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Thanks & Merry Christmas!

Candlefind Placeholder

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Posts posted by Candlefind Placeholder

  1. Trep - I can't imagine the grief his mother and family went thru. :( I hope pride was eventually able to overcome the sadness.


    I was going to melt something all-American, like Hot Apple Pie, [smilie=th_butbutbut] I couldn't find any. :o I know....go figure! [smilie=th_pardon] So, I'm melting McCalls Mulled Apple Cider which is [smilie=th_fabulous1]



    I can't imagine it either, Sweet--his mom was only 19--we have a photo of her holding my husband as an infant as she receives an award for his bravery. His dad was a pilot and stayed with the plane so all of his men could parachute to safety. By the time he could bail out he was too low to the ground. He is buried in a military cemetery in France. I think knowing his dad was a true hero helps him but it has definitely affected his life to never have known his dad. Having never gone through anything like that, I can only imagine how hard it was for everyone.

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