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Guest ilovescentedthings

Silver Bells, Christmas Smells

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Looked at the clock when I woke up this morning... :? ... 6:15??!! I lept outta bed thinking there was still a slim chance I could make it to work by 7:00. I washed my face, spritzed my hair w/water hoping to make some order of my bed head and was in the process of drying it [smilie=th_LOVE] and it finally dawned on me.... what day is this....? Duuuhh...it's Saturday! [smilie=th_smiley_emoticons_hurra_fruehling3]


Debra - hope you feel better by now. Oral sugery and the aftermath is the pits. Surely your co-workers will save U some goodies? They do know what Santa sez about being naughty or nice, don't they? [smilie=th_c032]


Burning several A Cheerful Giver's candles, a mama size jar in Pumpkin Chai and a baby jar in Vanilla Chai. They're both good, not run me outta the room strong, but good. I'm used to melting tarts ,forgot this was a candle, and almost burned my nose when I picked it up to sniff it. :P I hope it isn't going to be 'one of those days'.... :roll: :lol:


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Good day everyone.


Tun..I really liked your video.


Loving my scents today.

Kitchen...Red Currant Cream from CYS and still great. One of my treasures I found

Living room. A lot going on but the combo is fabulous. Chery's Buttery Gingerbread in melts, triple layer candle and on the Caramel layer. Wish i could find these, but i think only available at the Aldi's food stores as is made for them, and YC candle in Green Bamboo.

Comp.. a very old Spiced Cranberry from Can-Do...but strong and good.


Have a good one. We have a chance for freezing mist on top of all this snow...but hope it passes us. Finally got out yesterday after being held a snow hostage since Monday. Thanks heavens for scents and my cats

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skylar, that CFTKR brown sugar nut sounds good.


sweet/spicy-that is way too funny(not about your nose but your thinking you were running late for work) I've done that too and the only thing that saved me was as I was out of the shower and putting on my makeup, the news people were not the ones I normally watch. lol


well the secret recipe had to go. I swear it smelled like I was baking a pizza or a lasagna. wasn't even so much the cheese smell but I swore there was italian sauce in there too. sooo funny how our noses perceive things. settled on my CFTKR bear claw. had to blow out my candle, and chose Can-do peppermint bark to take my afternoon nap to before work.


enjoy your day, all

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Sweet, that's hilarious about your morning! :P But kind of disorienting too, eh? :? I remember going to church many years ago, early morning service with my babe in arms. There I was in my Sunday go to meetin' clothes and my baby clean and powdery fresh. But nobody was there. Hours later I realized we had switched from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time. Duh!!


Melting Cheryl's Christmas Mulberry. Pure wax perfection! [smilie=th_LOVE]



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Good afternoon CF friends! It's icon09_040.gif time!!!!


I am absolutely loving the scents everyone has melting! :roll:


Right now I have one YC Mountain Pine tart melting in the LR and it is super strong! I may have to blow out the tealight soon and relight later on. I mean it, this on is seriously about to chase me outside!!! [smilie=th_Drglar] Think I will light YC Home for the Holidays jar instead.


It's been a typical busy Saturday here....the sun is shining and it is really pretty out. After doing some running around town this morning, I spruced up the house a bit and am now in the midst of doing ;) DH is outside with DS#2 working on our ice rink. DS#1 and a buddy are playing video games... :shock:


Gail, liver brownies! Yum, my fave! [smilie=th_yellow5] [smilie=th_00000020] [smilie=th_bounce]


sweet, what a crazy morning....cute story though...thanks for sharing.


Maggie, are you another HL fan? I have been wanting to try them out, but high shipping charges have stopped me.

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Aria~ I know...they were $10 for about 28 singles...but I ordered with the 10% off sale and that cut the shipping by about $4. Unfortunately, she did charge me tax...? It was under $2 so I'm not gonna contact her...so far the tarts are strong so I am happy. I mostly ordered Christmas scents, maybe I should have ordered some regular scents too.

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Ok guys...didnt get a chance to read all the posts but I have a busy afternoon planned....


