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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


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Posts posted by skylar

  1. Good morning!

    Today i'm melting

    CFTKR Pumpkin bread

    Can-do Mrs Claus Cookies and Red Hot Beans


    Lana...your DD wedding table looks beautiful!


    Michele...i will keep you and your family in my prayers.I too am helping care for my Mom whom has a heart condition,and I'm not complaining,but at times it's difficult.


    Have a great day everyone!

  2. Hi everyone! [smilie=th_cha40]

    For today I'm melting

    GG Candied Toffee Crunch...this is just delicious!

    LOL Fudged Up Yellow Cake and Buttery Croissant


    tunisianswife...thank-you for the compliment on my current avatar! iIlove cardinals too,they are such lovely birds.Yesterday during our snowfall several were perched out on my backyard trees and it was a beautiful scene!It really looked like my avatar,so pretty.


    Have a great day all!

  3. Candle Mia Bella Pumpkin Cheesecake


    Skylar - how was the Mia Bella candle? I haven't tried those yet... [smilie=th_cray]


    Melting Cheryl's Harvest Moon. Vedy good - smell some eggnog in it. [smilie=th_insane]


    Hi Sweet! The MB candle is very good! I think it;s a palm wax,not sure and someone correct me if i'm wrong about the wax type.The pumpkin cheesecake is strong and a must have if you like pumpkin scents! it almost smells like pumpkin zucchini bread to me,very yummy.This is my first MB candle and it burns clean and i'm thinking of ordering some more!


    My morning melts are

    Haley's Cinnamon Yum Yums

    CFTKR Cider Snap

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