by | November 5, 2024

The 5 Best Candlemaking Books

Find and keep these books on your shelf if you want to make candles.

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Let’s face it…burning candles is a lot of fun. The different fragrances, companies, and let’s not forget the accessories! We would venture to say almost every candle burning lover has, at one time or another, considered making their own candles. Candlemaking can be fun, but it is also a science and a beautiful craft. If you do have the notion to start making your own candles – or even if you already are – we think these are the best candlemaking books to seek out & pour over. 


betty oppenheimer

The Candlemaker's Companion

The Candle Maker's Companion Book

A true classic! We love this instructional book because it covers a wide range of topics and does it very well. The section on troubleshooting is extremely helpful, and you will find yourself referencing it over & over again. No bells & whistles, but it is very informational and thorough. 


Norma coney

The Complete Candlemaker

The Complete Candlemaker Book

This book is a classic! It covers a wide variety of topics with just enough detail to keep beginners from getting overwhelmed. Keep this best candlemaking book around, though, because it makes a great reference book even for experienced chandlers. 


kelly ewing

Making Soaps & Candles for Dummies

Candle Making for Dummies Book

Of course there is a Dummies book for candlemaking! This book covers both candle and soap making, covering a lot of topics in good enough detail to know what else you should try and explore. This book is a great reference, especially for terminology and different techniques. 


Bob Sherman

Candlemaking: A Step By Step Guide

Candle Making a Step by Step Guide Book
Bob Sherman’s book is one of the best candlemaking books we’ve found – it covers a wide type of candles and gives you plenty of details on how to make them. While some books can be full of fluff, this meat-and-potatoes book is good for the beginner and excellent as a resource for the experienced.


Paul Firmin and Niko Dafcos

The Scented Candle Workshop

The Scented Candle Workshop Book
This candlemaking book is a bit more advanced, but it is still a great reference for beginners in the world of candlemaking. It provides so much depth into fragrances and the art of blending – it’s fantastic for those who want to learn how to blend and create their own scent blends. It is also a great introduction into the world of the candle business, if that’s your interest.
These are our recommendations for some of the best candlemaking books you can (and should) buy. Of course, you can always look things up on the internet and few dozens of videos on the subject, but there is nothing quite like a good reference book or two to keep on your shelves. In the next few months, we’ll branch out on this subject to give you more references for building a candle business, marketing, and much more! In the meantime, don’t miss out on our Tools I Swear By, which contains a wealth of additional resources for candlemaking joy.

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Cynthia & Holly Candlefind Bio Pic

About the Author


Hi, I’m Cynthia, the current owner & Candle Lover in Chief here at Candlefind. I have a sincere passion for candles, being mesmerized from the moment I saw my first flickering flame. I love luxury candles (who wouldn’t?) and unique scent combinations. When I’m not scenting, I love reading and playing with my wild & crazy pup, Holly Berry.

About the Author


Cynthia & Holly Candlefind Bio Pic

Hi, I’m Cynthia, the current owner & Candle Lover in Chief here at Candlefind. I have a sincere passion for candles, being mesmerized from the moment I saw my first flickering flame. I love luxury candles (who wouldn’t?) and unique scent combinations. When I’m not scenting, I love reading and playing with my wild & crazy pup, Holly Berry.

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Hi I'm Cynthia Bio Pic

Owner & Chief Candle Enthusiast

I have a genuine love for candles, captivated since the first time I witnessed a flickering flame.

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