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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


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Everything posted by Aria

  1. Welcome back Tiffany! Today I am enjoying Carol's Country Bake Shop....it's okay, but not real strong. Jules, I am off to run errands too.
  2. Good afternoon gang! This afternoon we are enjoying Carol's Pumpkin Zucchini Bread.....smells yummy and the scent is mixing nicely with the fresh pot of coffee I just brewed. Sort of gloomy here today, so I also have my WG Nutmeg & Cream candle going. Pink Crush from Crosscreek is still going strong upstairs. Heidi, I really admire you for homeschooling your children. It's not something I think I could do....do you find it challenging sometimes? fleur, we just took all of our boxes with decorations down to the basement too. We have an artificial tree, so DH hauled that down too. My house looks kind of blah now. I have decided I need more red accents in my house to give it a little punch of color. I love red.
  3. Good Morning! For starters this Sunday, I have Crosscreek Heart & Home going....forgot how much I love this scent! The kids go back to school tomorrow! Anyone else excited?
  4. LOL sweet! I get it! Tonights melts are CFTKR Sugared Spruce and CHC Baked Apples. Also have my YC Christmas Wish candle lit...... Oh yeah, also have Crosscreeks Pink Crush going upstairs....smells yummy....I like it a lot and will reorder for sure.
  5. Good morning! This morning I am melting Pumpkin Carrot Treat by EW....oh my, this one is gooooood! Heart, I will take a cup of ....Thanks!
  6. Hi there fellow wax lovers! LLVV, I have seen those french press thingys at Starbucks, but I don't have one. I have a machine called a Senseo that makes a pretty good cup of coffee. I just like the fact that I can make one cup at a time without fussing with the big pot and such. I love Dunkin Donuts coffee....it's very tasty. I am addicted to the flavored coffeemate creamers. Here is what I have melting... GHBT Harvest Spiced Apple in the kitchen Dew Drop Lavender in the mudroom Nene's Hot Buttered Rum in the living room Can-Do Spiced Patchouli upstairs
  7. Hi gang! I did end up melting Can-Do's Blue Sugar and love it.....have it in a 24 watt combo melter and it took awhile to melt and start throwing. I think EW's version may be a little stronger IMO. So here is what I have melting.....and burning.... Warm Glow Cranberry Chutney candle....so pretty with the red interior and creamy outer layer.... Can-Do....Blue Sugar melting in the LR EW....Frankicense & Myrrh melting in the powder room
  8. Thanks Jules and katz for the soap suggestions! I am off to do some damage....hehe..... candlelove, Yay! Another Blue Sugar fan!!!!
  9. Jules, I think Blue Sugar is perfect for any time of the year. So glad I tried it! Who makes the soap??
  10. Happy New Year! I want to wish all of my Candlefind friends good health and happiness in 2009! You guys are the best! Starting out the day with EW Marshmallow Madness. Jules, I wanted to tell you how much I am loving EW Blue Sugar.....I mean REALLY LOVING IT!! I was really getting tired of the holiday scents and this was just what I needed! I am going to have to order more of this scent for sure! I also have a couple tarts from Can-Do in Blue Sugar....have you tried Donna's yet? I think I will melt one later to compare. Think I will go light my Warm Glow Nutmeg & Cream Chutney candle...
  11. The vanilla hazelnut brulee from earlier had no throw whatsoever. I could only smell it when I was standing right next to the melter. Here is what I have going now.... EW blue sugar from yesterday in the MBR WG Nutmeg & Cream Chutney hearth candle....nice scent, but I think the Snickerdoodle is still my fave... Glade glistening snow candle in the powder room Um, that's all for now.....I plan on doing a little inventory on my stash today and see what treasures I can find!
  12. :P toberetired! Have a great day! Melting Carol's Vanilla Hazelnut Brulee.
  13. Can't wait to see your opinion of it. It's not for everyone, but I luv it. EW makes one of the truest versions so you picked a good one to sample. Jules, I am LOVING Blue Sugar!!!! Heavenly! Definite reorder for sure.... I think I may like it more than Pink Sugar....not as sweet.
