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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


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Posts posted by cmarie


    This morning's scent is Sage & Citrus from Soy Lovely


    Hey Jules, how's that Sage & Citrus? I'm plotting a Soy Lovely order for whenever the next sale is.


    I was sick most of the week and have been kind of miserable lately, mostly due to the fact that my cough keeps me up at night and the doctor wouldn't give me a prescription for anything. But last night was the first night in about 5-6 days that I actually fell asleep quickly and slept through the night. (Although DH tells me I woke up around 1 AM, got up and put my bathrobe on, hugged him, and then mumbled incoherently about either M'n'Ms, the candy, or Eminem, the rapper. He says I kept trying to talk until he told me to go back to sleep. !!!!!!! )




    Today will probably be more of my YC Dune Grass candle, since yesterday was Macintosh. I've been switching among my spring scents. Once I really get healthier, I'll get back to melting too!



  2. Normally I wouldn't be melting or burning anything in the middle of a weekday, but unfortunately I'm home sick today.




    I've been worse, but it's still not much fun. At least I get to have a candle going though! Today it's YC Macintosh. Might do a remelt of Nene's Cozy Kitchen later, too. I think they would go well together.

  3. Hi all, Burning YC Macintosh this evening.


    Also, my posting frequency will probably go down now that school is starting again. Now that I'm working on a PhD, my responsibilities are kind of mushrooming compared to what they were previously, but thankfully I have a bunch of candles and tarts that I bought in Nov/Dec to enjoy when I'm at home! I'll still stop by and say hi once in a while.



  4. Tonight it's Winter Garden from AMS. I am finding this one a little perfume-y, so I have turned off the melter in an attempt to control the strength. This one has a great throw, although it could also be my sensitivity to the scent.


    I'll have to jump on the Peyote Visions bandwagon pretty soon to catch up with all of you! You're making me curious, although I do have a whole bag of scents that were specifically for January/February. It's tough for me to deviate from my seasonal scent planning! But I did just retire the Christmas scents until next year because I just couldn't finish them.

  5. This evening I melted some YC Christmas Wreath bits that I extracted in my last candle surgery, and then replaced that with Holly Jolly Xmas from EW. It's nice to be melting again, but I definitely feel like I've fallen behind on my own stash that I arranged for the holidays in early December. Oh well, I've already set aside plenty for next year so I'll just melt the remaining xmas ones for however long they last. Sorry to those of you who've mentioned that you're sick of holiday scents -- you'll be hearing about mine for a while yet to come.

  6. I'm so jealous of all of you and your scents...around the time DH got his concussion, I came down with a bad sinus bug and haven't been able to smell much for over a week!! [smilie=th_sorry_]


    Fortunately I think my sense of smell is coming back, and I should be able to get back to melting pretty soon. I've really missed it!! But now I have the dilemma of all these nice Christmas scents stockpiled and I didn't get the chance to melt them. Looks like there will be some holiday scents going this January!

  7. Cheryl, so sorry about your dog. That's awful. I hope the Christmas season lifts your family's spirits if only a little.


    I am in a bit of a pickle...I had tarts of YC Sparkling Pine, Mistletoe and Balsam & Cedar plus a candle in Christmas Wreath, and I meant to try them in time for the semi-annual sale to determine which scent to get in the big jar candle for next year. Then when I got sick, I couldn't smell anything and now I've only melted the Sparkling Pine and the sale starts tomorrow! (I've eliminated the Sparkling Pine but don't know about the rest...) Any advice?


    Ben (DH) is continuing to improve (and so am I) but he still sleeps a lot. It has been wonderful to have my parents in town to take care of us -- they drove for hours to be with us and my mom has energetically been doing all sorts of chores that neither DH nor I have had the strength to do lately. So nice to have family around at Christmas even though we couldn't travel. Merry Christmas everyone!

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