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Thanks & Merry Christmas!


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Posts posted by jedda

  1. Still melting Kim's 'Grammie's Apple Butter' in the living room, but I've noticed that the apple scent has died down. I don't want to waste the yummy cinnamon bakery notes that are still hanging around, so I added a cube of Scentsationals 'Crispy Apples' to the warmer. Smells great!


    I've got a million things to get done before it rains later today, so I'll have to change out the warmers when I get home.

  2. I'm melting Kim's 'Grammie's Apple Butter' and it is just starting to throw. I'm excited for this scent!



    How's this for odd? This tart is actually a totally delicious apple-cinnamon-bakery scent. I was expecting straight-up tart apples and heavy cinnamon, since that would be a more traditional apple butter scent.


    Once it got melting, I picked up a mix of sweet apples, cinnamon, and sweet vanilla cake. She should change the name to "Grammie's Apple Butter Pound Cake"! It is delicious!

  3. I'm melting 'Trisha's Pink Cake' from CFTKR - one of my faves!


    Also a couple of candles going in various places through the house. Not sure what company they are from, but the label says 'French Vanilla Cake'. I found a cello bag with 6 of these votives... I guess I stashed them away for a rainy day? Who knows? They're good sized for votives, and smell yummy, so I stuck 'em in clear glass holders around the living room, kitchen and hallway.


    Have a nice Friday night!

  4. Hey Jedda, just curious - when you order from Kim's do you get it from her regular website or the etsy (I think it's etsy) site that includes the shipping?



    I used her ecrater site. Someone on here gave me the link a long time ago, and when I first ordered from her I thought that was her only site. This was right after she stopped selling on ebay.


    I haven't used the regular site yet, but I would consider it in the future if I made a big purchase. The ecrater page has products with the shipping included in the individual prices. Her other site is 25¢ less per item, with flat rate shipping (I think it is $5.95, or close to that.)


    I added it up when I ordered, and the ecrater store saved me around $3, so I ordered there. If she prefers people order from one site or the other, I wish she'd just have one store, you know? I'm gonna be honest, I'll take the less expensive option every time.


    Jedda - bummer about the Kim's tarts being mushed up like that. I will remember not to order that many at one time - and you missed out on freebies too - boo!




    I think I'll just order more next time, in order to guarantee a larger box. My last order was the same size - 8 of her 3-packs, and it came in a slightly larger regular box (not flat rate) with tissue and wadded paper (and samples!) No damage last time. All I can think of was that she was trying to get it here quickly for the same price as regular shipping. If so, I appreciate it, because nothing melted.


    At least her stuff smells great. I don't use tarts for decoration, so appearance doean't really matter, but this particular pack is hard to store. It's all crumbly, and the bag ripped, so I'm just going to have to melt it up!





    I moved all of the "Kitchen Spice" to the big melter in the kitchen (ha ha!) and put on another Haley's "Pink Marshmallow Madness" in the living room melter. This one is just great. Very strong, and throws like crazy for hours.


    I'm also rooting around for a something to melt in my son's room. He has friends coming over to hang out in a bit, so I'm trying to get the weird "sports equipment" smell outta there. It smells like plastic, or rubber. Grab a tennis ball and give it a whiff - that's what his room smells like.


    He's requested something that smells like "grass, or trees, or you know, whatever" so I'm going to have to give it some thought.

  6. Good morning everyone! I'm on a mission to use up some older waxies, so here's what is melting today:


    Kitchen - 'Birthday Cake' from Kim's Tart Candles and an Apple Cinnamon candle from Glade

    Living Room - 'Crispy Apples' from Scentsationals

    Bathroom - 'Apple Mango Tango type' from Backroad Hobbies (crazy strong, so I'm only melting 1/4 of the tart)

    Bedroom - 'Marshmallow Madness' from Haley's mixed with 'Sweet Orange' from Pink Flower Scents. Big thumbs up on this combo! :)

  7. Maggie, I'm sorry that you're having such a bad time with the Backroad Hobbies tarts. Mine are all pretty old - I haven't ordered from them since last spring. I had a few scents that were knock-out strong, a few that were fairly light, but most of them were average to slightly-above-average. I've only had a fuel scent with one, a lemon bakery blend (I forget which one it was.)



    According to my notes, I would reorder about half of the scents that I've tried from them, but only if they were on sale.

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