Candle Company Directory: Terms Of Use

In addition to our general site’s Terms of Use, the Candle Company Directory now has its own specific terms. If leaving a review for any company, you are acknowledging and agreeing to these terms.

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  • We are a business. We offer our Company Directory as a service to our readers and to help with exposure for individual candle companies.
  • Our directory allows for the capability to post a review, rating a company on an overall 5 point scale. Customers are also able to post a narrative review of their experience/impression, either positive or negative.
  • We do NOT delete reviews, negative or positive. However, we do reserve the right not to publish a review should we feel that it contains verifiable inaccuracies or unsubstantiated claims. We also may edit a review pre-publication if there is personal information, profanity, etc., that should not be included.
  • If you are rude, mean, or accusatory to our staff, we won’t post your review on our site. This is self-explanatory.
  • We do not accept anonymous reviews. They will not be published.
  • All review data is maintained in our own private database, including any edited versions, if applicable. We do this in case of any technical issues with our site rendering reviews temporarily unavailable. We also do this for legal protection.
  • Under NO circumstances should our directory be used to harass, bully, or falsely accuse any company. Our directory is not the proper forum for personal vendettas, company against company, or any variation thereof. Anyone found doing so will have their review(s) removed and account deleted.
  • Conversely, under NO circumstances should any company submit ‘fake’ positive reviews or instruct family members, co-workers, etc., to do so. This is easy to spot and just creates more work for us, so please just don’t do it. Anyone found doing so will have their review(s) removed and account deleted.
  • We are not moderators and are not in the position to negotiate terms in the matter of a dispute. Please seek out assistance from the BBB or equivalent for this type of service.
  • If the one and only time someone ever visits or uses our site is just to leave a scathing review, we reserve the right to heavily scrutinize that review and may opt not to publish it.
  • If you are a candle company owner, please do not demand that we ‘take down’ reviews. We will only unpublish reviews if there are documented inaccuracies, unsubstantiated claims, or things that are obviously personal in nature. Customers do have a right to their opinion, and that is the purpose of the rating/review system. If you do have evidence that a review contains inaccurate information, please do contact us to let us know.
  • If you need to leave a negative review, please stick to the verifiable facts. Do not post personal information or information about other customers within your review.
  • Post positive reviews for companies where appropriate. We are a candle loving community, and we would love to know which companies with which you have had a positive experience. If there is a company that you love that is not listed, please contact us so we can get it added. You will then be able to leave your positive review for that particular company.
  • If you are a candle company owner, encourage your customers to post their positive experiences on your listing. You can also claim your listing so that you can better control information that is shared about your company, such as photos or product details. Claiming your listing does not allow you to delete, alter, or add reviews.

Our directory is offered as a service and resource for candle lovers. It is an extension of our business, and we ask that you please respect that. We would hate for the rating system or the entire directory to go away simply because of inappropriate use of the resource.