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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


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Posts posted by Salem

  1. @ biolaeagles so many good thoughts and prayers sent your way and I hope everything goes well!


    Today I'm burning this candle that my mom got me for Christmas and its called Leather its from Elliott Essentials. It has a picture of a western saddle on it; and that's what it reminds me of, it really does smell like leather. The candle recommends that you burn it for 2 hour at a time, and tbh that's about as long as I can burn it for. I like the smell don't get me wrong but it is very strong, almost at times to strong, to the point that it might be overpowering. But it is cool to have a leather scented candle. I have other tarts from Elliott Essentials and I'm looking forward to melting them!

  2. hehe, all the snow is currently melted but we're supposed to get more. I'll send it to you all as I'm not very fond of it.

    Tonight I'm melting Scent Sationals- Black Raspberry Vanilla- the cold smell is amazing but the actual throw isn't very strong. Its perfect for a small bathroom but anything more; it possibly wouldn't throw very much. Which is bumming me out, as the cold smell is just amazing.

  3. Hey all! This is my kind of place, everyone that knows me jokes that I'm addicted to candles and to tarts. Now I can proudly say " Yeah, but I know a ton of other candle addicts!" Ever since I was a small child I loved being around whatever room my mom would light a candle in. I loved the smell. Now that I'm older (some :P) I have my own small cabinet full of candles and the like. My parents always joke walking into my room is like walking into a candle shop. lol, they say if I have this big of a collection at 18; they are afraid to see my house when i get older. I'm excited to get to know some other wax lovers! Hope you all are doing well.

    Also can you tell I'm tired by my title? Oh well; that's what five hours of less of sleep gets you I guess. *snort*

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