Candles by Lucy

Wax and soy company located in New Haven, Mo.

I had ordered from Candles by Lucy on eBay and now Lucy has her own candle site. Her scent list is a little smaller than some companies out there but her tarts are strongly scented and she ships out incredibly fast. I bought several things, among them were Lovespell mini cross shaped tarts. Such cute shapes and I burned about four of them for the most incredible scent throw that lasted all day and into the evening. The Lovespell duplication is quite close the the original scent which is a sweet fruity scent with a hint of citrus. It's a great juicy summertime frangrance to scent a house with. I can't stress how happy I am with this company that I don't have to wait a long time for my order. I ordered on a Friday, she shipped on Monday and I received it on a Wednesday. Almost instant gratification. Her tarts are strongly scented with a very clean presentation.
August 25th, 2006