Kinfolk Candles

Family owned candle store selling triple scented candles, melts and other candle accessories.

I had to try this company out because how could you resist pumpkin cornbread? I ordered some melter packs and the owners were nice enough to give me a free jar to test out. While all the fragrances smelled great cold, upon melting, the smell was faint and faded after 20 minutes or so. All the companies claim to be triple scented, but apparently they aren't using the best fragrance oils. The little squares of melts are extremely sticky to pop out of the clamshell. I put the burner cup in the freezer to loosen the wax and that didn't work. I had to scrape it off with a knife. The total soy wax blend just doesn't work well in tart form. I haven't burnt the jar yet, but will update. I want to like this company, but so far I'm not impressed.
June 13th, 2007