  14. :oops: Those Frosted Lime Cupcake tarts are calling my name..... :P
  15. :P I can't hear you all talking about Carol's sale!!!! Melting Blue Sugar from EW this evening...my first time trying this scent.
  16. Jules, I know what you mean about shopping for the new blends and that kinda makes the old tarts look kinda "blah"......I think I will pack up the remaining holiday scents and keep them in the basement. I've had good luck in the past with tarts retaining their scent. Susan, hope ya feel better LLVV, I am VERY tempted to have a shopping spree at Carol's shop!!!! I keep telling myself I don't NEED any more tarts!!!! Enjoy your new goodies! Any must-haves? candlelove, girl, I was just loving all the holiday scents and now I can't stand the thought of melting another candy cane or balsam scented tart! lol katz, I hate taking down the tree.....I am hoping my scents will be okay in the basement since it's cool down there.... Right now the only melt I have going is Nene's Honey Graham Pie Crust....this one is so good!
  17. Hi everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was very, very nice. A part of me is glad it's over......sort of can't wait to get back to our normal routine. The kids go back to school next Monday Yesterday I melted HoT Creamy Nutmeg and it was really yummy..... Is anyone else getting bored with the holiday scents? I think I will pack up my remaining holiday scents and save them for next year. I am ready to change up my scents a little bit...... Today it's a favorite bakery scent from Carol.....Baked Apples.....delish! Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!
  18. This morning I am melting CHC Ho Ho Mistletoe......love this scent a lot.....I should've ordered more than one! Oh well, I should get at least 2 tealights out of it. Feel better Lisa!
  19. OMG, is it cold here!!!!!! Sheesh!!!!!!!! So far I have Nene's Rustic Blend melting and also have my WG Snickerdoodle candle burning. I have lit this candle almost everyday and it is burning beautifully. I've never had to trim the wick or "hug" the sides at all. Very low maintenance candle....lol! I am thinking I will get another couple of days out of it.....it's such a nice scent and seems to compliment whatever other scents I am melting. Oh yeah, just started EW Candy Cane in the kitchen melter too!
  20. Nene's ~ Holly Berry in the melter in my living room YC ~ Holiday Bayberry candle burning in the living room Crosscreek ~ Berry Christmas in the melter in the kitchen YC ~ Christmas Wish candle in the dining room
  21. Good Afternoon.....we got lots of snow here....probably 9 or 10 inches at least.. The kids had the day off because of the snow and so now they are on Christmas vacation.....they've been sledding and playing in the snow all day. This is what my house smells like right now.... Can-Do ~ Snow Covered Pine Nene's ~ New England Bayberry YC ~ Red Berry & Cedar candle Warm Glow ~ Nutmeg & Cream Chutney candle EW ~ Frankincense & Myrrh...holy moly....strong tart....only put 1/2 of the tart in the melter! It is scenting my powder room nicely and drifting into the hallway and mudroom!
  22. :) Feeling quite a bit better....thank you to all my sweet CF friends who sent well wishes. You are all so kind. Hugs to those who are feeling icky.... I am determined to start melting like a madwoman. ...I have lots of catching up to do! lol First melt of the day is Nene's Spiked Egg Nog.......cold smell is good....love EGG NOG!!!! Also have my WG Snickerdoodle candle going on the DR table....looks so pretty. Gotta go ice some melters and plot what other scents I want to melt today.... We are expecting a big snowstorm starting tonight.....6"-12".......YAY, can't wait! I've done lots of last minute on-line shopping while I've been sick, so hopefully the packages will start arriving and I can get them wrapped!!!!! Have a great day!
  23. mpfand, thanks girl.....I am really enjoying Nene's Peppermint Bark right now....it's been a couple of days since I melted anything....Hey, could you come over and wrap my gifts too? [smilie=th_myspacepunked_sign0009]
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