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Chocolate scented candles are ones that are hard to pull off in wax. If not careful, the chocolate can take on a burned note, which really isn’t pleasant. Chocolate Cake scented candles are often a bit different – the added cake notes help balance things out and often make for a smoother candle scent. Still, just like with our best pie scented candles, no two chocolate cake scented candles seem alike. We’ve rounded up some of the best chocolate cake candles and wax poetic about what makes them seem special or unique. Grab a tall glass of milk & join us for the ride!
Slatkin and Co.
Black Forest Upside Down Cake
DIO Candle
Happy Birthday
This chocolate cake scented candle has it all – rich, moist chocolate cake notes and thick, buttery fudge icing. Yum! You can personalize this candle for your loved ones’ birthday, too!
Good Spirits Candle Co.
Chocolate Cake
Yankee Candle
Chocolate Layer Cake
Sugar Belle
Sea Salt & Cocoa Bean
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