinued scents twice a year when Scentsy does "bring back my bar". You can vote for the discontinued scents you want and then Scentsy will bring back the top 20 for one month only. I believe the next voting period starts in Nov. I'm hoarding my last bar of Hemingway, too!


    Debra, I loved the Blackberry Bourbon! It was a perfect balance of berry and bourbon. Very unique and lasted quite awhile.


    Today's scent is Vanilla Custard from Fox Willow.


    Have a nice day, everyone. :)

  2. Debra, the corn husk scent definitely sounds unusual. ;) Interesting that it would have coconut. Have fun at the beach!


    Michele, at least all your coats smell nice! :D


    I've been watching Steel Magnolias while I work in the kitchen. I've seen it several times yet I can't get through it without crying. Last night DH and I watched Woman Walks Ahead on Amazon Prime and I highly recommend it.


    Melting Honey Crisp Cider from ScentSationals.


    Enjoy the day everyone! :)

  3. Honeybear, it always takes awhile to settle into a new area. Sounds like you're on your way to making friends and getting involved! [smilie=th_sml29]


    Hope everyone is out of the path of this hurricane. Looks like a bad one. [smilie=th_sad-1]


    Thanks for the congrats regarding DD. It's an exciting time. A bit nerve wracking, too, if I'm being honest.


    Melting At The Fair from BH&G (spiced caramel corn and cider apple fritters). It's absolutely delicious.

  4. Hi [smilie=The_Hi]


    Maggie, I love a good spiced pear scent. I imagine CFTKR makes an amazing one! The last good one I had was from Yankee and that was years ago.


    Honeybear, glad you're enjoying your time with DD. :)


    Michele, I could spend all day in Home Goods. [smilie=th_pardon] Hope you find a way to organize it all that works well for you.


    Busy day getting ready to leave tomorrow. We are going to Disneyland to celebrate DD's birthday. She will be 21 tomorrow. Time never went so fast until I had kids. [smilie=th_cry2yw3]


    Melting Pomegranate Bergamot from Essenza.

  5. Aria, thanks for the tip on FP! I will be placing another order once our temps cool down. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit at your sister's. :)


    Michele, popcorn is my favorite snack, too. I eat it almost every evening. [smilie=th_popcorm1]


    Honeybear, glad you are getting some time with your DD. I had lunch and did some shopping with mine this afternoon; a rare treat these days.


    AmyJo, this is a tough time of year to be on a wax ban; so many great seasonal goodies being introduced! ;)


    Melting Banana Nut Bread from Fox Willow.

  6. Aria, I hope your DS has a wonderful first year at college! My two stayed here for college so I haven't experienced the whole take your child to college thing, but I can imagine I'd be an absolute mess. [smilie=th_cry2yw3] What a mixture of emotions for both the parents and child!


    Debra, stay strong, you can do It! ;) But if you cave just remember this is a judge free zone. [smilie=th_friends]


    I was sorting through my wax collection with DD this morning and discovered a couple that were leaking and the plastic clamshell was actually getting soft and disintegrating. So.....melting one of those today; Cake Pop from Sonoma. Smells wonderful!


    Have a great day [smilie=th_snoopy]

  7. Good evening, ladies [smilie=th_76d65c2f]


    Debra, I missed your post the other day about what other things we collect... [smilie=th_scratch] I currently collect Rae Dunn coffee mugs and wine corks. Past collections have included Boyd's Bears and pins from Disneyland. I also love to get a Christmas ornament from different places we've been.


    Honeybear, I hope the week goes quickly for you! [smilie=yes]


    I had to take a break from summner scents. Tonight it's Carmel Vanilla Delight from Scentsy. [smilie=th_00000020]

  8. Thanks, ladies. :) So good to be home. Debra, glad we missed the gray skies; the smoky skies through CA were bad enough. :(


    Honeybear, glad your DH is feeling better!


    AmyJo, hoping for safe travels for you and a good work week!


    I'm bored with my summer scents, but not quite ready to move onto fall. [smilie=th_fear8] Tonight is Island Melon Coconut from ScentSationals.

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