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Vanilla Apple Strudel – Goose Creek


Vanilla Apple Strudel Goose Creek Candle ReviewVanilla Apple Strudel

By Christina Rylan

Brand: Goose Creek

Type: 20oz Tumbler Candle

Fragrance: Vanilla Apple Strudel

Scent Strength: Light



First impression of Vanilla Apple Strudel: 

Vanilla Apple Strudel sounded pretty yummy. The label on the candle showed a warm apple dessert with baked apples and raisins wrapped in a warm crust. YUM!!! I love a delicious apple bakery so I was totally game to review this candle.

Here is the scent description I pulled off Goose Creek’s website:

A buttered strudel, a mound of smashed apple and brown sugar blend in harmony with this ultimate apple dessert!

Mmm!! That sounds pretty good to me. First impression when smelling the wax… my nose detected sweet apples and musk. Yep, you read that right… musk. It kind of threw me since I was expecting a solid bakery aroma. It smelled good, just not what I was expecting – and who knows… maybe all that bakery yumminess will come to life once the candle was burning.

Time to find out!

I decided to burn this candle in a small room to start out and it ended up being the perfect choice. Once the wicks were lit, it took about 20 minutes to reach a full melt pool and from then on out… a sweet apple bakery with strong hints of musk filled my bathroom. It was an interesting scent. Up close, I could clearly smell the apples and bakery but the added perfrume’y notes gave it a different kind of vibe. It wasn’t bad – it was just different and not at all what I was expecting.

Strength – this wasn’t a very strongly scented candle for me. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate this candle a 3 in a large room. 5 in a medium room and 7 in a small room.



How did my candle burn?

This candle burned pretty good. The only downside, I had to really stay on top of trimming both wicks. Just about every hour. If I didn’t, the flames became torches. Other than that, perfect burn.



Closing to my review: 

Vanilla Apple Strudel was not your average bakery scent and interestingly, I didn’t even smell vanilla at all. Go figure? The overall fragrance was a bakery apple up close but the aroma drifting through the room was definitely more musky and smelled like a subtle perfume instead of apples. I didn’t mind it, it just wasn’t what I was expecting or hoping for. So, that’s definitely something to keep in mind if this fragrance interests you.

Goose Creek offers some amazing sales so definitely check those out prior to ordering.

Happy candle hunting!

~ Christina

Visit Goose Creek

Presentation: 5/5
Authenticity: 2/5
Burn Performance: 4/5
Strength: 3/5

Overall Rating: 3.5/5

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About the Author


Hi, I’m Cynthia, the current owner & Candle Lover in Chief here at Candlefind. I have a sincere passion for candles, being mesmerized from the moment I saw my first flickering flame. I love luxury candles (who wouldn’t?) and unique scent combinations. When I’m not scenting, I love reading and playing with my wild & crazy pup, Holly Berry.

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  1. Hi Christina,
    First, thank you for your reviews! I find them very helpful. I haven’t smelled the Vanilla Apple Strudel Goose Creek candle, but I know exactly what you mean about their scents sometimes being “off”. I’ve tried quite a few of their candles (gotta love those great sale prices) and some have been wonderful, and some, as they say, “not so much”. A perfect example of what you’re talking about is one called Campfire Marshmallow. Have you tried that one? To me it smelled NOTHING like a campfire ,or a marshmallow, but rather a nice men’s cologne! It wasn’t unpleasant, but I hate when the scent smells nothing like the way it’s described. I’ve also had some of theirs that are cloyingly sweet. Yuck. On the other hand, I have a couple that I absolutely love, too. My 2 favorites are Auburn Lake and Peanut Butter Sugar, totally different from one another, but I love them both. You have gotten me into trying a few of the luxury candles and I have to admit, I can tell the quality difference. I LOVED the Nest Holiday and the Pumpkin Chai, and the Thymes Frazier Fir for the holidays. But I need to look for those luxury candles on sale! Keep up the great work!

    • Hi Valerie,

      Yeah, Goose Creek is kind of hit or miss for me too. I haven’t tried Campfire Marshmallow yet… I’m not really a fan of smoky campfire scents so that’s probably why I haven’t purchased one yet. 🙂

      I love NEST and Thymes!! Glad you’re loving them. I’m thinking of getting Pumpkin Chai next. I haven’t tried that one yet.

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Owner & Candle Lover in Chief

I have a sincere passion for candles, being mesmerized from the moment I saw my first flickering flame.

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