Clifty Creek Candles

"Hand-made double scented soy candles."

I ordered 2 packages of the smelly melts in Glazed Pear and Cotton Blossom, and fragrance oil in Nag Champa. When I received I was a little disappointed. The melts were really small but the shapes were cute. I decided to try the Cotton Blossom first as it has always seemed like a light scent to me. Well, don't let these little shapes fool you. I put 2 of the little shells in my rather large electric burner. Within minutes my computer room smelled wonderful. The hot throw was exceptional even better than the cold smell which I thought was fantastic and realistic. I started melting at around 2 in the afternoon, around 1 AM I turned off the melter and the throw was still strong and had drifted into 2 other rooms. The next morning the scent was still lingering and the cold wax still had a good cold smell. I was very pleased and surprised how these small tarts did so well. The glazed pear was the same way only the tarts were in small little ice cream scoops. Again I do mean small, but only in size. This was a fantastic pear scent...the best I have ever smelled. Again it was long lasting and lingering and would have gone at least 1 more day. The Nag Champa oil was so good and a good rendition of the scent. I refreshed a tart that had totally last scent with this oil and it continued very strong for several hours. I have ordered again and am awaiting its arrival. I love this company and these little tarts really are a BIG value. Give them a try.
April 4th, 2007
I too have a candle from Clifty Creek. The scent is Lilac which is pretty strong. But I think thats a strong scent no matter brand you buy. I have it in my down stairs bathroom and it drifts upstairs. True lilac scent, nice clean burn.
April 19th, 2007
I bought a few of these 8 oz. jar candles on ebay. They were strong scented. I bought the Butterscotch, which i really liked, and the Lemon Poundcake, which i wasn't real crazy about. The customer service was very good, and the shipping was quick.
June 28th, 2006
I purchased Plum Crazy & Tulip (16 oz) jar for $6 each as they were on clearance. I also decided to order Cranberry Mint and Lemon poundcake melts to try at regular price. The Plum Crazy on cold smell was strong and smelled somewhat like grape candy. I lit it and after the pool of wax formed I could pick up a tart & sweet fruit scent a berry of some sort is what it smelled like to me. It had a good strong throw in a large room and burned clean for 10 hours the first day with still over 2/3 of the candle left. I recently relit it for a second burn and it is not quite as strong this time or maybe I am used to it. It continues to burn clean , no soot or smoke. I left for a few hours and came back and it has a good pool but a moderate throw if in the same room. I plan to try her other scents as I think some may throw stronger. I have not lit the tulip yet. The melts are really cute. The cranberry mint looks like a piece of candy you might receive in a box of chocolates but is pink. It has a strong minty berry smell cold and the hot throw is strong but after about 4 hours I could not smell it. I also tried the lemon poundcake which was disappointing. It smell wonderful cold. I put two slices( they look like lemon slices)in a burner in one room and 1 slice in a smaller burner in another room and 1 slice in a burner in a small bathroom. I only got a throw from the one in the small bathroom. I had the door shut and upon opening it detected the slightlemon cakey scent. The other two areas did not have a throw unless I stood directly over them. Because one melt did throw I will give some different scents a try. She included 3 tiny sniffer jars in wedding cake (which smells like the real thing)Dreamsicle(authentic orange pushup ice cream smell) and Eucalyptus which smelled more like spearmint to me but all 3 were cold. I might try the wedding cake in a candle next order. Again the customer service is super! I think they still have some jars on sale so check this company out! update:4/30/07 I lit my tulip last night. I liked it so much I ordered 3 more and they are still a deal at $6 for 16 oz jar candle with $1.99 shipping!
April 19th, 2007