WAS and I say WAS melting Can Do's Gingerbread Latte and hubby was cleaning out the fireplace and since the little melter was sitting atop the fireplace mantle, can you guess what happened next? Yup! he tripped over the cord and whalla!!!! we have instant wax splashes on our fairly recent painted textured walls!!!!!!!


I am trying the boiled water trick and it is helping somewhat but the wax seems to be stuck in the texture of the wall and it doesn't want to release! I will perservere though...Hey, at leat I'll have walls that smell of Gingerbread Latte....lol

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Sweet&Spicey, that is so funny. This must feel like you really got a day off then.


I switched out melts for this evening.


HoT - Pink Baby Girl on Christmas Morning (or something like that - threw the wrapper away already)

CP - Partridge in a Pear Tree

YC - Coconut Cookie Bar

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Guest ilovescentedthings

were burning illuminations candy cane candle,yankee's jack frost and were melting in the girls room crosscreeks vanilla bean noel.

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DH is outside with DS#2 working on our ice rink. DS#1 and a buddy are playing video games... :roll:


Gail, liver brownies! Yum, my fave! [smilie=th_Drglar] ;) [smilie=th_yellow5]


Hey Aria, you have your own ice rink? Wow, how impressive! Please tell us more details about it. I'll save some liver brownies for you. [smilie=th_00000020]


Anjoy, good luck with the wax on your walls. I hope it all comes off without too much trouble. :shock:


I'm melting SH's Sinfully Vanilla. Ooooh so good on this cold, windy, rainy day! [smilie=th_bounce]



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Aria - what fun to have your own ice rink! A neighbor of ours had one when we were kids and we all had a ton of fun on it. Needless to say, their house was very popular during the winter months. [smilie=th_bounce]


Anjoymom - I'll echo what Aria suggested. I've heard good things about Goo Gone.


This afternoon I changed out to Candles, Melts & More's Autumn Celebration. Luv this scent [smilie=th_00000020] ,vaguely reminiscent of McCall's Country Store. Sad she went OOB, she was the only vendor I know of that had this scent. I'll have to google it and see if I can find another source.


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Happy Saturday!


Santa visited our street thanks to the great firemen in our town. DD was extremely happy. DH is getting used to being on EST after his trip to Japan. I'm soo happy because Williams Sonoma messed up. I sent some salmon and Stilton cheese to my family in MA. They got the salmon delivery right but sent me the cheese. I called them and they are fixing it by resending a new cheese to my family in MA and I get to keep the cheese they sent to me. It's sooo good! DH was happy about this too.


Tonight I'm melting Carol's Chocolate Fudge Cake (mouthwatering) and Plum Pudding.


I'm burning YC's Mountain Pine and Holiday Bayberry (both are very pretty).

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Recent melts:

CYS bourbon de vanille...weak

Angie's hips n sticks.....moderate

YC Christmas at the Beach...strong but didn't last long

YC Christmas Eve...moderate

Crosscreek snowdrift berries....moderate

YC rhubarb plum...weak..old tart

EW Christmas holly...weak

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I'm also burning YC Christmas Cupcake jar this early morning.

also YC Mountain Pine jar and CBV Cafe au lait jar


I've got cupcakes, coffee, and pine scents. It's working for me. [smilie=thank_you]

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good morning, all.


LLVV, that chocolate fudge cake sounds sooo good. glad your husband is getting used to the time switch. always seems to take me 7 days on the dot. lol


that ice rink sounds fun for the kids. nice to see kids outside instead of nose to the monitors.


CFTKR-blackberry jam butter cookie creme brulee -LR

and coconut milk lavender in the bedroom for my sleep time melt.


have a good day, all

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Hey everyone. Just home from work, we had a little bit of ice. It's been one of [smilie=thank_you] weekends. Yesterday somebody hit the electric pole and had no heat, for 8 hours. They got it back on a hour before I had to go to work. Sorry for the venting. I remelting: Coco Delight by LOL.



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Good morning!


Still melting the same yummy scents as last night - Chocolate Fudge Cake and Plum Pudding. I'm burning YC's Holiday Bayberry and Christmas Wish.


Tunisianswife - I just melted Blackberry Jam Butter Cookies Creme Brulee the other day. I was sooo good!

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