Luminesscents Candles

This site offers black leather scented candles by Luminesscents. Their product line includes, black leather scented votives, black leather scented pillars in various sizes, black leather tea lights and black leather scented candle novelty items.

I added this review in after receiving one of these unusual black leather candles as a gift. I wasn't sure I'd go for the scent when I was told what it was when it was handed to me, but it turned out to be amazing in capturing the unique leather scent just right, very pleasing. What I received was a 4 inch black pillar. So far, it's burned evenly a good long time, and was unmistakably leather. The candle was black inside and out, throughout the burn. I do favor black candles, so this was nice to see. All in all, a unique change from the florals and fruits or unscented black candles I like as well for atmosphere, and when this one's done, I'll be reording again I think. I don't burn this one all the time, just when the mood strikes for an earthier tone. I take one point away for the limitations of color, but it's fine with me if they want to focus on just one scent, there are plenty of great options elsewhere for the other type of scents, so other than that candle color limitation, it's excellent, I'm very happy with this candle, and I'll be reordering!
June 6th, 2006