Delightful Scents

Web and Etsy - Incense, tart bars and cubes, oils. Container candles, layer candles

This is a new vendor for me, found through the forums and on FaceBook. I first ordered some clamshell melts, which were on sale. They arrived promptly, and the cold scent is wonderful. Beautiful and bright colors on the wax. I must say, the Freshly Cut Grass, does smell just like the name! Since they are soy, I am letting them cure, but will edit my review to include how they melt. Today I ordered some soy shots during a FaceBook sale, and during checkout I encountered a glitch which would not allow me to check out. I contacted the vendor and within 10 or 15 minutes she emailed me back that she had fixed the glitch, and VOILA, my order went through. So I am rating this a 9 due to outstanding response on the website problem, and based on the look and cold smell of the product, it may very well warrant a 10 once I start melting! [edit] Okay, it has TOTALLY been bumped up to a 10! The scents are amazing! I put ONE teeny tiny little square from a clam in my bedroom melter and BAM - orange ecstacsy! (scent was Mandarin Tiki) So the clams are divine, and as of now the scent shots are being discontinued (I grabbed a bunch clearancing-out) due to problems with the plastic cups, but they may bring them back - I do hope so! In the meantime, don't miss this one!
January 19th, 2011